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This dude will be 45 and set to make some noise this year

Alex A

Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Nov 1, 2007
This is a pic from last year ...and he is on track for another kick as showing

Hes no kid either, turning 45 before his show on March 20th... Hes approaching 8 weeks out..Flying in from Sweden to compete at the NPC San Diego.

its been great working with this guy and im excited about going to the show knowing hes a true threat to take more than just his class. I also have a vastly improved figure competitor in that show as well...

I will keep you updated...


  • jan front and back.jpg
    jan front and back.jpg
    54.7 KB · Views: 930
wow.....looks great

weak arms though:(

never the less......he should kill some npc shows

His back double looks great! This guy is flying in from Sweden....holy crap that's a long haul! Looking forward to his results, is Jackie doing this show as well? If so when is it? My bro and I might go to support!
Look great. 40s are the new 30s... :)
Um, o.k., I gotta go back to the drawing board!! Holy hell , that dude looks GREAT! :cool:
The back shot is impressive. He should do very well at The San Diego. I am going down to see the show and support Jackie
Don`t know why, but the double back reminded me of the great Albert Beckles. There`s a blast from the past. Looks great regardless.


Don`t know why, but the double back reminded me of the great Albert Beckles. There`s a blast from the past. Looks great regardless.



You mean this young lad?

people that know me ..... know that Albert is a mentor of mine who helps me with posing and the mental aspect of each of my preps for the last bunch of years..

He trains at my gym ....and is 75 years old and still training strong!

Maybe his training advise has rubbed off on me and then onto my clients?

but Norland( the guy competing at the San Diego) is a very experienced and serious competitor..

Im proud to have worked with him for such a long time now..and I think we will do some damage at the NPC San Diego..

Also. Jackie may be the most improved of them all! Im so happy with her effort and attitude.. and her physique has impoved so much in just the few months i have worked with her..


  • beckles.jpg
    38.4 KB · Views: 757
Alex, I think Al Beckles rules!!!!!

You mean this young lad?

people that know me ..... know that Albert is a mentor of mine who helps me with posing and the mental aspect of each of my preps for the last bunch of years..

He trains at my gym ....and is 75 years old and still training strong!

Maybe his training advise has rubbed off on me and then onto my clients?

but Norland( the guy competing at the San Diego) is a very experienced and serious competitor..

Im proud to have worked with him for such a long time now..and I think we will do some damage at the NPC San Diego..

Also. Jackie may be the most improved of them all! Im so happy with her effort and attitude.. and her physique has impoved so much in just the few months i have worked with her..

Tell that guy who is 45 that I think he's terrific and I hope he kicks some ass.
I would think you should progress with age. More maturity. He looks awesome.
Unbelievable condition. Wish him all the best Alex in the NPC San Diego.
He surely will make alot of noise on the stage!! :eek:
Yea he is gunna do AWESOME Alex!!!
makes me want to cry... 3 years older than me... more muscle than me and more hair than me...
makes me want to cry... 3 years older than me... more muscle than me and more hair than me...

but can he pose like you and put it all together on that day? I think you both will do that, the thing about this dude is that he started competing 20 years ago and has been doing shows ever since... just not always nailing his condition. Im confident this time he will and you will too... about the hair... My 10month old has more hair than me...And so does albert at 75.
I do not mean to hi-jack here but Albert has always been one of my long time idols in this game. How does he look today? Still tight and gnarly looking? If you talk to him tell him he has a big fan down here in OZ.

Now to this thread. He looks awesome ALex. Great conditioning and good overall symmetry. He should do very well and I am glad I do not have to compete against him. This one's for you "our age" it is most difficult to add size, shit it is hard enough just to hang on to what we did have. Just the way it is I'm afraid. SO the sooner us old farts decide to stop playing the size game and get our freak on with condition, the better off we will be both mentally and physically. We may not be mass monsters but we make up for it in muscle maturity and condition. Older muscle looks harder, I have always thought this.

Good luck to you guys Alex, I'm sure he will do more than well!!
Alex, Sorry to hijack your thread. Is it true that Albert Beckles is a vegetarian? I have heard that he doesnt eat red meat?

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