Here's my diet for the cycle I'm starting next week:
With this diet, I am actually going to work up to this as my cycle progresses. Because I took some time to cut, I really don't need this many calories yet...but as I gain, I will continue to make adjustments until I reach this point. If I find that I'm putting on too much fat, then I adjust the carbs, but I leave the fat and protein intakes pretty much the same. This is just about the same diet that I used when I was at my heaviest at 235 pounds, but now I've cut to about 6-7% (last I had it checked) and weigh about like I said, I'll be working up to this during the cycle.
WAKE-UP: 1c cranberry juice
MEAL 1: 1c grape juice
1c granola/banana cereal
½ banana
2-3 jumbo eggs in 1 tbsp oil
1c milk w/ scoop protein
MEAL 2: Tuna Sandwich
MEAL 3: Whole bagel w/ cream cheese
POST WORKOUT: Small Shake**
MEAL 4: 2 Quarter pounders w/ cheese
(or something else, kept close to 1k cals)
POST WORKOUT: Small Shake**
MEAL 7: Shake2***
Caloric Total = about 5,100 or so
§ I also drink one American Bodybuilding XXL Drink, sipped throughout the day. That drink is about 1,100 calories w/ 50 grams of protein, bringing my protein intake up to 370-400 grams, and my caloric intake total up to about 6,200.
§ Between meal 5 and 6 I also eat some of whatever I make my son for dinner, like a hunk of fish, beef, spaghetti, whatever I can get him to eat that day…but I don’t count it because its different everyday, so in reality the calories are even higher, closer to 7,000 and 400+ grams protein.
§ *Shake1 = 3cups chocolate milk, 1tbsp oil, 1 scoop whey protein, 1 scoop complex carb powder
§ **Small Shake = 1 cup water, 1 packet of EAS protein powder/vitamin mix.
§ ***Shake2 = 2 cups 1% milk, 1tbsp flax oil, ½ tbsp olive oil,1 scoop custom made protein factory weight gain powder, 1 scoop casein protein powder.
§ At least 1 gallon of distilled water per day, flavored with small amount of Gatorade powder for taste.
§ During afternoon and evening workout-1 Twinlab carb/vitamin drink – 75 carbs