Bro's, Hey I am new here, however I do come here all the time, it's just taken me this long to register. I really like your board and your members seem to be as good as they come. Anyway, down to business. I finished a bulking cycle about Sept. and between then I have had a dislocated knee and various other things that have went wrong in my life. Needless to say I hadn't been able to do any cardio until recently. For some background, I am not a rookie, I have done about 6-7 cycles. I am 24, 220, have 18-19 inch arms, and am about 15-16% bodyfat. Since high school when I was 18 I have put on about 80 lbs of muscle (and of course some fat as well). I have real good genetics, and don't have to dose to high with AAS to get good results. With that said, I want to get down to 10% bf. My diet is real good, I have had a personal trainer friend of mine help me out with it. Nevertheless, I would like to maybe add some t-3, or something to help the fat come off. I have never done T-3 and just need some advice on how to take it. I thought of taking it just by itself, with a low dose of D-bol, or some prop. Would it be ok to take just by itself? I understand that t-3 does not distinguish between fat and muscle, which is why I haven't done that yet. I don't bloat too bad, and I figured a low dose of d-bol (10-20mgs) would help me retain some of my muscle mass while I was on the t-3. I have also been drinking about a pot of coffee everyday, which I don't know if that is a good thing or not, but it definitely helps me pay attention in Anyway, I would just basically like some advice on how to get down to my desired body fat percentage, and some advice on using t-3. Thanks for your alls help, and I would appreciate any suggestions you all might have. Thanks!