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Update on Genetic Monster at my local Gym...


Jun 5, 2004
Well it appears the 5ft 7inch black man wasnt being totally straight with me..He was on more than test and an anabolic.. I spoke with his suppliers friend yesterday and I found out he has been taking everything under the sun for teh past five years. He had also dabbled with synthol!!! I couldnt tell it but I think my source is being straight with me..

I was told he could have easily done well in the pro ranks. The guys genetics are the best to be seen in my area. This statement is coming from someone who knows..

This monsterous black man has a very bad history. Three divorces,six kids,in and out of jail for drug dealing...

Hes now working a very hard labor job in a factory getting only 4 to 5 hours a sleep per night.Still yet hes able to get huge on that little bit of sleep??? Rumor has it hes spending everything he makes on BB drugs ..

It was confirmed that his arms are 23 inches.I was told his bodyfat was probably not as low as 5% at the current time but that his metabolism is one in a million letting him eat whatever and stay ripped and big..

In a nutshell the boy is a genetic mutant but threw his life away. I think thats a darn shame..HE WAS A SUPER NICE GUY!!!! :confused:
I just wonder if some of us with OK genetics, did GH, t-3 insulin, 1-2 grams of test, and switched up other drugs in the mix, didnt care what happened to our bodys etc, how big, ripped, we could be. Imagine if you could take 2 25mcg of t3 everyday forever not worrying about if you are gonna need it for the rest of your life, or never got off a cycle, because your life sucks who cares? Im gonna die young anyway might as well be ripped, huge .....
He had also dabbled with synthol!!! I couldnt tell it but I think my source is being straight with me..

When used properly, you can't tell.

Still yet hes able to get huge on that little bit of sleep???

BIGKIWI got as huge as you have seen in his pics with very small amounts of gear, no GH, just insulin and he was also a speed addict for most of the time so he hardly slept at all (you can do a search for the thread where he details how he kicked the habit - hat's off to the man).
So THOSE are genetics - hardly any gear, plus doing things detrimental to growth (speed, lack of sleep, etc) and just with working very hard and eating lots he still got so god damn huge!
No point is, I feel like half of us on this board if we had nothing to look foward too, got out of jail etc, have dead end jobs, and just enough money to pay rent, get food and do tons of juice and drugs with out worrying about side effects, who we hurt, if we kill our selves or permanent side effects could be monsters.

If My life was eating tons of good, training, and doing landscape, didnt want a future, family, kids or live long where would I be?
You sure this monster's name isn't Ronnie Coleman? lol
Jrflex10er said:
You sure this monster's name isn't Ronnie Coleman? lol

lol, I have no doubt in my mind he would be about as big or maybe bigger than Ronnie,who knows?

We must not forget Ronnie's not the only one out there with super human genetics..Theres several out there that are too lazy to ever pick up a weight or play sports. They'd rather chase woman and party..

If you doubt what I am saying check out Ronnie before workout pics..Theres others out there just as big and some bigger! ;)
Big A said:
When used properly, you can't tell.

BIGKIWI got as huge as you have seen in his pics with very small amounts of gear, no GH, just insulin and he was also a speed addict for most of the time so he hardly slept at all (you can do a search for the thread where he details how he kicked the habit - hat's off to the man).
So THOSE are genetics - hardly any gear, plus doing things detrimental to growth (speed, lack of sleep, etc) and just with working very hard and eating lots he still got so god damn huge!

BIGKIWI is awesome...

I can remember thinking I had superior genetics back in highschool because all my other peers in exception to one was overtraining something terribly"30 sets a week per body part"!

Now I realize I'm not what I thought I was back then.. .....lol :)
joshbarnett said:
comparing ronnie to this guy is just absurd.

Well I;m just kind of talking in general not really saying he is another Ronnie Coleman but will say this..You are very nieve if you dont think this guy would have done well in the pros at a younger age...

Theres no doubt in my mind theres other black guys out there that could beat Ronnie if they had done the work-drugs as he has

Ronnie is what Arnold was back in the 80's. You mark my words 30 years from now there will be some bigger than Ronnie just as they are now bigger than Arnold. Theres genetic freaks out there who are too lazy too bodybuild..Thats just a fact bro...

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