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US locations to live - for a Canadian expat

You pretty much summed up GA in your post. If I wasn’t here I’d be in Texas or Florida (in that order).

Atlanta is the largest connecting airport in the world and you can live 40-60 minutes from it in some of the safest counties in the U.S.

As long as you don’t live IN Atlanta your political stance will fit right in.

I’m not a Falcons fan, but we did just sign Kirk.
I will check that out! Never even thought about GA. I also love me some history so being on the east coast I would have a ton of things to see.
I'll second the recommendation on the Atlanta area.

I haven't lived there but I did spend two weeks there in 2018 and I loved it. My personal views are to the right but I'm also very much a city dweller so none of the BS bothered me. Atlanta has an excellent downtown, lots of art all over, beautiful scenes at night. I found a coop with all the healthy food and supplement products I use, an LA Fitness within 10 minutes of our AirBNB, and heard about a lot of gyms in the suburbs. Make sure you check out Fox BBQ and their beef ribs!

In Atlanta the climate isn't too extreme, you've got the busies airport in the world, you've got professional sports teams - you've got everything you could want from a world class city.
I have family in Oklahoma and the place is really nice, very mild winters. K.C. is nice too, I have a cousin on the fire dept that works down there and loves it. Though he quit donating blood because all the gang bangers will shoot each other up and use the donated blood, get better and be out on the streets again doing the same shit. Though I am sure it has some good parts. I know three firemen in my area that quit donating blood as well. I personally would look for a no state tax on income as well and you just get an 6-8% raise roughly.

It makes me think Las Vegas, though it has the heat, or Reno NV but that is 7 hours to drive to LV or a under $100 dollar, 1 hour and 10 minute flight. I have an aunt and some cousins that live in Reno and the place is nice, smells a little weird but you get used to it. If your a single guy I would also look on dating sites Bumble or Hinge in those areas you consider as they love to talk about politics and what not on their profiles so you can get a feel for the political climate. Or the political climate you're going to have to listen to. Also Moving to Puerto Rico i think you only pay like %10 federal taxes for so many years but I would double check on that. No sports teams though and probably nothing else you want. I am like you I work 100% online myself for myself so I am looking to reduce my tax base as well. I have also enjoyed myself in Tampa and Miami FL, probably too hot and man the money down there is nuts. Also @Biggerp73 is moving to Chicago so maybe he needs a roommate?? lol j/k. My brother goes to Austin Tx and says there is just tons of stuff to to and where I live everything is closed at 10pm. I have never been to the upper east side of the U.S. but the Patriots are up there and the summer is nice. I also used to enjoy denver as there is a lot to do there but I thinks it s just too busy now but the have places on the out skirts that are nice.

If street hookers is your thing Portland, Seatle, or San Franciso is really sweet. They got this new drug called tranq and just puts all the people to sleep so they don't bother no body. Plus I am sure you can check it out for yourself to see if its any good and you want to be addicted!!!.....lol this last part is a joke. Its actually pretty horrible. I used to love Portland personally but now it seems like a hole

Vegas would be fun. Heat would kill this 100% Nordic blood dude....but my plan would be to transfer ownership of my Canadian house to my son, so I could return to Canada in the summer.

The FB team I follow is the Chargers, so I would get a game a year in LV, then fly to LA for a few...this might be "ok".

To get full tax benefits I need to "sever all ties with Canada", or I would be subject to tax treaties. Basically I would pay USA tax, then the Canadian government would want the delta. IE: I pay $40k US tax, but my income would have attracted $60k tax in Canada, so Canada would want a payment for $20k.
Love Big Sur. World class. I learned to scuba dive there.

Can’t get political here but . . .

If you go ‘way’ up north the politics change drastically.

Until Portland, then it goes to shit again.

I coached youth football camps in the USA, near Seattle for 5 years. Coached with lots of police/1st responders. Their stories about what "personal usage" laws did to the area were atrocious. Given, one was a cop from Tacoma....
Vegas would be fun. Heat would kill this 100% Nordic blood dude....but my plan would be to transfer ownership of my Canadian house to my son, so I could return to Canada in the summer.

The FB team I follow is the Chargers, so I would get a game a year in LV, then fly to LA for a few...this might be "ok".

