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Tendons and super supplementation


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Kilo Klub Member
Jun 9, 2002
As most who I have talked to here or follow any posts know that I've been off for around 2 1/2-3 years. I WANT TO CHANGE THIS! But I also just got back to working out after a 5 1/2 month layoff. I just completed my 2nd full week of workouts and am feeling pretty good. Still have adjustments and ART done twice a week to keep everything coming back on line good. But here is the major delima (sp) My first game is on saturday and then we have 2 weeks off and then 9 or 10 straight games. I have no major drive in my legs due to the amount of strength that I lost. When we run sprints and what not I have one gear and when I try and kick it into the other it's like the strength just hasn't built itself up. I know it's not going to happen over night. But if I jump back on so soon I'm concerned about how this is going to affect my tendons and shit from the dramatic strength increase. I'm only looking at something like 50mg prop ed and fina at 37.5mg ed. Something to kick things up a bit and tighten things up. I know my body will come around to how I like it, that's not a concern. I just need the drive in my legs so I can be that fast white boy on the RAGE again. Sorry if this posts seems like it jumps a bit, but I've had slight tendonitis and MAJOR bursitis, so this is something that I have a serious concern for taking too fast.
I dunno how it will react with you but I took off 2 years from the gas and 1 year from training! I had a slight tear in my pec when I took off and I am only about 5-6 months into training and I have seen no problems from it at all! I used to have pain benching anything now I notice no pain at all! So if anything I would think that the time off allows your body o heal! So to some it up I would say no and go for it! Hope it works wel for ya!!!!!
Seems like you'll have some "clean" receptors and gear will be very effective. Make sure you strectch good (I'm sure you do) and Glucosamine HCL and MSM really help.

You must be a much better man than me :) Fina really improves my strength but puts my endurance in the shit-hole. Hell, I can hardly walk up the stairs in my house without getting winded when on fina :mad:

I've always heard that but I'm not sure how it will affect me, the fina that is. I've used it a couple times but it seems like it was sooo long ago. I remember the last thing I did was fina and sust during the preseason and had good results. But I don't think I ever allowed myself to slow down. Every day after a workout I ran atleast a mile. And on non weight days I did the track for sprints then went to the treadmill for distance. I ran the fastest time ever that preseason. So with any luck my fat ass won't have any new problems. I just didn't want to jump the gun with the increase in strength and fuck up anymore. I'm almost half temped to change my diet also. It would be real plain and even aggrevating to some but it just might work. Egg whites, red meat, green veggies, tuna, and oats and pretty much nothing else except shakes. 3-4 steaks everyday with 6-7 cans of tuna and some oats in the morning and greens in the evenings.
Xcel I hope my receptors are clean! I want to see how well I can do on low doses before anything crazy.
Armageddon said:
I've always heard that but I'm not sure how it will affect me, the fina that is. I've used it a couple times but it seems like it was sooo long ago. I remember the last thing I did was fina and sust during the preseason and had good results. But I don't think I ever allowed myself to slow down. Every day after a workout I ran atleast a mile. And on non weight days I did the track for sprints then went to the treadmill for distance. I ran the fastest time ever that preseason. So with any luck my fat ass won't have any new problems. I just didn't want to jump the gun with the increase in strength and fuck up anymore. I'm almost half temped to change my diet also. It would be real plain and even aggrevating to some but it just might work. Egg whites, red meat, green veggies, tuna, and oats and pretty much nothing else except shakes. 3-4 steaks everyday with 6-7 cans of tuna and some oats in the morning and greens in the evenings.
Xcel I hope my receptors are clean! I want to see how well I can do on low doses before anything crazy.

yea I would love to hear more advice on meds for tendanitus right now im just masking the pain with every pain med u can think of... but no improvement and walking sure is a challenge even on the med...
Armageddon said:
It would be real plain and even aggrevating to some but it just might work. Egg whites, red meat, green veggies, tuna, and oats and pretty much nothing else except shakes. 3-4 steaks everyday with 6-7 cans of tuna and some oats in the morning and greens in the evenings.
If you throw in some yams, it sounds like my diet bro - about 3,500 - 4,000 calories (but I'm small compared to you :) )

Just warmed up my bi's and this is a feeling that I haven't had in a long time. I LOVE THIS GAME! LOL Diet is going to be simple for the first couple of weeks as I have this tire to remove from my waist and it will be on after that. I may turn into one of those guys that stays on for the whole... when a long time lol
I'm close to my same weight as before I stopped training, but I'm not nearly as big. I just want to swell back up and then get back under that 8% range. That was so much fun to walk around under that %, I loved it. Now that I'm back online I also think that I may have to do that show in the spring that I wanted to do this year.
Dave go and get some ART done, it's become my best friend and something that I rely on. Twice a week and then some aleave. Other than that I live with the pain. I'm sore all the time from practice or running. The gym hasn't made me overly sore yet, but never really did even when I could push it real hard. I know there has to be a good ART therapist over in the detroit metro area, find'm.
what about using some pain cream or somethin , just to heat up and increase blood flow in that area , and then u wrap up the joint and then workout , someone suggested this , and i thought that wasnt a bad idea at all .
Watch the Fina dose and your response to it bro. At one time I recommended Fina to someone on a board and was told by another guy that in his experience it typically fucks endurance and the pumps he got while running made his legs hurt. Well, I decided to see if he was right or full of shit. So on my last cycle I tried to be a badass and go out and run 2-3 miles while on 100mg of Fina ED (Along with some Test + EQ at the time). Well all I can say is when I'm clean I can jog 2-3 miles, no problem at about 7.5-8 min/mile. On the gear, I ran about 1 mile and was so winded and pumped everywhere that I felt like I was gonna pass out if I didn't stop and walk.

So for me anyways, it was true. Fina (and maybe the other gear too) totally screwed my endurance ability.

I'll keep an eye on it. As of the moment I won't be going over 40mg ed. Before it was 75-100 eod with the sust and never had a problem. Most people condition well even with carrying more body fat, but for some reason I don't do as well. I do good when my % drops, then that's when I get really fast. I have a few things that I want to try, but I'll keep everything in check and see where it lands me. Thanks for the advice.

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