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What has changed?


IFBB Pro / Quadruple Featured Member/ Verified Cus
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Jun 15, 2003
From the 80's, 90's, early 2000's, to now what has really changed in bodybuilding?

My short thoughts
Gh and insulin has become more available over the years and doses have climbed since these substances hit the bodybuilding scene

Doses in my opinion across the board have increased and a lot of this could be due to easier availability. Each Era had their own specific abusers like Titus in his time and various other in each Era but for across the board and the entire field I feel doses have raised.

That is about it, I don't think much has changed in the way of nutrition or even training (for those that claim intra workout nutrition was it truly that or the overall massive inclusion of GH and slin across the field of individuals?) ...due to availability ^^

Discuss, give us your opinions
I agree though I’d say availability is the same and yes the doses are insanely higher but 20 years ago UGLs were the odd man out and it was all human or vet pharma and now it’s vice versa. Insulin knowledge is way way way advanced and due to social media the age guys get on and the level of stupid has ratcheted up dramatically as well as the openness to the use of a scheduled drug. I mean woukd you film yourself shooting heroin? Yes gear isn’t harmful like heroin but the minimum sentences are the same for both.
I couldn’t agree more on the insulin, gh, and social media. I’d also add that there are a ton of influencers who don’t know their ass from their elbow, and some of the younger generation will listen. From ridiculous doses, to shooting synthol so much muscles are deforming or blowing up.

Great new topic, as always, b-boy. I’d love to hear what @nothuman and @Stewie would have to say from a high overview on this.
I've said the same for many years now.

I always get a laugh out of people on forums saying training and dieting got more scientific and just better. I see that comment often and it's just so ridiculous.

Insulin and GH are the only points of progress, nothing else. So more than 30 years since the last advance and many think these were not progress at all, but the opposite.
From the 80's, 90's, early 2000's, to now what has really changed in bodybuilding?

My short thoughts
Gh and insulin has become more available over the years and doses have climbed since these substances hit the bodybuilding scene

Doses in my opinion across the board have increased and a lot of this could be due to easier availability. Each Era had their own specific abusers like Titus in his time and various other in each Era but for across the board and the entire field I feel doses have raised.

That is about it, I don't think much has changed in the way of nutrition or even training (for those that claim intra workout nutrition was it truly that or the overall massive inclusion of GH and slin across the field of individuals?) ...due to availability ^^

Discuss, give us your opinions
Are People in usa decently buff on avg? Social media fucked up my perception i thought everyone was crazy buff, did 1 cycle and im the third biggest guy in my gym out of 100, so where are all these buff people? On the street etc i literally never see someone more buff than me. This site is another example, its millions of people all over the world, including pros so if i compare myself to biggest guys here im pretty small. But in real life people like that are so sparse that ul never really see someone that big irl. Just my viewpoint.
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Guys had that grainy look on stage and the muscles poped up in a different way
Also had thin waists
Are People in usa decently buff on avg? Social media fucked up my perception i thought everyone was crazy buff, did 1 cycle and im the third biggest guy in my gym out of 100, so where are all these buff people? On the street etc i literally never see someone more buff than me. View attachment 190447 This site is another example, its millions of people all over the world, including pros so if i compare myself to biggest guys here im pretty small. But in real life people like that are so sparse that ul never really see someone that big irl. Just my viewpoint.
Sorry but you must go to a gym with a bunch of lady boys if you’re the third biggest guy. That is not an accurate representation.
I've said the same for many years now.

I always get a laugh out of people on forums saying training and dieting got more scientific and just better. I see that comment often and it's just so ridiculous.

Insulin and GH are the only points of progress, nothing else. So more than 30 years since the last advance and many think these were not progress at all, but the opposite.

THIS ^^^^ 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
I've said the same for many years now.

I always get a laugh out of people on forums saying training and dieting got more scientific and just better. I see that comment often and it's just so ridiculous.

Insulin and GH are the only points of progress, nothing else. So more than 30 years since the last advance and many think these were not progress at all, but the opposite.
I was just going to say

Insulin and GH are the only two things that have changed

Maybe synthol too
I've said the same for many years now.

I always get a laugh out of people on forums saying training and dieting got more scientific and just better. I see that comment often and it's just so ridiculous.

Insulin and GH are the only points of progress, nothing else. So more than 30 years since the last advance and many think these were not progress at all, but the opposite.
I agree 💯
So with that point I have a question for you...... do you think bodybuilders need coaches?
From the 80's, 90's, early 2000's, to now what has really changed in bodybuilding?

My short thoughts
Gh and insulin has become more available over the years and doses have climbed since these substances hit the bodybuilding scene

Doses in my opinion across the board have increased and a lot of this could be due to easier availability. Each Era had their own specific abusers like Titus in his time and various other in each Era but for across the board and the entire field I feel doses have raised.

