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in theory yes, but practice shows something completely different, as in the case of nandrolone or trenbolone - I have observed it many times in myself or my clients that despite maintaining e2 in the norm, prolactin still went up significantly
its always interesting hearing your clients bloodwork experiences
Same thing with anadrol.

Luki have you run trest? Curious of your thoughts
many times and I don't like it because of aromatization but that's probably because I'm a fan of high test and for me less than 1.5g a week doesn't exist😅
many times and I don't like it because of aromatization but that's probably because I'm a fan of high test and for me less than 1.5g a week doesn't exist😅
I’ve hit my stride of just progressing test and gh with mast to keep any estrogen I may have, tren to keep me lean and do what tren does. I’m wondering if trest has its place to swap instead of tren
When I did test TREN trest I was using Nolva as "ai" and 0,5mg Caber so Prolactin wasn't an issue.

In my little experience I liked more running:
High test
High eq (usually 80% of test)
300-400 Tren

I feel/noticed that I can run this cycle forever maintaining good bloods.... Moreover since I started using DAO and Bromelin daily, that keep histamine in control. Thanks to @bbxtreme
I’ve hit my stride of just progressing test and gh with mast to keep any estrogen I may have, tren to keep me lean and do what tren does. I’m wondering if trest has its place to swap instead of tren
trest has its place. i prefer it over tren in a growth setting but you really have to be careful with the dosage.
Water retention is quite harsh with trest and for me, this isnt comparable with hgh water retention but way worse.
this is way i stay below 12mg daily. Even with this dosage, you should be prepared to see an increase of 2-3kg water within the first few days and also a bump in RHR (6-8 points)
But the feeling, strength and for me most important, great cushion of joints makes it a great compound.
trest has its place. i prefer it over tren in a growth setting but you really have to be careful with the dosage.
Water retention is quite harsh with trest and for me, this isnt comparable with hgh water retention but way worse.
this is way i stay below 12mg daily. Even with this dosage, you should be prepared to see an increase of 2-3kg water within the first few days and also a bump in RHR (6-8 points)
But the feeling, strength and for me most important, great cushion of joints makes it a great compound.
I plan on pushing my gh dose to 15-20iu daily on this next push. I like the water from gh minus the round face is gives me, but coming off tren for a bit would be nice and could use something to enhance my mood. I get nothing from test and mast at any dose
I plan on pushing my gh dose to 15-20iu daily on this next push. I like the water from gh minus the round face is gives me, but coming off tren for a bit would be nice and could use something to enhance my mood. I get nothing from test and mast at any dose
im also on 16iu hgh and trust me, you get another good amount of water retention with trest :p
a few weeks ago I added 25mg of Ment e2d and literally within a few days I got 3-4kg of subcutaneous water retention but next to that it was 2500mg test so I'm not a good reference because my test doses are always very high

Probably if I was a fan of low/mid test I would probably like ment
a few weeks ago I added 25mg of Ment e2d and literally within a few days I got 3-4kg of subcutaneous water retention but next to that it was 2500mg test so I'm not a good reference because my test doses are always very high

Probably if I was a fan of low/mid test I would probably like ment
i would say that this fits also exactly to my experience with 12mg ed which would be the same weekly dosage
What would your Test/Trest ratios be for a growth phase?
I may or may not be an outlier here but I've used MENT without Test twice (once with Masteron, once with Winstrol) and grew like weed, got zero water retention and felt amazing.
That being said, for most of my clients who love Test it's something across these lines:
Test @ 1000mg/week and over, 15-20mg/day
Test @ 500-750mg/week, 25-30mg/day
Test from TRT to 300mg/week, 50mg/day on average.
I may or may not be an outlier here but I've used MENT without Test twice (once with Masteron, once with Winstrol) and grew like weed, got zero water retention and felt amazing.
That being said, for most of my clients who love Test it's something across these lines:
Test @ 1000mg/week and over, 15-20mg/day
Test @ 500-750mg/week, 25-30mg/day
Test from TRT to 300mg/week, 50mg/day on average.
I think that in such a scenario I would be able to keep water retention under control, but I love the test because it gives me absolutely no side effects, so I prefer to use more test than less + add another compound, especially one that is not understood in its action like ment.
Genuinely asking: what are you referring to in particular?
in general, as with most drugs - we do not know, for example, the mechanism of estrogenic action of anadrol despite the fact that it is a derivative of dht or the influence of EQ on the level of aromatization, everything we know is only theory and assumptions so it is difficult to control everything well when using this type of drugs

Of course I have nothing against MENT and I use it with some of my clients if they respond well to it but I personally avoid it
I’ve hit my stride of just progressing test and gh with mast to keep any estrogen I may have, tren to keep me lean and do what tren does. I’m wondering if trest has its place to swap instead of tren
I’ve stopped using tren altogether because it affects my cardio, anxiety and insomnia more so since I’ve gotten older. You need to experiment for yourself to find out how you’ll react. I don’t use anti-es. And I can run test and TREST together without experiencing gyno. The biggest factor in regards to side effects is blood pressure. Trest is like super test! Meaning dose for dose it does what test will but to a higher degree. I do good on 750 mgs of test and 150 mgs of trest weekly as long as my diet is clean and low in sodium. If I consume a lot of sodium I will get swelling in my left ankle and foot. So you need to keep sodium intake low due to trest’s ability to cause the body to retain sodium. I’ve tried going higher with both test and trest disages but my blood pressure and resting heart rate didn’t like it. I can increase trest dosages only if I lower my test dosages and I prefer to make test my base anabolic, not trest. I feel it’s less expensive, and more user friendly.
In regards to getting cut on Trestolone. You can look great at the beach on test and trest. You can still get shredded on trest and test, but tren and test will give you a drier look, especially for a competition. Now that I have access to trest I no longer need Tren. The only exception is during a pre-contest prep. Nothing beats Tren during a pre-contest prep! I would also like to add that trest acetate (even though it’s fast acting) will usually magnify your test dosages for about 2 weeks after going off the trest and staying on the test. This means you guys getting TRT from a doctor need to stop taking trest acetate at least a good 2 weeks before having labs done because if you don’t, your lab numbers will come back high. I learned this lesson the hard way. While in preparation to get my labs done by my TRT doctor, I stopped trest ace only 7 days out while remaining on my TRT dose. My test levels are normally around 800 on TRT. But the results came back a whopping 1200 when I dropped the trest only a week out. Then the doctors will suggest lowering your TRT dose and you don’t want that! So make certain you stop using trest acetate at least 2 weeks before getting your labs done. I would imagine you’d need to go off trest enanthate for a month before giving labs. I find it strange that trest acetate can still keep test levels jacked up a week after you stop using it. I have no answer as to why. If someone does have an answer please comment.
When I did test TREN trest I was using Nolva as "ai" and 0,5mg Caber so Prolactin wasn't an issue.

In my little experience I liked more running:
High test
High eq (usually 80% of test)
300-400 Tren

I feel/noticed that I can run this cycle forever maintaining good bloods.... Moreover since I started using DAO and Bromelin daily, that keep histamine in control. Thanks to @bbxtreme
great. pics?
I was on:
1250mg of Test Cyp
900mg EQ
150mg MENT
12.5mg Aromosin daily

This was at the peak of my progression phase. We worked up to these dosages obviously. Would never suggest anyone dive straight into that much.
EQ in your case helps you controlling E2 or not? From the aromasin dose doesn't seem it helped...

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