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Team Skip True Protein


Featured Member/Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
May 16, 2003
OMG!!! Dante sent me the Strawberry/Coconut.... AMAzing! I had to check the kcalorie content to make sure it was ok to use while dieting... found my new favorite blend and protein style... next up that PB and choc!!:love:

True Protein... its undeniable!

OMG!!! Dante sent me the Strawberry/Coconut.... AMAzing! I had to check the kcalorie content to make sure it was ok to use while dieting... found my new favorite blend and protein style... next up that PB and choc!!:love:

True Protein... its undeniable!


Is that a new flavor? Strawberry-Coconut?
I don't see it on the site but it sounds good.
Is that a new flavor? Strawberry-Coconut?
I don't see it on the site but it sounds good.

x2. never heard of that one before. i'll have to give it a try
No idea...

I looked also and didnt see the flavor but damn..... its simply amazing!

OMG!!! Dante sent me the Strawberry/Coconut.... AMAzing! I had to check the kcalorie content to make sure it was ok to use while dieting... found my new favorite blend and protein style... next up that PB and choc!!:love:

True Protein... its undeniable!

gooey the choc/PB is to die for, by far my favorite. the choc/coconut is damn good also, just got some in and using it but its not as good as choc/PB :love:
I have to try one of these funky flavors, I always go for the regular pb van or choc
Once I'm out of pure whey I'm going with Team Skip from here on in.

I highly, highly recommend the chocolate-coconut. Without a doubt my favorite. And I don't even like coconut all that much.
I told my clean room crew to make that one up special for Gooey because he always gets strawberry and I wanted to blow his mind.
I told my clean room crew to make that one up special for Gooey because he always gets strawberry and I wanted to blow his mind.

And this became fair WHEN? I asked for double mint and you threw in 2 fucking pieces of gum in mine. Jesus.

Gooey has more pull than I do, apparently. I will have Gooey send me some. :)

And this became fair WHEN? I asked for double mint and you threw in 2 fucking pieces of gum in mine. Jesus.

Gooey has more pull than I do, apparently. I will have Gooey send me some. :)


I asked for an "special chocolate" flavour and he... nevermind, look at his screenname and take your conclusions...
Im in love...

I told my clean room crew to make that one up special for Gooey because he always gets strawberry and I wanted to blow his mind.

And this became fair WHEN? I asked for double mint and you threw in 2 fucking pieces of gum in mine. Jesus.

Gooey has more pull than I do, apparently. I will have Gooey send me some. :)


Mind Blown!!! I am sorry I cannot part ways with this... I may sleep with it at nite also ;)
WHAT IS up with all this trueprotein Spam the last week it seems to be a new thread with some that just got a free protein flavor. and has to make a thread to tell his friends shellby,b-boy and skip.

trueprotein flavors is good. but just think that that it has become a little to much lately.
i know they are a sponser. so why dont they make a thread about this in the sponser area. we all know all you guys is sponsered by trueprotein and you have to make this thread over and over again. for him to keep send you this things.

just my 2 cents. just wanna see this on the sponser arena and not here all the time
WHAT IS up with all this trueprotein Spam the last week it seems to be a new thread with some that just got a free protein flavor. and has to make a thread to tell his friends shellby,b-boy and skip.

trueprotein flavors is good. but just think that that it has become a little to much lately.
i know they are a sponser. so why dont they make a thread about this in the sponser area. we all know all you guys is sponsered by trueprotein and you have to make this thread over and over again. for him to keep send you this things.

just my 2 cents. just wanna see this on the sponser arena and not here all the time
:rolleyes: it sucks being small doesn't it.

WHAT IS up with all this trueprotein Spam the last week it seems to be a new thread with some that just got a free protein flavor. and has to make a thread to tell his friends shellby,b-boy and skip.

trueprotein flavors is good. but just think that that it has become a little to much lately.
i know they are a sponser. so why dont they make a thread about this in the sponser area. we all know all you guys is sponsered by trueprotein and you have to make this thread over and over again. for him to keep send you this things.

just my 2 cents. just wanna see this on the sponser arena and not here all the time

Nothing woring with calling out people to eliminate bias and credibility... I am a True Protein sponsored athlete... I have been using Dante's Strawberry Whey Protein Isolate... I have now swtiched over the the Team Skip Strawberry/Coconut blend... and it amazing.. Tried something new and I loved it. Thats all my post was for brutha... no one forces you to buy the product but I will endorse my sponsors.. especially of the product is top notch!

