i respect what you are saying but, i have read your posts in the past and know that you are a intelligent person. that being said, i do not think you would seriously endanger yourlife to look like arnold in his prime. after re reading my last post let me clearify something. i would never tellsomeone to stop taking the workouts to the limits , just stop taking the drugs to the limits. over the years i have always wondered how far i would push it. i found out, not very far .lol i could compete national level if i put all my effort into it. i have decent genetics. but, i realize i have a business to run and kids to raise and sometimes the workouts suffer. so, my limitations, are my lifestyle not my genetics. but, limitations nonetheless.
my only concern is for the fellow "bros" on the boards and their safety. to play hardball with the drugs and getting very little in return is just silly. i always believe in the warrior mentality. to push your workouts and to eat hardcore ect. but, i will say it again, there are limitations with everybody. when i see a guy putting 3 grams of androgens in his system year in and year out and looking ...well..average. it is time for that person to take stock and ask himself if his health is worth it. if he comes to that conclusion that it is worth it then so be it. i would not stand in his way. i , to an extent, admire his resolve. like william anderson said "i glory in his resolve but, damn his judgement" lol so push the limits. take it to the limit but, take time to re evaluate sometimes . thats all. so , stevehnsn, go for your goals. i truly would love to see ya reach them. take the workouts to the limit eat like a bull elephant. but, above all, i hope ya stay healthy. keep pumpin'