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What is with me

Tough Old Man

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Kilo Klub Member
Nov 18, 2005
I have got up the last three nights anywhere from 2-3:30 am and cooked me a meal, ate it and gone back to bed. I'm on test and about 2 weeks ago added in EQ @ 800mgs a week. Is it the EQ that is causing this hunger as I feel like I'm hungry all the time. I have ran EQ before at the same dose and don't remember it doing this.
Yup...I believe you answered your own question. I love eq for the same reason. Some people dont notice a change in appetite from eq, but i am one that certainly notices a difference. Your thread title seems like this is a problem, but i dont think its a problem unless your trying to diet. Good luck, and keep eating.
I have got up the last three nights anywhere from 2-3:30 am and cooked me a meal, ate it and gone back to bed. I'm on test and about 2 weeks ago added in EQ @ 800mgs a week. Is it the EQ that is causing this hunger as I feel like I'm hungry all the time. I have ran EQ before at the same dose and don't remember it doing this.

Hahaha!!!! You sound just like me on 800mg EQ! 1-2am almost every night I have to have meal or a shake.
Not me

I have been around the block a time or two with it and never experienced this. Can anyone post up a reason this would be happening? Increased RBC's don't make ya hungry does it?
Happens to me anytime I run EQ, I become a bottomless pit and eat meals all day and night.
I have got up the last three nights anywhere from 2-3:30 am and cooked me a meal, ate it and gone back to bed. I'm on test and about 2 weeks ago added in EQ @ 800mgs a week. Is it the EQ that is causing this hunger as I feel like I'm hungry all the time. I have ran EQ before at the same dose and don't remember it doing this.

Yup! Same thing that happened to me when I ran EQ.

The same thing happens to me at 600 mg but it usually takes 3-4 weeks before the appetite goes bonkers. At least you are eating the right foods in the middle of the night. EQ after 6 weeks is my absolute favorite compound... in my experiences with it: huge appetite, vascularity gets crazy, strength gains are continuous, and the all-around feeling of well-being (opposite of tren)is high.
Sounds like the stage is set for muscle growth. Thing is, you are getting a little less valuable sleep due to the extra meal time. When I'd get up for middle of the night protien shakes, I started to go to bed thirty minutes earlier as to not get short changed on the sleep. I notice that when I made my best gains I did need just a little more. I have gained four or five lean pounds this month and had to take a mid day nap yesterday for the first time in maybe four or five months. Just my two cents. Enjoy the ride Sir.
if i dont hungery thn i,m thinking tht it not eq ,but trust me u know when it working lol
Need to have that baby cooked and in the tuperware, save on some sleep time lol.
I have got up the last three nights anywhere from 2-3:30 am and cooked me a meal, ate it and gone back to bed. I'm on test and about 2 weeks ago added in EQ @ 800mgs a week. Is it the EQ that is causing this hunger as I feel like I'm hungry all the time. I have ran EQ before at the same dose and don't remember it doing this.

yes sir the consensus seems to be EQ increases appetite!!!

as for your previous experience with EQ and it not causing appetite i am at a loss, other than questions its legitamacy. maybe it was relabelled test or something
for me anytime i juice i start eating in the middle of the night 1 or 2 times,i wake up starving,si eat and have a shake in the middle of the night,and i also eat a meal right before bed,usually pnut butter,milk,oatmeal for meal before bed and breakfast

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