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Waximaize and Protien


Feb 2, 2006
Are you allowed to mix them together in ur pwo shake? Or should you do the maxi immediatley after workout and then protein say 30min later? Im sure the other times during the day you can mix them
You certainly can mix the 2 in your pwo drink. I believe taking the wm solo will give more benefit. I've read adding the protein can slow down the draw or something of the sort.
I down the wm shake pwo, then wait till I'm starving again which is usually about 40mins and drink the whey. I would say take the time try it out, both seperate and mixed. You might do great mixing the 2.:star-wa:s
I just started using waximaize about a week ago. I've been blending mine with my liquid eggwhites and whey isolate and drinking it all the second I've finished my workout.

Now if one were using slin,igf,gh I would definitely time things differently having the waximaize first and the proteins later.
I use the WM in my post workout shake with True Protein cold filtration whey isolate and BCAA plus.

Then an hour after that I have my regular post workout meal which consists of scrambled egg whites with a few yolks thrown in, whole wheat english muffins with peanut butter on top.

Is there any perticular WM brand you guys prefer? Or is there only one? And best place to buy it at? (thanks)
Cool, thank you.

You absolutely should not take your WM at the same time that you take your protein. WM is a high molecular weight carbohydrate and if you increase the molecular weight it will not be pulled into the small intestine like it is suppost to. Take your WM with some amino's about twenty minutes before taking your protein for optimal results. If you want a more exact idea of what WM is just let me know.
You absolutely should not take your WM at the same time that you take your protein. WM is a high molecular weight carbohydrate and if you increase the molecular weight it will not be pulled into the small intestine like it is suppost to. Take your WM with some amino's about twenty minutes before taking your protein for optimal results. If you want a more exact idea of what WM is just let me know.

this is how i take also.peace
You absolutely should not take your WM at the same time that you take your protein. WM is a high molecular weight carbohydrate and if you increase the molecular weight it will not be pulled into the small intestine like it is suppost to. Take your WM with some amino's about twenty minutes before taking your protein for optimal results. If you want a more exact idea of what WM is just let me know.

i would like a more exact idea.thanx
You absolutely should not take your WM at the same time that you take your protein. WM is a high molecular weight carbohydrate and if you increase the molecular weight it will not be pulled into the small intestine like it is suppost to. Take your WM with some amino's about twenty minutes before taking your protein for optimal results. If you want a more exact idea of what WM is just let me know.

yes please give us more thanks also how would you do say a shake preworkout with protein and ur wm thanks
You absolutely should not take your WM at the same time that you take your protein. WM is a high molecular weight carbohydrate and if you increase the molecular weight it will not be pulled into the small intestine like it is suppost to. Take your WM with some amino's about twenty minutes before taking your protein for optimal results. If you want a more exact idea of what WM is just let me know.

I agree with dusty as I have tried them togther and separate and you can tell a difference with digestion as I tested my blood glucose as well...

From my empirical data and tests I like to split them....
How WM works.

WM is a high molecular weight carbohydrate. Due to it's molecular weight it is pulled through the gut and into the small intestine which is where most of the bodies carbohydrate metabolism occurs. As the WM is pulled into the small intestine so is water which causes more water to be drawn to the muscle thus increasing nutrient flow to the muscle. The higher glycogen synthesis combined with the increased water and nutrient flow to the muscle speeds up recovery time, and of course the faster you recover the faster you grow.

One thing to keep in mind while using WM is that it's the high molecular weight that makes the product superior to glucose post workout. That being said if you are going to use it you will want to take it as soon as you finish training and wait twenty minutes before taking your protein powder and or amino's so that you don't screw up the uptake of the WM.
WM is a high molecular weight carbohydrate. Due to it's molecular weight it is pulled through the gut and into the small intestine which is where most of the bodies carbohydrate metabolism occurs. As the WM is pulled into the small intestine so is water which causes more water to be drawn to the muscle thus increasing nutrient flow to the muscle. The higher glycogen synthesis combined with the increased water and nutrient flow to the muscle speeds up recovery time, and of course the faster you recover the faster you grow.

One thing to keep in mind while using WM is that it's the high molecular weight that makes the product superior to glucose post workout. That being said if you are going to use it you will want to take it as soon as you finish training and wait twenty minutes before taking your protein powder and or amino's so that you don't screw up the uptake of the WM.

if you were using glucose and NOT waximaize would you combine the glucose with your whey and drink both dowm after workout or would you time it like the waximaize?
if you were using glucose and NOT waximaize would you combine the glucose with your whey and drink both dowm after workout or would you time it like the waximaize?

If I was using glucose I would take it at the same time because with glucose nothing changes by having the protein digesting at the exact same time.
What about mixing the waxi with some LBA'S right after the workout?-will the glycerol affect the waxi digestion/molecular weight?
so is it bascially a no no to mix wm and protein together for a shake

You can use both together and they will be effective but not as efective as splitting the two up......If you want the most effective way that would be it....I have tken waxy and protein together and it works too....not as efficiently...
I agree with dusty as I have tried them togther and separate and you can tell a difference with digestion as I tested my blood glucose as well...

From my empirical data and tests I like to split them....

Can you post some examples of BG readings?

I am skeptical it really makes that much difference and yes I have tried it and used a BG meter many times.

Right now I am mixing Pepto Pro and Waxy together and trust me have no issues with the waxy maize going in my small intestines first IMO quickly followed by the Pepto for one helluva response.

I can post some examples tonight why I think waxy's going in first no matter what.

IMO , waxy is a great product , but it does not make a huge difference , that is visible , if you are using different protocols pwo . yes , if you are talking about using it for carbing up for a show , it might be better to take it by itself . but for pwo , i don't believe that you are recovering ''that'' much faster , maybe a little but not much . your glycogen will replenish , no matter what . what i don't get is that sometimes there are studies that say glycogen will be replenished in GREATER and FASTER rates if taken together with protein . so , now waxy is supposed to be that much better . yes , it does have a very high molecular weight and its osmolality is very little . this is all showing that it will be superior to maltodextrin or dextrose >>> i completely agree and would definitely choose waxy before i choose the other two . BUT making a science out of it and worrying about getting it all timed right and having the right solutions and percentages etc..... etc... >>> NO , i don't think it is necessary .

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