And now that I've read the article, here's the clincher:
"Ehrlich's team tried the same thing with the "female" hormone estrogen, just to be fair.
"We were surprised, but it actually looks like estrogen is neuroprotective. If anything, there is less cell death in the presence of estrogen," she said.
Ahh.. I see! We should all really be taking ESTROGEN, which, in males, will not only shrink your nuts and make you weak, but give you nice little round puffy titties! WOOOO HOOO!!
Now look at this idiotic comment from this MORON:
""Next time a muscle-bound guy in a sports car cuts you off on the highway, don't get mad -- just take a deep breath and realize that it might not be his fault," Ehrlich said in a statement."
Ohhh I seee - so only MUSCLE BOUND GUYS IN SPORTS CARS CUT PEOPLE OFF is the assertion, and that ALL MUSCLE BOUND GUYS are very VERY ANGRY!
Wow ... So all these little skinny bastards at the gym who are PISSED OFF and launch thier 30 pound weights that they just curled for an amazing 100 reps and screaming LOUDLY during the EASIEST reps, and look over to me with anger and passion and fury whilst I do deadlifts and barbell rows and give me the finger, yeah ...
What is absolutely ASTONISHING to me is that this is ONE LITTLE MORONIC study using a PETRI dish, and somehow all of these insane assertions can be made about Men who take Testosterone and/or steroids - SIMPLY by throwing a little test in a dish and looking at how cells survive.
Yet, on the other hand, when people are getting HEART ATTACKS from VIOXX, somehow the judge throws the case out - even though there are THOUSANDS of real world cases of this happening every week!! But that's still perfectly fine to take??
Ok, end rant. This shit REALLY REALLY pisses me off... give me some real evidence, not a cockroach cell in a dish devastated by a steroid molecule.