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Apr 13, 2010
kinda personal but im freaking out. Im 19 year old and noticed a large lump on my testical this afternoon, went to the ER, after the tests found out i do not have cancer thank god but i have something called varicose veins that surround the testis, the guy in the ER told me i needed to stop lift heavy weights for good because he believe the vein will pop if blood is pumped to it through movements like squating and other core things. is my bodybuilding career over or what? if anyone knows or has gone through this please let me know thank you.
Before you freak out, go and see a Urologist. The ER doctor is not a specialist and might me right, but he might not be as well.
Yes a varicocele. Feels like a bag of worms or spaghetti in your sac? Vasodialiation causes the area to swell and exert lots of pressure on the testicles and the outcome is very painful.

Also very tough to explain to the horny, gorgeous girl wanting you to please her all night long about why your balls hurt so bad and the only thing you want to do now is ice them down and cry:(

Varicocelectomy is not bad at all. I was back in the gym a week later doing cardio and light weights and 100% again a month later.

Make an appt. with a urologist.
Yes a varicocele. Feels like a bag of worms or spaghetti in your sac? Vasodialiation causes the area to swell and exert lots of pressure on the testicles and the outcome is very painful.

Also very tough to explain to the horny, gorgeous girl wanting you to please her all night long about why your balls hurt so bad and the only thing you want to do now is ice them down and cry:(

Varicocelectomy is not bad at all. I was back in the gym a week later doing cardio and light weights and 100% again a month later.

Make an appt. with a urologist.

atleast there is some hope, the doc in the er pretty much made it seem like i was done and stuck with this forever
Sorry but dumbest fukin thing I ever heard. Better not wack off either or you might pop a vein. :rolleyes: Ditto on going to a specialist.
Not the same thing but i strained a nut once lifting a bail of alfalfa and after much worrying went t see a specialist , he said it was fine and would heal but that it was a good idea to wear a jock strap when lifting , some how this is supposed to prevent the nuts from being in such a bind
A varicose is nothing to worry about... most times they resolve themselves..the guy that told you to stop working out is a fuckin idiot...don't worry about this bro you be fine.
Had a very similar thing happen to me around the age of 23. I ended up seeing a specialist. Not trying to be funny, but these guys are looking at everything you could possibly imagine go with a pair or testicles so you better believe they have some good insight. It turned out not to be cancer but just a small cyst that posed no danger. He pretty much told me if it hurts when your lifting stop what your doing and do something else thats more comfortable. In other words, the thought of not lifting weights wasn't even something he was suggesting to me at all. Go see your specialist, it will put your mind at ease.
A varicose is nothing to worry about... most times they resolve themselves..the guy that told you to stop working out is a fuckin idiot...don't worry about this bro you be fine.

i wanted to think he was wrong and an idiot but he is a doc and all so i wasnt sure. glad i asked people on here though feeling much better about it.

Yes a varicocele. Feels like a bag of worms or spaghetti in your sac? Vasodialiation causes the area to swell and exert lots of pressure on the testicles and the outcome is very painful.

Also very tough to explain to the horny, gorgeous girl wanting you to please her all night long about why your balls hurt so bad and the only thing you want to do now is ice them down and cry:(

Varicocelectomy is not bad at all. I was back in the gym a week later doing cardio and light weights and 100% again a month later.

Make an appt. with a urologist.
This. Great advice. It can pop/leak/etc.... Just ask JT.
A lot of times the ER is not the place to go for a diagnosis, it is what the name implies, EMERGENCY ROOM.

A urologist is your doctor/specialist of choice for this. It does sound like a rather common problem as suggested in the above posts. I don't think your lifting career is over, you just need the advice of a specialist.

Good luck!
I amazed at what that idiot said . . Many people have the procedure done and well on their way within the first month. Emergency rooms doctor or voodoo doctors can come up with some crazy shit.
I amazed at what that idiot said . . Many people have the procedure done and well on their way within the first month. Emergency rooms doctor or voodoo doctors can come up with some crazy shit.

so there is a procedure to take care of it?

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