How about this..get some testosterone creame and try it and see. I have some TNE creame that I could rub on my forehead but I doubt it would get through my thick skull!!!!!
You can buy legitimate Botox from a real pharmacy online for cheap. Just check the South Korean stores. They overnight it in a cooler. It's like $80 for the Botox and $20 for shipping. For what you would pay $1000+ for here in the states.
But honestly once you use it, you'll like the results for a while, but then you'll forget about it, and when you go back to normal wrinkles, you'll realize they actually don't look bad. They're normal. They don't make you look worse.
Now if you have loose skin that's somewhat different. The best approach for that would be micro-coring. Removes like 10% of your skin in one treatment. No scars. No cuts. Kinda expensive though.