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to my bald brothers.


FOUNDING Member / Kilo Klub Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jun 5, 2002
i'm bald, i have that lil circle going on and my hairline is receding, i try to keep it shaved down, as to make it look like I shave instead of being "bald" hehe. the hair around the sides of my head, well thats as thick as can be if i let it grow out, anyway, for those in the same situation as me...I'm just tired of shaving my head all the time.

has anyone tried to use those "hair begone" creams or anything like that? will using the creams keep the hair from growing back as fast? anyone know anything else i could do besides having to shave my entire head so often?

I have to constantly shave,I know exactly what your saying.It sucks but it has top be done.A few years ago I tried Nair,because it works so good everywhere else.BIG fucking mistake.It does not work as well on your scalp trust me.There is some shit black guys use,but since Im who I am I refuse to buy it(the "100% black owned" company label seems just a bit racist in my book).I do not know if it would work for us anyway,our hair is "alil" different.Anyway I guess shaving is the only way to do it,unless someone will enlighten us..........
Those hair-away products are designed to work "after" the hair has been plucked/removed. To what degree they work is also debatable. I've seen where constant plucking and use has hair grow back much finer.

There is a true hair "remover" DRUG that has recently been approved for facial hair removal on women - but it's expensive and you need a script, which is unlikely since it's only approved for women. It shouldn't be long to get online. Sorry I thought I had the site bookmarked, but can't find it :(

Just found the website: http://www.hairfacts.com/

It's called Vaniqa and there's strong warnings against use by men since it hasn't been tested on men.

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theres some stuff called nads that a bro i know used on his face for 8 months and the hair stoped growing on his face i dont know how well it would work on someones head **broken link removed** its like 28bucks
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You might not want to tell your friends you put nads on your face. It should work well for you though. I put my nads on my wife's chin and she rarely ever has to shave.
thx for the replies fellas. i think i'll wait for them to test on men before i use it hehe, don't want to have any sides and have an enlarged head or someshit hehe. it's already too big as it is hehe.

i think i'll try the nads and see how that works out.
btw, hey BN, i thought that you'd be the first guy to help support a black owned company hehe j/k

thx again

.p.s. the sad thing is, I take after my mom's side, she's german, and i used to have this beautiful blond hair when i was a kid, people would always say stuff about it, then i hit damn puberty, and started balding, went to the dr's and all. now i'm just like "okay, i'm going bald, speed up the process and make me 100% bald hehe"

AN Idea I have would be laser hair removal, It wouldnt cost much for your head to have it done maybe 600$ total, I dont know how if it is safe for your head but I have seen before and after results on my girlfriends mom and she never has to shave her legs ever again, works great.
This thread is funny......

The responses are cracking me up.....first off....you want your hair to stop growing! Darn near every one else wants meds that keep it from falling out. Then Bald Nazi thinks he knows about some stuff that might work but it's a black owned company! hahahaha.....I am still laughing.

On a serious note: if you've got nice hair,....have you thought of a transplant? One of my friends got one and holy crap [in his particular case it looks good] you'd have to know or you wouldn't know.
Yup Im laughing about BM using the black owned company's product too! The mental picture I have - is he doesnt know its for black guys, uses it and his dome turns black!!! BN-Of course Im not wishing this on you, but youve got to admit its a funny thought!
Re: This thread is funny......

The responses are cracking me up.....first off....you want your hair to stop growing! Darn near every one else wants meds that keep it from falling out. Then Bald Nazi thinks he knows about some stuff that might work but it's a black owned company! hahahaha.....I am still laughing.

On a serious note: if you've got nice hair,....have you thought of a transplant? One of my friends got one and holy crap [in his particular case it looks good] you'd have to know or you wouldn't know.

I HAD nice hair hehe. i guess when it comes down to it, it is pretty funny, and you don't really see to many threads about how to get rid of the hair on your head hehe.

I'm gonna look into that laser hair removal and see whats up with that.

when i was younger i thought about getting the transplant, but now, i just like the baldhead and my girl thinks my bald head is sexy so I'm in no hurry to grow/inplant any hair there hehe.

thx for the replies again.


You guys put a smile on my face.I pictured the same scenario,I use this shit,and all of a sudden I look in the mirror and BAM Im the BaldBlackPanther,hehe........

i may have that product much cheaper on my list soon or animal will have it--like 2 weeks

only enough at first for a handful of bros on first run
instynct999 said:
i may have that product much cheaper on my list soon or animal will have it--like 2 weeks

only enough at first for a handful of bros on first run
Do you know of any "guys" that have used it on places other than their face without any problems? They didn't grow tits did they?!?! :D

I got my package today. :)

Just look at this way the older you get the less you have to shave down.

i have to shave my head every other day it only takes 2 minutes now, but I would like to stop having to, cos it is a pain

Boing " the English_Bulldog
xcelbeyond said:

Do you know of any "guys" that have used it on places other than their face without any problems? They didn't grow tits did they?!?! :D

I got my package today. :)

obvioulsy we hope it works all over cause shaviong IMO is a bi'atch and a half

this is first run, but even if it works a second run will only happen if interest is high enough so it is not known--may just sell out initital run and call it a day

hey i have used that vaniqa for about 4 weeks, it seems like the hairs have gotten finer and slower growing, but that all is fixing to change with the raise in T levels. the only problem is that you gotta apply it like 2 times daily and it is a bitch to do. it doesnt seem to do to well on my coarser hairs but better on finer hairs. my derm. told me to wait like 6 weeks to see results. we will see. my sholders are still as hairy, but my bi's arent that bad. I am one hairy Mofo. lebanese blood is just hairy. thats the bottom line

Hey Bro's,

First off, hello. I just found this site tonight and it looks like one of the better ones out there. It has a real down-to-earth feel and seems to be free of the typical BS found on many of the other BB boards. A little about myself - I'm 31 and have been training for about 10 years now, the first 8 were natural, and the last two I've done a fair share of most AAS. I'm 5' 8" and 215 with about 12% body fat and live my life around lifting, like most of you. I don't compete on a stage, but I compete with myself, this is my drive.

For the topic at hand - I started to loose my hair at about 24, over the years, it slowly has fallen out and stuck to my back:eek: .Right now it's very thin in the back of my head, and mildly thin on the top. In the beginning, I did the whole panic thing and have tried many different remedies, the best was Rogaine. It re-grew some hair but was a pain in the ass to put on. I also started to get concerned as to what exactly this shit soaking into my head on a daily basis was going to do to me in the long run. I eventually said fuck it, and have been content since. Well, I just recently got a little excited...

3 weeks into my first cycle of LR3IGF-1 my girlfriend was like "damn, you're growing hair" Sure enough, I actually have a bunch of new little hairs growing where it was previously near bald. I've read posts where others said the same thing so I'm convinced that it was the IGF, it damn sure wasn’t the test and eq I was on at the same time. Anyway, I'm going run another cycle of it and see what happens. I'll let you know. Later

preist943 said:
theres some stuff called nads that a bro i know used on his face for 8 months and the hair stoped growing on his face i dont know how well it would work on someones head **broken link removed** its like 28bucks

The only problem with this product is when you go up to the counter and ask the nice young lady if she has NADS. LOL

DaRooster said:

The only problem with this product is when you go up to the counter and ask the nice young lady if she has NADS. LOL

I am laughing my ass off at that one man!

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