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Thoughts about distended bellies


Jun 6, 2002
Anyone ever thought that distended bellies on these super heavy weight competitors is just visceral fat not burned of yet? Ever see a super heavy lose weight back down to a LH or Middle? The belly is gone......we can get into what causes it, but I believe it is just visceral fat.........thoughts?
Is it possible to lose all the subqutaneous fat and still have the visceral fat? Hydrostatic weighing would show if a competitor is let's say 5% on the calipers and dunks. If the fat level is much higher, then you would know your idea is on target Phil.

I find it hard to believe that that much fat can get left in the belly with such low sub q fat.

There have been enough BB'ers that have died. I have always wonder what some of the autopsies showed?

Is it possible to lose all the subqutaneous fat and still have the visceral fat? Hydrostatic weighing would show if a competitor is let's say 5% on the calipers and dunks. If the fat level is much higher, then you would know your idea is on target Phil.

I find it hard to believe that that much fat can get left in the belly with such low sub q fat.

There have been enough BB'ers that have died. I have always wonder what some of the autopsies showed?

I was curious also.......I do not think its any different than losing it off of the
" love handles" last, or the legs, butt for women because of estrogen? Maybe more visceral fat because of.....exogenous slin.????
I wonder this myself. The amount of food I eat keeps my belly distended all day, and it is still there in the mornings, but not as bad. (Very little soduim in my diet, at least compared to the average) But once I'm on contest diet, (Same food just lower cals.) after a few weeks it's not distended anymore.
I worry about the amount of time I spend in the offspring having a lasting effect if I go to long. I'm not fat at all, in fact, I get asked if i'm getting ready for a show, pretty often.

I have found doing ab work every other day has made life easier as I grow, less back pumps from walking, and I feel more steady. But once again, this worries me when it comes to distension. Not that i'm going to stop, but it something i think about.
If one of these guys dieted down until it was gone, would they be able to regain ground on the muscle mass they lost? assuming it is visceral fat? like in your example of the super heeavy.
Anyone ever thought that distended bellies on these super heavy weight competitors is just visceral fat not burned of yet? Ever see a super heavy lose weight back down to a LH or Middle? The belly is gone......we can get into what causes it, but I believe it is just visceral fat.........thoughts?

just some thoughs.

what about the stomach being full with food from carb loading? I am sure if they didnt carb load and went in low carb or none it wouldnt be as bad so i assume this has somthing to do with it.

Lifting heavy without a belt maybe.

gh/slin use while doing heavy core building exercies like deads and what not. I think the timing of this combo could lead to it.


With the amount of carbs these big guys need to fill up its hard not to have a little turtle shell.

good post phil it sure is a intresting topic.

my stomach is distended and i cant friken figure it out. im no pro BB, but i have been in the gym since i was 20. I was 230 last summer an my abd. was sooo distended and hard and i looked pregnant from a side few. started dieting, cardio and doing supersets. well i am currently 203 and my abd. is smaller but still distended and hard. i also had a hernia repired last summer. C-T scan said no fluid build up and my abd. was normal. So i ruled out water. I thought visceral fat for sure but then i also thought of the bacteria that invades the stomach lining and causes infection and can make ur abdomen distended.(can't remember the name). i might get my visceral fat levels assesed, cuz this is pissing me off. thanks fellas
its logical to assume that the belly could distend from visceral fat accumulation however without any empirical evidence its just conjecture. Given the redundancy in the metabolic system i suppose its possible that the fat surround our organs would be held onto like gold considering its purpose. Ive always wondered this myself.
i think the gh angle is over used in regards to the dreaded "gut".. i do think what we are seeing is 1) over eating ..2) visceral fat 3) and the use of slin and its ability to store the fat "visceral" if ya know what i mean.. i just had this discussion a couple of days ago with my physician.. i always had a distended ab wall.. HARD AS A ROCK TOO.. i used to get so pissed about it.. after all the studying ect i do agree that it is visceral fat... my arms stay defined.. my chest shoulder and calves all have vascularity.. same for quads.. but i have the "gut".. but amazingly once i cut back on carbs for about 30 days the "gut" diminishes dramatically.. and no.. i have never done gh.. and my use of slin was pretty brief and i ghad this way before i knew of slin.. so i agree phil.. maybe the way my body "processes" carbs is not to my liking.. andi agree that many of the competitors we atalk about may be suffering from the use of slin in that regard.. but visceral fat?? I VOTE YES..
guys were eatting tons of food back in the 90s and you weren't seeing what you do today...........so out goes the over-eating theory.