I would rather hear about good tasting proteins and good products than every single thread starting out :

"hey fellas, hows my cycle look...... 1.5grams test 700 mgs tren 12iu's gh and 25 iu's slin? oh btw my training is perfect and so it my nutrition....my stats are 5'9 and 165 lbs....thanks"

kinda see what i'm sayin lol
Nothing woring with calling out people to eliminate bias and credibility... I am a True Protein sponsored athlete... I have been using Dante's Strawberry Whey Protein Isolate... I have now swtiched over the the Team Skip Strawberry/Coconut blend... and it amazing.. Tried something new and I loved it. Thats all my post was for brutha... no one forces you to buy the product but I will endorse my sponsors.. especially of the product is top notch!


I swear...of all the people...sheeesh. Dan you know you are just whoring out the product. Stop lying to make friends:D
I would rather hear about good tasting proteins and good products than every single thread starting out :

"hey fellas, hows my cycle look...... 1.5grams test 700 mgs tren 12iu's gh and 25 iu's slin? oh btw my training is perfect and so it my nutrition....my stats are 5'9 and 165 lbs....thanks"

kinda see what i'm sayin lol

My sentiments, exactly. Everyone that you mention has posted about TrueProtein also are large contributors to this board for solid and knowledable information. Someone always has to complain and then say "I must have hit a nerve" or "you are having a meltdown", etc.. Some of you guys get reallly, really old with your whining.

Gear-unit: your contributions to this board are duly noted. lol

Heres the thing.

You can talk about spamming if its straight out spamming with no benefits given out to everyone.

But thats not the case.

I do my best in bodybuilding to take care of my fellow bodybuilders.

**broken link removed**

Every single month I send out 3000 to 5000 dollars in checks to customers! Every month i send out 1000's of pounds of free protein to customers!

I dont pay some lazy pro big money to use his pics while he plays playstation all day long for advertising.....I pay my customers for their good deeds. Give it back to the people that ACTUALLY HELP YOU......thats how i do things.

Now on another vein of thought....Over the last 5 years who have been the top 4 paid amateurs in this sport? Trey Brewer is one of them....the other 3 have been under my advice and tutelage and in two of those cases I wrote letters to the CEO's of those supplement companies that it would behoove them to sign up my guy because he is going to reap them great rewards. I PUSHED GOOD BODYBUILDERS TOWARD SUPPLEMENT COMPANIES OTHER THAN TRUEPROTEIN SO THEY CAN GET PAID AND PAID HANDSOMELY. Why? Because thats how I roll....I feel it is my duty to give back to this sport and it doesnt have to benefit me.....does losing those 3 guys (household names) and seeing them go to bigtime supplement companies other than TP kind of sting? Yea but guess what it benefits them! I want people to succeed and reach their goals, not be selfish! Their salaries? 2000 to 5000 dollars a month...FOR AN AMATEUR!!!! To get paid to train and eat and diet! What other supplement company owner would do that for an athlete to go to a competing or alike company so that athlete could benefit? I DO. And gladly!

Besides that.....how many DC training guys have you seen sign with muscletech now? What is it 15 total spread between pro's and amateurs? Why dont some of you guys in here that are with muscletech as a sponsored athlete please let guys here at pro muscle know who wrote the letters and hooked that up for you? Why? It sure isnt because I want them off the trueprotein team! I want them to succeed whether its with me or without me...(once again)

So when I see a guy talking about spamming I take it personally because I do my very very best to give back to the bodybuilding community.

Want to see what putting your money where your mouth is about?

Every single guy on this thread who has allready posted before me {that allready isnt a trueprotein sponsored athlete} gets a five pound jug of TEAMSKIP PROTEIN flavored any way you want it---you tell me and ill flavor it exactly as you want it...since i did that for Gooey.......sent to you on the house and ill pay for shipping too....EVERY SINGLE GUY ON THIS THREAD THAT HAS ALLREADY POSTED EXCEPT GEAR-UNIT.

(Just email me at [email protected] and say "hey dante, this is "screename" at pro muscle....I posted before you on that thread.....here is where I want my five pounds of teamskip to be sent and this is the flavor i want it in (and remember guys i can mix things up...i can make you vanilla coconut or strawberry coconut or chocolate peanut butter or whatever you want so i will do that for you with this above).....and ill make sure my cleanroom guys make it up for you and it will be sent out.
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