I've tried a couple different brands of EQ and right now Im think the Fort Dodge stuff is phenomenal. Although I feel like a pin cushion this stuff is money! opinions?
yeah it kinda sucks because the fort dodge that i've got is dosed at 50mg/ml. but the vascularity and appetite increase are worth it. plus eq is definitely one of my favorite things to stack. but yeah fort dodge eq is just dosed low so that increases the amount of shots. I try to never do more than 3 ml at any injection site.
hell yeah i remember ft dodge. nice big bottle but freakin sore all the time from the constant shots. my worst infection ever came from that stuff in my shoulder. i drained like 19 cc's of fluid and gunk from my shoulder once while sitting on a 103degree fever and chills. it sucked!!!!
my favorite now though is freemans boldenone. used it once before and had a nice solid time on it.
im like you though. i LOVE the power and the appetite and the vascularity. i like having the general public look at all the veins popping out like they are seeing a monster come to life. its great.