Russia is cracking down. They used to sell OTC Test, but no longer. I read and article on a bust there. I'd love to be wrong about the OTC sales, maybe just busting dealers. Russia is great to visit, but havent been in a while.
Turkey is a yes, for now. Same things for sale as Egypt. (Please God, don't let Turkey join the EU.) Joining the EU means the fun is over. And the fun there is already limited. You really dont wanna get caught using even weed in Turkey. But for us non-rec drug using gearheads, it's awesome! BEST place for Primo and Sust...from what I hear
Greece is a yes, in the cities. In the outlying tourist areas, it's a no.
Egypt, don't forget Eqypt! All good there. Sust and Deca, clomid, Test Undeca *oral, GOOD Anadrol. And of all-you-can eat-Viagra.
Ukraine I'm not sure.
Last I heard in Romania, recently, it was ok. But the border checks there are no joke. Think, Checkpoint Charlie circa 1955.
Europe used to be great. Not any more. It's still better for Gear users than the US, of course. But in some places it like the US severity coupled with the greatest ignorance you can imagine. Friggin' junkies can LEGALLY have 1.5 grams of H im possession! But only ONE injection of AAS before it's a crime. WTF can I do with ONE injection?