To get full tax benefits I need to "sever all ties with Canada", or I would be subject to tax treaties. Basically I would pay USA tax, then the Canadian government would want the delta. IE: I pay $40k US tax, but my income would have attracted $60k tax in Canada, so Canada would want a payment for $20k.
There are a handful of states in the US with no income tax like Texas and Florida but they get you in other ways - ex. in Texas sales tax is 8.25% and our property taxes are astronomical because it's how they fund schools. Government's getting their cut no matter what.
I have family in Oklahoma and the place is really nice, very mild winters. K.C. is nice too, I have a cousin on the fire dept that works down there and loves it. Though he quit donating blood because all the gang bangers will shoot each other up and use the donated blood, get better and be out on the streets again doing the same shit. Though I am sure it has some good parts. I know three firemen in my area that quit donating blood as well. I personally would look for a no state tax on income as well and you just get an 6-8% raise roughly.

It makes me think Las Vegas, though it has the heat, or Reno NV but that is 7 hours to drive to LV or a under $100 dollar, 1 hour and 10 minute flight. I have an aunt and some cousins that live in Reno and the place is nice, smells a little weird but you get used to it. If your a single guy I would also look on dating sites Bumble or Hinge in those areas you consider as they love to talk about politics and what not on their profiles so you can get a feel for the political climate. Or the political climate you're going to have to listen to. Also Moving to Puerto Rico i think you only pay like %10 federal taxes for so many years but I would double check on that. No sports teams though and probably nothing else you want. I am like you I work 100% online myself for myself so I am looking to reduce my tax base as well. I have also enjoyed myself in Tampa and Miami FL, probably too hot and man the money down there is nuts. Also @Biggerp73 is moving to Chicago so maybe he needs a roommate?? lol j/k. My brother goes to Austin Tx and says there is just tons of stuff to to and where I live everything is closed at 10pm. I have never been to the upper east side of the U.S. but the Patriots are up there and the summer is nice. I also used to enjoy denver as there is a lot to do there but I thinks it s just too busy now but the have places on the out skirts that are nice.

If street hookers is your thing Portland, Seatle, or San Franciso is really sweet. They got this new drug called tranq and just puts all the people to sleep so they don't bother no body. Plus I am sure you can check it out for yourself to see if its any good and you want to be addicted!!!.....lol this last part is a joke. Its actually pretty horrible. I used to love Portland personally but now it seems like a hole

Denver would almost be exactly the same climate as I have here (Alberta).
Denver would almost be exactly the same climate as I have here (Alberta).

If you haven't thought of this most of these places have some sort of extended stay or even air bnb that you can rent fairly cheap if you just want to go check several places out for a month at the end of the year. If you're just coming down to the states for winter you could go anywhere south the heat is really not too much of a concern. I just looked they got 1 hour 20 minute flights from Vegas to San Deigo for $38. Also I would talk to a tax attorney in the U.S. I know you're a CFO so you are probably well educated in these matters so if I "basic'd" you just know I did so in good faith.
GA is a good place. Kennesaw, Dallas, Hiram, Villa Rica all really affordable and far enough away from Atlanta to avoid the nonsense and traffic but close enough to where you can be there in 30 minutes to an hour.
Another good place to consider is Woodstock. It’s a really nice area with some cool down town restaurants, books stores and shopping areas.

After you live here long enough you try to avoid Atlanta like the plague though.
The traffic is next level hell.
Hi PM,

I am strongly considering moving to the USA. I work for a company out of Boston, so job/sponsorship will not be an option. Further I work 100% remotely so I can likely pick anywhere.

Looking for:
- Moderate weather. IE no blazing 110F summer temps
- More conservative. IE: I definitely lean right (libertarian if you had to peg me. < government = better)
- Great proximity to airports for travel
- Within 60-90 minutes of an NFL team
- Low tax rates, although compared to Canuckistan this is likely to occur anywhere

Any insight folks?
florida is out so is texas with the blazing heat in both states...

here is the real kicker... even alot of so called " red stated" have alot of dem policies going on in them... half the time the dems in the states dont abide by the laws... take florida for example. they have passed several laws regarding the way schools cannot keep info from parents... ( they still do)... cant fly BLM flags in classrooms ( still do) etc etc.... so the idea of real conservatism in any red state is not going to happen totally...

the list you want is very tough to come by... nashville tenneesee would be a decent choice but not actually in nashville... surrounding communities...

if you think about places in the midwest you will hve to deal with harsh winters.. and boring mundane lifestyles....

low tax rates? texas.. is your best bet...
You pretty much summed up GA in your post. If I wasn’t here I’d be in Texas or Florida (in that order).

