I just wish more physicians/practitioners knew this!
If you go to your doctor with symptoms of depression, cholesterol problems, etc. You will end up on an anti-depressant and a cholesterol lowering medication. They do not check test levels unless you force them to. Even then they won't sometimes.
My doc says I am too young to have testosterone issues. I am 38 and know my test levels aren't optimal without assistance.
Another example; Man walks in at 230 pounds and 5'6. His blood pressure is high. He is only 32. Automatically he is put on antihypertensive meds and the doctor says nothing to him about diet and the fact he is morbidly obese! Give the pills, see you in 2 weeks! It's all treatment with no prevention!!!
It would be nice if the physicians would see us as customers and aim to deliver the best service for the best price. Helping a man to stay a healthy and vital man with HRT should be the standard in healthcare for men!