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Update with Pics, curveball included


Kilo Klub Member
May 3, 2009
I didn't exactly get to do my planned log and cycle due to some very unfortunate family events we have been forced to endure the last few months. I have been able to get leaner and stay extremely tight on my diet due to discipline and lack of appetite but, these issues have required quite a bit of time and emotional turmoil.
For the last 7 weeks cardio has been non-existant and I had only been able to weight train 2x/wk. Mainly just working hard on the basic compound movements to maintain muscle mass through the stress, (and to help alleviate the stress).
This whole experience should really show some of our younger member's the importance of diet and nutrition. During this time I was gear free (why waste the money when training isnt 100% and my heart and mind were somewhere else). I kept my supplement staples in my diet like Glutamine, creatine ester ether, Beta A, whey, EFA's,ect. My bodyfat % dropped by 1.6% in 6-7 weeks(via dexascan taken on Monday) while only training 2x/wk and with no cardio. The progress was 100% due to nutritional consistancy/staying on the diet and making the necessary adjustments as the weeks went on. Protien intake was kept high (over 320 grams/ day), carbs were cycled moderate to low, and fat intake remained at 15-17%. I am very surprised I was able to maintain most of my muscle through the stress and I am ready now to finally start back to training 4x/wk and going after my goals once again. If you are wondering about the tan, I have been taking a sponsors MT2 I had on hand to help with mood and feeling of well-being and I do believe it has helped. The tanning effect is amazing since my time outside in the sun has been very limited (that really suck bc our weather here in FL has been beautiful).

I just want to remind everyone out there to really take the time to enjoy and cherrish your loved ones and keep your priorities grounded.
I always live this fitness lifestyle but sometimes we all get a little carried away and consumed by it. Just remember that bodybuilding/training is something that we do, it is not who you are. Stop and smell the roses my friends, they are not there forvever.
Yours in Health,


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Thanks for the post Scott. I appreciate your candor. Great job staying committed even though you had a bunch of stressors you were dealing with. Oh, and your legs are RIPPED. Take care.
Thanks bro

Thanks for the post Scott. I appreciate your candor. Great job staying committed even though you had a bunch of stressors you were dealing with. Oh, and your legs are RIPPED. Take care.

Thanks bro, Keeping the diet tight and maintaining that discipline actually helped me mentally through things because it was one stable thing I had control of..... I guess that sounds like some silly DR. Phil, but for what it's worth, it was familiar and kept me moving forward.
very nice bro.

i, as well as many on the board know full well how hard it is to diet and train correctly when this thing called "life" gets in the way.

way to stay focused and still achieve excellent results
kind words

very nice bro.

i, as well as many on the board know full well how hard it is to diet and train correctly when this thing called "life" gets in the way.

way to stay focused and still achieve excellent results

Yeh, staying on the diet rather than just saying "screw it all right now" actually kept me regimented and focused on not blowing off my responsibilities like I saw others doing during this difficult time. Kinda like I just needed a reminder of MY "normalcy". Thanks for the kind words bro, now the hard work starts!
new quarter turn

new quarter turn
BTW - all taken by self, but still updates


  • side.bmp
    94.1 KB · Views: 1,503
Good Job.. and thanks for the reminder to smell the roses.

I fell victim to letting things overwhelm me do to unforeseen family events. My weight never changes but high stress means high cortisol and fat in all the wrong places including muscle loss.

Life is short, so we need to enjoy..
Hey Big;
nice work keeping some structure in your life - you look great.

Very sorry to hear about the turmoil - you are right, life is a journey and it is important to enjoy that while you shoot for your goals, whatever they may be.

good luck bro - i'm sure you'll come out on top.
Oh yea

Good Job.. and thanks for the reminder to smell the roses.

I fell victim to letting things overwhelm me do to unforeseen family events. My weight never changes but high stress means high cortisol and fat in all the wrong places including muscle loss.

Life is short, so we need to enjoy..

