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Test E & Libido..


New member
Jul 20, 2008
Hey guys, quick question for you. I'm currently on my 10th week of Test E at 250mg/wk and the first 7-8weeks i could definetly see a huge increase in libido, however these last couple weeks seems to be in the shitter..not really sure why. This past monday i upped my dose to 450mg/week..hopefully should see a nice boost with alittle more test as far as muscle gain and revivie the libido too?

Any one run dose and libido change throughout cycle, or is it always neccearry to up the dose slightly if your body gets accustomed to it?

I know to continue growth the dose will haev to be pushed , but is the same apply to libido?

i want to feel the way i did the first 6 weeks..that was great!
Have you tired taking humanofort or DHEA(I'm not sure about this one helping libido)
Could be quite a few variables, you may at this point have a small build up of estrogen which could affect libido negatively however at 250mg/week I wouldn't assume this would be unless your very estrogen sensitive. Could be stress, could be your body adjusting to the compound, etc. Questions like these are very hard to answer without a full hormone/blood panel. See how you feel in a couple of weeks with your increased dose.
Test is a double edged sword. At first there is definitely an increase in sex drive. However, being "on" for two long will have the opposite effect, and may even result in ED problems.
Could be quite a few variables, you may at this point have a small build up of estrogen which could affect libido negatively however at 250mg/week I wouldn't assume this would be unless your very estrogen sensitive. Could be stress, could be your body adjusting to the compound, etc. Questions like these are very hard to answer without a full hormone/blood panel. See how you feel in a couple of weeks with your increased dose.

i doubt it coudl be estro related, i'm getting leaner each week, no signs of holding water,gyno or any other side. Hopefully the increase will help out.
i doubt it coudl be estro related, i'm getting leaner each week, no signs of holding water,gyno or any other side. Hopefully the increase will help out.

I am not disagreeing with you here at all that it's more than likely not estrogen related however an increase in estrogen will not necessarily make you hold noticeable amounts of excess water. I feel that "estrogen bloat" is highly exaggerated by diet (many will agree here). Point being is that you COULD be having hormone related problems (hence libido) without having physically noticeable related hormone problems (bitch tits, etc). Ask those on this board who are prescribed anti-e's with their 100-150mg/week TRT and you'll understand. Estrogen can build up over time causing these problems however may not reach the point where you will notice them visually. For me, I know I am reaching higher levels of estrogen when I become more moody, lethargic, and literally exhausted all the time.
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Ask those on this board who are prescribed anti-e's with their 100-150mg/week TRT and you'll understand.

for sure. I'm paying a horrible premium for testosterone because its prescribed thru a doctor and he requires it get filled thru the compounding pharmacy he uses (long story) but at the same time my health insurance at least covers the blood tests as often as we feel the need to do them....

vs saving money self medicating, but not being able to get blood tests done outside of once a year.
I am not disagreeing with you here at all that it's more than likely not gyno related however an increase in estrogen will not necessarily make you hold noticeable amounts of excess water. I feel that "estrogen bloat" is highly exaggerated by diet (many will agree here). Point being is that you COULD be having hormone related problems (hence libido) without having physically noticeable related hormone problems (bitch tits, etc). Ask those on this board who are prescribed anti-e's with their 100-150mg/week TRT and you'll understand. Estrogen can build up over time causing these problems however may not reach the point where you will notice them visually. For me, I know I am reaching higher levels of estrogen when I become more moody, lethargic, and literally exhausted all the time.

i did not know this..i just assumed that you based this on the physical signs. I guess i'm 10weeks in and blood work is probably a good idea. Just a side note, i feel great overall..no side effects no acne, some minor hairshedding at the start but overall i am experiencing zero sides.

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