Look at HUH.........small tight waist & and i am betting he didnt do anything different than anyone else he lined up againest.

guys were eatting tons of food back in the 90s and you weren't seeing what you do today...........so out goes the over-eating theory.

Look at HUH.........small tight waist & and i am betting he didnt do anything different than anyone else he lined up againest.

How can you have visceral fat and not been overeating? Guys in the 90s who did not have distended bellies have distended bellies in the 0s......
Isn't it true that consistent exogenous insulin usage basically prohibits the body from using visceral fat stores? If you look at it from a pure equation standpoint, the only thing that is drastically different today from the 90's is the excessive slin/GH usage.
my stomach is distended and i cant friken figure it out. im no pro BB, but i have been in the gym since i was 20. I was 230 last summer an my abd. was sooo distended and hard and i looked pregnant from a side few. started dieting, cardio and doing supersets. well i am currently 203 and my abd. is smaller but still distended and hard. i also had a hernia repired last summer. C-T scan said no fluid build up and my abd. was normal. So i ruled out water. I thought visceral fat for sure but then i also thought of the bacteria that invades the stomach lining and causes infection and can make ur abdomen distended.(can't remember the name). i might get my visceral fat levels assesed, cuz this is pissing me off. thanks fellas

are you talking about canditis or whatever its called?
Actually, use of antibiotics causes Candida formation.

The abdominal distentia is caused by eating a ton, sitting on your ass, and letting your belly relax in the distended position. (just one other facet of the problem not yet discussed)

You have to train your abdominal wall to stay flat. People that have the distended mid section have developed it through stretching the abdominal wall, and the musculature responsible for sucking it in.
Just maybe the HGH has caused the internal organs to grow? That is what HGH does, right? If everything has grown some, it will take up more space which in turn causes a greater surface area "around" the organs, so yes, more fat. Just a thought.
I've never taken GH, slin, etc so this might not relate directly but I know when I was playing football, even though I was as lean as I am now, my stomach was distended, yet I still had abdominal definition. A lot of athletes have the same structure. Especially thicker LBs and RBs.. I always thought it had something to do with the heavy emphasis on olympic style lifting and the posture and blocking (holding breath and performing Valsalva maneuver to increase rigidity in the torso) associated with that style lifting.

Now, that wouldn't explain the differences between the 90s and the 2000's in the same guys. I doubt they switched to a heavy olympic lifting regime if they weren't doing it before.

I would have to guess it has something to do with the flood of peptides. Insulin has been around for a while, same as GH. Any of the newer ones suspects?
Just maybe the HGH has caused the internal organs to grow? That is what HGH does, right? If everything has grown some, it will take up more space which in turn causes a greater surface area "around" the organs, so yes, more fat. Just a thought.

Specifically, I think it's the IGF-1 (which is controlled directly by HGH) that causes organ growth; long bone growth as well.

Seems like that's popped up in some heavy usage over the last decade - maybe that's it?

Getting off topic though.. looking for what's actually growing in there, right?
my theory

gh in the 90's was very expensive, guys couldnt afford to abuse it. over the years it has continued to drop in price to what we have today flowing out of China. guys can now afford to run gh in the 20-30iu range. hell everyday gym rats are running 4iu's and up. now gh converts to igf and we have the most igf receptors in the intestines correct?

tim belknap was a diabetic and did not have a gut.

just throwing shit out there, hell i really have no idea. lol.
Can tell you a few things for me 2 times it got worse was the increase of oral aas use and the thing that finished me off was the use of insulin(never use anymore to many problems 4me) never had a problem b4 that, other interesting thing is i tore my abdominal wall which you see a few guys have done now and even on a lean bodybuilder what sticks out is fat yep fat that sits between the stomach and the muscle wall i had a long talk about this with my doc before the opp, so maybe larger guys with more food and insulin use are collecting more fat around this area?

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