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Hey guys, what would you think of stacking Synthetine with Syntheselen plus clen and GHRP-2 and Fragment 176-191?

Woking in moderate cal deffecit.

Any thoughts would be great.

Cheers :D

Ummm, you'll get ripped?
They are two entirely different products. Synthetine allows fat burning to happen while Syntheselen is a fat burner.

I don't use Syntheselen anymore as I am simply sick of IM injections. The only IM's I do are the HRT shots. Synthetine I do SQ - 1.5ml/shot, 14 shots per day all over the body. Painless, hassle free, none of that IM pain in the ass.

Any reason you are breaking it up into so many shots? The subcutaneous area can hold a lot of fluids. Particularly if it is water based i dont see why you cant do four 5ml injections cause they will dissipate quickly. Unless you think that it has sport reducing properties and are trying to evenly spread it out all over your abdomen then i dont see why you want to do that many smaller injections. Do you use insulin with it?
Any reason you are breaking it up into so many shots? The subcutaneous area can hold a lot of fluids. Particularly if it is water based i dont see why you cant do four 5ml injections cause they will dissipate quickly. Unless you think that it has sport reducing properties and are trying to evenly spread it out all over your abdomen then i dont see why you want to do that many smaller injections. Do you use insulin with it?

5cc's hurts
Any reason you are breaking it up into so many shots? The subcutaneous area can hold a lot of fluids. Particularly if it is water based i dont see why you cant do four 5ml injections cause they will dissipate quickly. Unless you think that it has sport reducing properties and are trying to evenly spread it out all over your abdomen then i dont see why you want to do that many smaller injections. Do you use insulin with it?

OK. I was keeping the small shots due to dissipation reasons. I'll try the larger amounts.
I don't use insulin.
This is a great thread!! Love see the big dogs posting up their protocols
and results from the products!!
OK. I was keeping the small shots due to dissipation reasons. I'll try the larger amounts.
I don't use insulin.

Let us know how the 5ml shots go! I'm interested in the amounts per injection!
I get tired of hitting myself 7 times a week....MY GOD, hitting myself that many times daily I would lose my mind! I use to pride myself on not being a pussy...I suppose the expression there is always a bigger, badder mf rings true here
Oh, but I am doing the Syntherol protocol for my calves.....well see if im man enough to go through with it....2-3 inches on calves is worth it :))))
I don't use Syntheselen anymore as I am simply sick of IM injections. The only IM's I do are the HRT shots. Synthetine I do SQ - 1.5ml/shot, 14 shots per day all over the body. Painless, hassle free, none of that IM pain in the ass.

A human pincushion:p
Interested in trying this so I have a few questions for you guys who have used 'mega' doses.

I travel a lot for work (flying, usually one or two day trips) and even though the product is legal, I just can't travel with it and take the chance of TSA spreading my shit out all over the place with a couple other Senior Partners with me. I never work out while on the road so all of my workouts are when I am not away. I train 3-4 days a week (depending on travel), doing intermittent fasting with all my carbs before/during/after my workouts and no carbs on non-workout days. If I understand correctly, this product works better in the presence of carbs so I am curious if I would see significant results taking 'mega' doses before workouts with carbs. Also, what dosage should I consider working up to? I'm not a big cat like a lot of you guys (5'6', 200lbs) so the 'recommended dosage' for me would be around 3.5 CC's per day. Any thoughts are appreciated.
To big A

Hi Big A firstly i just joined this site today and have gleaned so much info aready from it, class site, my question to u is im a male 6ft 3 15st 10lb bodyfat 18% im thinking of purchasing Syntheselen and Synthetine to help me reduce bodyfat and increase lean muscle have also seen syntheburn could you please advise a cycle on how much of each i should inj aday? should i take each one every other day? do i take it along with syntheburn? also none of these products can give u gyne is that correct?altho i have been training for years i am a complete novice on theses thingsand after reading loads of the posts here i would very much appreciate the opinion of an expert. ps im taking Synthelamin B-12 at the min.
thanks for your reply

Regards Big B.
20 ml a day, holy crap thats expensive. I liked the synthelamin and the liver one. I didn't notice much off the Syntheselen and Synthetine. The syntheselen you can't do subq because it balls up and takes weeks to dissolve.
The syntheselen you can't do subq because it balls up and takes weeks to dissolve.

I have never done it any other way then sq and haven't had this problem? The first few shots left a knot afterwards but didn't experience it after that.
Any reason you are breaking it up into so many shots? The subcutaneous area can hold a lot of fluids. Particularly if it is water based i dont see why you cant do four 5ml injections cause they will dissipate quickly. Unless you think that it has sport reducing properties and are trying to evenly spread it out all over your abdomen then i dont see why you want to do that many smaller injections. Do you use insulin with it?

it does dissipate quickly yes but it hurts a little when you massage it
I go with 3ccs per site and its fine
OK. I was keeping the small shots due to dissipation reasons. I'll try the larger amounts.
I don't use insulin.

Big man, how's it going with those larger shots...Interested in hearing which you prefer!!
Interested in trying this so I have a few questions for you guys who have used 'mega' doses.

I travel a lot for work (flying, usually one or two day trips) and even though the product is legal, I just can't travel with it and take the chance of TSA spreading my shit out all over the place with a couple other Senior Partners with me. I never work out while on the road so all of my workouts are when I am not away. I train 3-4 days a week (depending on travel), doing intermittent fasting with all my carbs before/during/after my workouts and no carbs on non-workout days. If I understand correctly, this product works better in the presence of carbs so I am curious if I would see significant results taking 'mega' doses before workouts with carbs. Also, what dosage should I consider working up to? I'm not a big cat like a lot of you guys (5'6', 200lbs) so the 'recommended dosage' for me would be around 3.5 CC's per day. Any thoughts are appreciated.

Any thoughts on this?

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