I think it's important to vary your fat sources. Peanuts are ok, but they contain primarily omega-6 fatty acids, so should be balanced by flax, fish, evening primrose, or even black currant oil to provide omega 3 and omega-9 fatty acids. Generally a good guideline is to have about a 1:1 ratio of omega 3's to omega 6's, with a little omega 9 as well. EFA's perform a wide range of functions in the body, from increasing insulin sensitivity to improving HDL/LDL ratios and modulating inflammation. They will improve your overall health and support athletic performance. On the subject of carbs I feel the same way and would recommend including both oatmeal and yams for variety. They are both excellent carb sources. Both are low-glycemic carbs(slow-burning/low insulin response), Oatmeal contains soluble fiber to keep things moving,lol as well as naturally occuring melatonin. Yams are high in vitamin A and I believe potassium. I would use oatmeal in the morning for breakfast (make sure it's the old fashioned or steel-cut kind, instant oats are not as good) and maybe have a yam with an evening meal.