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Viagra vs PT-141


Dec 10, 2022
Which do you think is more effective? Has anybody used both at the same time?
They are different.

Viagara and Cialis enhance ability to perform (get hard) but don't do anything for sexual desire.

PT-141 increases desire but not ability at a given desire level.

Yes they can be paired. Plenty here have done it.
Thank You. Looking forward to pairing them up.

Pt 141 can make you nauseous for a bit post injection. Also takes a while to kick in. Seems to last or be noticeable for a few days. For whatever reason a sleep or nap reset seems to bring the 'kick in' a bit faster - noticed by a few, everyone is different so not science or gospel. Can also build a tolerance.

I like cialis more than Viagara given it lasts a couple days as well. Plenty of combined these too and many ugls offer the blend.
Thank You. Looking forward to pairing them up.
Pt 141 can make you nauseous for a bit post injection. Also takes a while to kick in. Seems to last or be noticeable for a few days. For whatever reason a sleep or nap reset seems to bring the 'kick in' a bit faster - noticed by a few, everyone is different so not science or gospel. Can also build a tolerance.

I like cialis more than Viagara given it lasts a couple days as well. Plenty of combined these too and many ugls offer the blend.
IIRC both MT2 and PT-141 cause long lasting erection wituout arousal when the dose is high enough ( like 8 hours of spontaneus erection after 5mg of MT2).
IIRC both MT2 and PT-141 cause long lasting erection wituout arousal when the dose is high enough ( like 8 hours of spontaneus erection after 5mg of MT2).

Maybe so. Never went nearly that high. That said I can kind of feel that being right based on anecdote and personal usage.
IIRC both MT2 and PT-141 cause long lasting erection wituout arousal when the dose is high enough ( like 8 hours of spontaneus erection after 5mg of MT2).
Long lasting erection.

Thought 4 hours was the max . . . then it’s off to the hospital. No?
They aren't even in the same ballpark.

Viagra makes it easy to get rock hard and remain rock hard for long periods of time. But it does nothing to increase libido itself, and at least for me personally, it makes it impossible to reach orgasm. I could rail my wife for hours on Viagra and never cum. Which might sound fun if you are used to orgasming quickly, but it's actually a nightmare.

Mt2/pt141 actually increases libido. You will be more horny than you've ever been before. As a result it will be easier to get hard and stay hard, but every sensation, whether physically, mentally, emotionally, etc, is much more erotic and pleasurable and turns you on a whole lot more.

The injection that causes automatic permanent erections (priapism) is trimix/Caverject. It causes erections regardless of whether you are turned on, so you could be watching a Chihuahua eat it's own vomit, it wouldnt matter, as long as the drug is active, you will be rock hard. There really isn't a strict need for the hospital if it lasts more than a few hours, as the priapism is high flow so the penile tissues are fully oxygenated, but after about 8 hours it will hurt so bad you will want to go anyways.
Long lasting erection.

Thought 4 hours was the max . . . then it’s off to the hospital. No?
You go to the hospital if you have a nonstop erection for four hours. With MT2 the erections occur over a longer period but are spontaneous - you're not hard nonstop.
PT-141 is supposed to increase libido while sildenafil is only dilating vessels. MT2 works similar. A friend of mine overdosed with MT2 and got very unpleasant boner
Which do you think is more effective? Has anybody used both at the same time?
PT 141 side effects were so intense for me I couldn't notice a benefit if there was one. Even at low dosages the nausea for me is unbearable. Last time I tried it, my entire day was ruined.
PT-141 = feeling shitty…. Not using that shit ever again…

High Libido - Test, Tren, Mast

Dick hardness - Any PDE5, or use PGE1

PT-141 increases libido and random boners.

Viagra just gets you hard.

I’m not a fan of using PT-141 or mt2 for increasing libido as it’s just masking an underlying issue if you have low libido.

When I’ve used pt-141 to increase libido when it’s low cause something is off with my health or hormones it’s honestly underwhelming. Kinda works for a little while. It’s just temporarily masking a low libido. And the low libido will return if you don’t fix the underlying issue even whilst on pt-141

If I use pt-141 or mt2 when I’m healthy and hormones are balanced it makes my libido ridiculously high. Like intrusively and distractingly high.

Morning sex, nooners, bed time sex. Have a dream about sex then wake up and can’t go back to sleep till you get off type of libido.

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