I am a control freak and I saw how others were letting the situation overwhelm them and lose control of the responsibilities in their life.... Everyone understood but it was def not helping the rest of the family's outlook and optimism so I tried to stay regimented and maintain my immediate family's sense of self. Some situations cant be controlled so we should all choose our battles wisely. Thank GOD we are through most everything, and keeping on track with the diet and progress actually kept me sane by keeping something familiar in my life during a time of emotional crisis.
Thanks for responding and sharing Notadoc.... It helps more than most realize.
Take care
Great pics Evil.. I think this is the best you have looked. I am happy for you; that you were able to keep moving forward during tough times. It is inspirational as I too am enduring family issues coupled with the fact that I have not been able to train due to my back. PM helps keep me grounded and positive; especially threads like this. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. God bless you and your family, and I will pray for you. Stay positive and strong.
Thanks bro

Great pics Evil.. I think this is the best you have looked. I am happy for you; that you were able to keep moving forward during tough times. It is inspirational as I too am enduring family issues coupled with the fact that I have not been able to train due to my back. PM helps keep me grounded and positive; especially threads like this. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. God bless you and your family, and I will pray for you. Stay positive and strong.

Thank you for the compliment and well wishes Michael. I am sorry to hear you are having to deal with some family issues as well... I hope they work themselves out or are resolved in a positive way soon. Without knowing your situation I can only give this advice that really helped me tremendously When it comes to family issues: Be emotional and loving yet controlled and firm. Help when you can and put your pride aside and take that same help when you can't. Even though your world seems to stand still, remember the rest of the Earth is still moving without you.... it's fine to put things aside, but just don't dig yourself a hole you cannot revover from (job, bills, drinks, finances, ect).
Also, Sry to hear about your back, Damn! When it rains, it poors.
Keep moving forward bro, You and your family will be in my prayers as well. If you need anything or even just need to vent, send me a PM.
Thank you for the compliment and well wishes Michael. I am sorry to hear you are having to deal with some family issues as well... I hope they work themselves out or are resolved in a positive way soon. Without knowing your situation I can only give this advice that really helped me tremendously When it comes to family issues: Be emotional and loving yet controlled and firm. Help when you can and put your pride aside and take that same help when you can't. Even though your world seems to stand still, remember the rest of the Earth is still moving without you.... it's fine to put things aside, but just don't dig yourself a hole you cannot revover from (job, bills, drinks, finances, ect).
Also, Sry to hear about your back, Damn! When it rains, it poors.
Keep moving forward bro, You and your family will be in my prayers as well. If you need anything or even just need to vent, send me a PM.

Thanks brother i really appreciate it and the same goes for you.
thanks bro

Hey Big;
nice work keeping some structure in your life - you look great.

Very sorry to hear about the turmoil - you are right, life is a journey and it is important to enjoy that while you shoot for your goals, whatever they may be.

good luck bro - i'm sure you'll come out on top.

Thanks for the encouragement and supportive words leanbody, I really do appreciate it

Hey, this is a bump for Mike, here are the most recent leg pic/and overall pics I have bro. I couldn't figure out how to PM them to
hey Bro! Man, those are impressive wheels! The calves are amazing and the quads are awesome with nice separation! Now I just got to get mine like that :)


Hey, this is a bump for Mike, here are the most recent leg pic/and overall pics I have bro. I couldn't figure out how to PM them to

Thanks Donzi, Trying to get that same level of conditioning in the upper body now
Good job, sounds like you have your priorities in order

best regards, Bigwheel

I posted some pics from October when I was really forcussing on staying lean during one of the roughest times of my families lives and just wanted to Update the progress. Have been back training hard at 100% for 14 weeks. I wanted to put on the most lean muscle I could while trying to keep my bodyat failrly low.... not 7-8% low, but reasonable and below 11% while "building".
Anyone who has read my posts know I will keep it real when it comes to DVD use. So far I am up 16 lbs and am pretty happy about not being a bloated permabulker. I have been working my balls off 5 days per week while keeping my cals at about 4500 and protien at 450g. I have been viewing Test E at 800, EQ at 400mg, and Tren E at 200 for about 6 weeks now. Weight is 234ish right now at just over 6' tall. Still waiting to start my rips from TP as I moved into my new house and there has been of a bit of a forwarding issue with the mail that I'm sure will be sorted out soon. I anticipate big things from the Rips as in all my years I have never been able to afford and view GH DVD's. My IGF-1 level are at 93 which is wayyyy below norm!!!
Anyway, here is an updated pic.


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dont look like the same person brother


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