does anyone know a good trainer in the central new jersey area?
train, diet, supplementation etc???
Unless you are looking for someone to actually be there while you train you should not short hiring a non-local. Forgive me if you were referrring to someone to actually train you in person each session, that certainly has its place.
The expense of meeting in person can make it less cost effective option. If a trainer meets with you in person, he has to drive to meet you, drive back, and deal with you exclusively during that time. You will pay for this access.
2) I will venture that the local person will still communicate a lot of ideas via internet, email, and phone, just because its so effective.
3) Limiting yourself to the local talent pool in any given area outside a major city NY, LA, Chicago, etc. will lessen your odds of great quality. Also, when you hear that someone local is good, you don't really know if they are using them because they are the best or only because they are local. Also, even on the internet we tend to offer advice that confirms our own previous choices.
4) I will venture that if someone builds a successful practice through the internet/phone with clients all over the country and even internationally, that have local choices also, you can bet the value proposition is higher with him. Its simple, people from around the country are confirming that he/she is the best choice for them. Also, if they are not delivering, you can find out immediately as these boards tend to be unforgiving.
5) More and better info/insight into the trainer is available prior to making a decision, rather than one or two anecdotal comments. Just search their posts.
With that said I do contract an internet/phone based trainer so I may be biased, but I pretty much outlined the thought process I used in making the decision. BTW this is my second year. I contract with Phil Hernon.