That works well as stated above.
Another way a buddy uses is:
Wipe everything with alcohol.
Pull the plunger out of a large (30-60ml) syringe.
Insert empty syringe (needle) into the top of a Empty, Sterile vial.
Cut open/open-up container(s) of AAS.
Pour contents into the syringe leaving about 10 ml of space in the syringe for plunger and air.
Replace plunger (this is the tricky part but not bad)
Vent the vial. (put another needle without syringe in the top of the vial)
Push plunger to fill the Sterile vial to the desired level.
Fill remaining (vented) vials with the remaining contents of the syringe.
Do it in this order, venting the vial AFTER the syringe is filled and the plunger is replaced into the syringe. Otherwise it moves too fast and you might polish your furniture the expensive way!