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The New Muscular Development

Johnny Bravo

New member
Jun 7, 2002
Anyone see that potato head Gregg Valentino?! what a moron! not only is that a example of what NOT to do, this fool goes on to lying about synthol use. Read the article, ALOT of homo talk, I think this fool is a closet faggot. What is going to be funny is waiting for about 10 years and seeing what this dope looks like.
yea bro im with ya and by the looks of him he is doing it now to his shoulders hes is an absurd little troll who caught small man virus and couldnt make it as a bodybuilder hes just a dam side show and speaking of the new MD whats up with all the fuck cartoons i used to sit at my desk and read through the mag now i have to look over my shoulder to see if my kids are walking up and the interviews sound like they were wrote by a 13 year old what kind of a question is have you ever sucked a dick or how many girls have you fucked like a reader of a mag wants to know that i think its goten to be the worst mag around and i really dont think ill buy another am i wrong here or do you bros agree
i like it but there are too many BS supplement ads. I like the chicks in it too, some of the stuff in it is just filler material. If it gets any thicker with ads I will mistake it for a "computer shopper" magazine! I think this magazine will become mainstream like all the rest and then it will be over. I also agree about the interviewer..totally ignorant
You don't like MD? What about MuscleMag? Isnt' that just the most pathetic piece of crap out there??? At least Flex has good pics in it.
i just read a article with Levrone. He trains his chest 2 times a day. Before competition. And that he trains his biceps 3 times a week. I assume the article was written by a ghostwriter, like Big a said. And Big a nows best... It's like these stuff they wright, i don't buy the magazine anymore, all crap..
Something that really pissed me off about this issus was "10 tips to become massive" Basically what is says that you cant have a job,wife,kids and basically be a mooch! Your life must be the gym. What a piece of shit!
Gregg Valintino is a fuckin idiot. and whats this shit about him wanting to "call out" Lee Priest? he claims that he has a better over all package for thickness and being a freak. Priest would wipe his ass with this little faggot. and by the sounds of the interview, he may be a closet fag. and as far as MD goes. they do suck, but they still beat the hell out of the shit muscle mag claims to be information. and like BigA said. Flex has good pictures. but thats all they got. I feel like I'm reading Muscle and fitness everytime I open a flex mag. WAY to much filler shit. but then again, I'm just a nobody thats bitchin and given his two cents.*L* fuck it!!!
good luck and be safe.....

Only bitch I have with MD is that they brought wayyyyyyy too much limelight around fina. As many articles they ran, it's almost like advertising for the shit.
Most of those mags are poor substitutes for playboy. And as far as Greg he is a retard. From everything I've "heard" the articles on him should be how to get away with being busted and not do any time or anything. Crazy things that you findout when you don't say much and just sit back and listen.
I don't really care for the interview "style" by one of the writers. But the content has really gotten better. They've got A LOT of bodybuilders writing for them now. Wheeler, Priest, Cutler...Nadler writes for'em, and Dillett looks to be coming "on board" soon too. I'm guessing Steve Blechman is getting read to take the reigns of professional bodybuilding after JoeW dies. MD's the only mag I bother *Reading* when I hit the bookstore, the others I just scan for good pics.
I love MD. All mags are going to have supplement ads. MD is one of the only (if not the only) mag to be sponsored by a specific supplement company. Used to be Twinlab but not any more. As
Musclemag is with Muscletech-everything they say is a plug for muscletech. At least in MD its only the ads.
Yes John that Valentino is an idoit. Does he think that looks good?
Argghhh! :confused:
I don't Valentino did it to "look good", bodybuilding for a lot of people is about pushing the limits of what a human body can look like. That's what I think he did.
Pusher said:
I don't Valentino did it to "look good", bodybuilding for a lot of people is about pushing the limits of what a human body can look like. That's what I think he did.

He said in an interview that he knows how much he is hated, and that is what he wants. He wants to be the outcast of bodybuilding. Any attention is good attention to him.

someone posted some pics of Brad hollibaugh on bolex once and talked about his denying the use of synthol. He came there to defend himself and made himself look like a total ass. Why not admit it? Shit, at least it's legal.
As far as all "muscle" mags are concerned, I think they used to be better. I remember when they all used to have a lot more articles on juice a few years ago. Now, supplements are being advertised so much due to money involved that they don't make room for much good shit anymore. Anyone agree??

I work out in the same gym as Brad Hollibaugh and know his quite well. But his arms are fuckin sick. he guest poses for all the local shows and when he puts his arm down the peak is still there. infact last april when he was on stage for a guest pose, his left arm was leaking. and after the show he was standing at one of the sponser booths and the arm was still leaking shit out of it. its a fuckin joke. two years ago when we were all in Seattle for a national qualifier. brad walked in and people were sceaming " SYNTHOL" at him. it was funnier than shit. but he's he still a nice guy. he just seems to piss alot of the wrong people off. like publicly talkin shit about Jim Manion. probley not a good idea if your trying to go pro.*L*
good luck and be safe...

Big A said:
You don't like MD? What about MuscleMag? Isnt' that just the most pathetic piece of crap out there??? At least Flex has good pics in it.
im with ya here bro it used to be a good mag way back when now its like one big add for muscle-tech however i do like flex i like to keep up on the contests and hey on the md sub you bros see the pics of art atwood maybe im wrong but dosnt he look alot like dorian

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