That is about it, I don't think much has changed in the way of nutrition or even training (for those that claim intra workout nutrition was it truly that or the overall massive inclusion of GH and slin across the field of individuals?) ...due to availability ^^

Discuss, give us your opinions
Good topic. Hope it gets a lot of traffic.

Having weight trained 50 years now and following it and spending some time around the greats of that era (not bragging) for the same amount of time I believe that . . .

1) more anabolic steroids, i.e., in greater quantities.

2) availability, lower cost of GH.

3) insulin

4) intra/workout drinks (which I think are highly overrated).

5) frequency of meals (5 - 6, maybe 8?) and the amount of protein consumed.

6) the manipulation of all the variables associated with being ‘contest ready’, read getting more cut, vascular and dry. (Bodybuilding is not a dieting contest.)

7) training on more machines.

8) like Jay has said many times, for him it was like living in a box; training, meals, sleep.Period. Pretty much a monk like existence which obviously worked for him but back in the Arnold era, even later, these guys had a social life and managed to squeeze in some time with the ladies 👍

9) when it is all said and done, they are monsters today essentially due to the above but what most (?) people fail to recognize is that as a function of time and exposure we are just locating more genetic freaks. That is unavoidable.
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changes since (for the majority of lifters, not the top) = way more use and reliance on ped's (and many more ped's also) + way less on training/diet. imo .
I was just going to say

Insulin and GH are the only two things that have changed

Maybe synthol too
GH and insulin for sure!

Maybe Synthol, but I know 100% I’m not screwing around with that stuff and am way too inexperienced to even attempt injecting myself with that properly. But, I don’t step on stage and compete for a living either, so I don’t have to try that stuff to get instant size.
Drug doses have increased (I think), but given that everyone now has a platform (social media/podcasts/blogs/websites) have they stayed the same but more people are talking about them?

The availability and price of HGH.

The availability and ease of blood work. Yes, this is a positive factor as we can spot issues before anything gets serious serious. But I feel it's also used an excuse to really push drugs. "My bloods are fine, so I'm going to run 3.5g/wk" mentality. I often think about the side effects that bloods don't show such as neurotoxicity, cognitive function, liver adenoma, etc...

Health supplementation use has increased. Again, whilst this is great for mitigating the negative effects of PEDs, it's not going to ward off all sides.

Social media has put a lot of pressure in males to look a certain way. You need to be successful, have money, own 5x business and look good all the time for your followers not just on the beach or for a comp. Has this caused BB to push PEDs more?

People are lazier than they used to be. Now someone wants to take 300mg of COQ10 and not do 30mins cardio.

Everyone patience has gone. You want your Amazon delivery TODAY, or it's not good enough. BB want results TODAY and not in 5-10 years doing it the hard way grinding, eating, not missing meals or workouts. Let's increase the PEDs instead.
Sorry but you must go to a gym with a bunch of lady boys if you’re the third biggest guy. That is not an accurate representation.
Lmao! The gym that my wife and I go to are all IFBB Pro’s with the number one being Derek Lundsford and previously Nick Walker, before he moved to Vegas…That states that I am most likely second to smallest in my gym. 😂
Drug doses have increased (I think), but given that everyone now has a platform (social media/podcasts/blogs/websites) have they stayed the same but more people are talking about them?

The availability and price of HGH.

The availability and ease of blood work. Yes, this is a positive factor as we can spot issues before anything gets serious serious. But I feel it's also used an excuse to really push drugs. "My bloods are fine, so I'm going to run 3.5g/wk" mentality. I often think about the side effects that bloods don't show such as neurotoxicity, cognitive function, liver adenoma, etc...

Health supplementation use has increased. Again, whilst this is great for mitigating the negative effects of PEDs, it's not going to ward off all sides.

Social media has put a lot of pressure in males to look a certain way. You need to be successful, have money, own 5x business and look good all the time for your followers not just on the beach or for a comp. Has this caused BB to push PEDs more?

People are lazier than they used to be. Now someone wants to take 300mg of COQ10 and not do 30mins cardio.

Everyone patience has gone. You want your Amazon delivery TODAY, or it's not good enough. BB want results TODAY and not in 5-10 years doing it the hard way grinding, eating, not missing meals or workouts. Let's increase the PEDs instead.
This is good shit right here and I agree! I fight daily with not trying to turn into one of those who says I’ll just increase my dose and skip cardio versus trying to out in the work.

I always have to preface that with, I’m over 40 now and I’m not competing, so my opinion doesn’t quite hold as much as those who step on stage.

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