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Sweet spot of TREN :D

God bless him…. That’d be a fun dose to try, but not for me nowadays… Serious strength increases for days….

I agree it's refreshing to hear such honesty. De Asha's said multiple times he runs tren most of the year because he likes being super strong. Not the best decision for health but given he has the most wins of any open pro competing today it's definitely been a good decision for his career.
How many years do you think Nathan has taken off of his lifespan just to win tiny amounts of money? In that aspect social media guys like Sam sulek or Joey swoll make way more sense financially than competitive IFBB bodybuilders.,
Ronnie Jay and Dorian along with many others who pushed drugs hard are still alive and well brother.
Glad to hear him tell the truth...it does actually seem like like that kind of year round tren dose isn't common and I just don't really understand why he does it...it doesn't sound logical but I mean I don't know is they guy on 2 grams all year because he keeps so much tren in vs being on 3 or 4 grams and is that less enough of a drug load to offset issues with tren? Hell who knows...love the honestly, but at at any age...and especially as a guy approaching 40 it doesn't seem super smart.
How many years do you think Nathan has taken off of his lifespan just to win tiny amounts of money? In that aspect social media guys like Sam sulek or Joey swoll make way more sense financially than competitive IFBB bodybuilders.,
It doesn't matter because he's clearly happy with his decision. He also has two gyms in the UK so I bet he's doing ok financially.

My dad's father started smoking cigarettes when he was 12. He smoked a ton - one day my grandma cleaned his ashtray at noon and he'd already smoked 50 cigarettes. People always told him they'd take years off his life and his reply was 'Those are the nursing home years and I don't need them anyway.' He went on to die of natural causes at 89, smoked the whole time, never on any medication.

I'm sure De Asha and some members here look at life the same way - quality over quantity, life in the years not years in the life, etc.
Glad to hear him tell the truth...it does actually seem like like that kind of year round tren dose isn't common and I just don't really understand why he does it...it doesn't sound logical but I mean I don't know is they guy on 2 grams all year because he keeps so much tren in vs being on 3 or 4 grams and is that less enough of a drug load to offset issues with tren? Hell who knows...love the honestly, but at at any age...and especially as a guy approaching 40 it doesn't seem super smart.
He used tren year-round because he enjoys being really strong. He's said it multiple times. There's nothing more to it than that.
Good interview I love Nathan's personality. Guys saying about his tren use.... Let the man make his own choices, I'm sure most if not all pros taking steroids know the risks health wise, but we're all our own men and deal with the consequences on our own.
Reckless if u ask me.
Doesn't even sound enticing. Gave me insomnia just hearing him talk about using 1 gram week. Many years back I tried 100mg daily for several weeks and it was a rough ride. Couldn't imagine going any higher. I know there's some people that could tolerate it, but I'm not one of them.
Doesn't even sound enticing. Gave me insomnia just hearing him talk about using 1 gram week. Many years back I tried 100mg daily for several weeks and it was a rough ride. Couldn't imagine going any higher. I know there's some people that could tolerate it, but I'm not one of them.
I'm sure you develop a tolerance over time, like anything else
How many years do you think Nathan has taken off of his lifespan just to win tiny amounts of money? In that aspect social media guys like Sam sulek or Joey swoll make way more sense financially than competitive IFBB bodybuilders.,

I guess we really don't know his financially well being and health status do we?

Maybe he's running his gym and saving a bunch of money and not spending it on expensive watches and dumb shit.

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