Atlanta is the largest connecting airport in the world and you can live 40-60 minutes from it in some of the safest counties in the U.S.

As long as you don’t live IN Atlanta your political stance will fit right in.

I’m not a Falcons fan, but we did just sign Kirk.
Isn't it super humid in Georgia?

I know a lot of guys who really like it there though.


I agree with Alfresco that Cali checks all those boxes except for low taxes and leaning left...well, and it still gets really hot here too. There are pockets in Cali that are very conservative though, I live in one......BUT, as a whole, it is very liberal with tons of taxes and liberal policies:(

For cooler weather, you will need to look more into the northern states....but even then, summers are brutal everywhere almost. I had/have friends in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and they still had 100-110+ degree weather in the summers.
Maybe I just "retire" from North America and go back to Taiwan and teach business English. Shit I was making $20US/hr, under the table, when I was there in 2000. With my designation/experience I could do business English for executives...hmmm.

btw - The Taiwanese women are extremely attractive and love Nordic dudes ;)
florida is out so is texas with the blazing heat in both states...

here is the real kicker... even alot of so called " red stated" have alot of dem policies going on in them... half the time the dems in the states dont abide by the laws... take florida for example. they have passed several laws regarding the way schools cannot keep info from parents... ( they still do)... cant fly BLM flags in classrooms ( still do) etc etc.... so the idea of real conservatism in any red state is not going to happen totally...

the list you want is very tough to come by... nashville tenneesee would be a decent choice but not actually in nashville... surrounding communities...

if you think about places in the midwest you will hve to deal with harsh winters.. and boring mundane lifestyles....

low tax rates? texas.. is your best bet...
Every, and I mean EVERY, major city and metro area County in America is run by a blue party liberal mayor. Even in red states, doesn’t matter if it’s Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Texas, whatever... this is how the left still infects “red” states.
Every, and I mean EVERY, major city and metro area County in America is run by a blue party liberal mayor. Even in red states, doesn’t matter if it’s Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Texas, whatever... this is how the left still infects “red” states.
There are no liberal states..just major liberal cities that end up taking the majority
Well, guess I just hit the MT2/tanning bed and just cross the border. How much free shit do I get? 🤣

this hurts bro.

hopefully the 'fuck america' party has to pack their bags soon... otherwise, i'd look at Iceland or Singapore instead lol
Isn't it super humid in Georgia?

I know a lot of guys who really like it there though.


I agree with Alfresco that Cali checks all those boxes except for low taxes and leaning left...well, and it still gets really hot here too. There are pockets in Cali that are very conservative though, I live in one......BUT, as a whole, it is very liberal with tons of taxes and liberal policies:(

For cooler weather, you will need to look more into the northern states....but even then, summers are brutal everywhere almost. I had/have friends in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and they still had 100-110+ degree weather in the summers.
North GA does get pretty humid in the summer, but not Florida humid. Lol

If you want no humidity you’ll have to go to somewhere like Sedona. North GA is a good middle ground.
this hurts bro.

hopefully the 'fuck america' party has to pack their bags soon... otherwise, i'd look at Iceland or Singapore instead lol

We have the same issue in Canada. Illegals living in hotels, free health care, subsidies for food.

It is completely fucked.
Northern CA, without the politics, would be ideal. I did a road trip up the Big Sur and was blown away. However the political leaning appears to be something that I am running for, not running towards. This is one reason for my potential exodus from Canada.

My "trade" is that I am a CPA. I have worked at the VP/CFO level for around 15 years now.
Just go a few minutes outside the bay area and it suddenly becomes quite conservative. The entire valley is solidly "red" for the most part. If that's too far from the city, maybe try somewhere like Morgan Hill or Livermore.

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