I wouldn't worry about caloric intake. If she's eating the right foods, she'll lose weight. Calorie counting can get too time consuming and overwhelming for even a dedicated bodybuilder, much less someone who's just starting and trying to get healthier.
I would just have her put her carbs at 3 meals per day for now. For the first 3-4 weeks I would tell her to eat something like cheerios with skim milk for breakfast. It's a good carb source and it's good for cholesterol. Have her eat some grilled salmon, and a baked yam with a salad and italian dressing for lunch. For supper, something like a soy burger would be good. These are the types of food she needs. For snacks, about 20 grams of whey protein would be good. After the 3-4 weeks, she should cut the carbs down to twice a day and stay at that. This will allow her insulin sensitivity to increase and also keep the weight coming off. Also, make sure she's on a good multi-vitamin.
On the cardio, I would make sure she's keeping a good measure of her heart rate and be sure that she stays in her target range. Teach her the "talk test" method also and tell her to basically do as much cardio as she can comfortably handle every day until she is eventually able to work up to one hour per day. In my opinion, doing the cardio in the morning on an empty stomach would be good, but she will definitely need to monitor her blood sugar. Then do the weights in the afternoon so she will get that metabolic boost twice per day on weight training days.