About 2month ago I converted 50cc's. Each CC contains 100mg Tren and 100mg Test Prop. Instead of mixing the dissolved pelets in the oil supplied with the kit I used Test Prop. I have never used heat during my conversions of Tren and have always come back with the clearest apple juice colored Tren. This time the final results were a little dule. Not coudy but naot as clear as usual. I think that is because of the concentation????
I put this stuff away for future use. When I pulled it out last night, on the side of the 50cc jug was a dark brown spot about the size of a pea and it trailed upwords. What is this? Could it be MOLD or BACTERIA growth. What shopuld I do? Dont want to get sick. THANKS
I put this stuff away for future use. When I pulled it out last night, on the side of the 50cc jug was a dark brown spot about the size of a pea and it trailed upwords. What is this? Could it be MOLD or BACTERIA growth. What shopuld I do? Dont want to get sick. THANKS