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what to do after contest??


New member
Jun 19, 2002
ive decided to do my first contest in august. im doing it for a couple of reasons. 1) to finally see what all this muscle looks like as ive never been lean since i started training as ive just been trying to put on as much mass as possible. this way i will have some idea of how successful i can be at this sport, size, shape and leanness wise. 2) the second reason ive decided to do it is because ive been told by several friends of mine that compete, that once you get that lean, its alot harder to get fat again. like your body changes or something. if this is true, then this will allow me to continue to bulk and look half way decent following the contest. heres my delima: if in fact, when i get into condition, i look good, with good shape and everything i plan to go forward with competetive bodybuilding and go as far as i can.
what i need to know is, what is the best route to take following the contest as far as time off from gear, diet, training, etc. i will be on alot of gear coming into the contest, and will have been on for a total of about 20 weeks leading up to the contest so im guessing it would do some good to take a break from the gear but i do not want to lose any muscle. i definately plan on staying on GH all the way through including after the contest for as long as i possibly can hoping this will help with putting on mass as well as staying lean. so do you guys feel that i should come off the anabolics and androgens copletely and take a break and clean out, or should i stay on a low dose of something for a while before hitting it hard again. if i do take a break, i plan on staying on all year, switching gears periodically as to put on as much mass as possible in the year following the contest. im not sure if im going to compete next year or just try to continue to grow. just depends on how things go. any help on this would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
i am in the same boat as you kinda. i am doing my first show in 3 weeks and my second in 4 weeks. after the show i am doing two weeks hcg and two weeks clomid because i have been on since january first. then i am briding with anavar till i can afford to do a heavy cycle which i am guessing will be september 1st. from then on i am staying on till i feel i am big enough to do well in the next division up. This is my personal decision. i am not worried about staying lean while bulking at all. i just want as much mass as possible this year and will do as much drugs as i can afford to do. i dont' think you should worry about lean either. i personally know and you will know how your body is after you come down but i can go from 16% to below 5% in 8-10 weeks easily. so i am not sweating that. i started dieting at 16 weeks out this time and i won't do that again. now i feel like i'm just sitting playing the waiting game while in shape already.

just do whatever feels right to you based on your goals. you goals in the offseason should be to maximize muscle size. That is it. when your getting ready for a show worry about fat then.
well, im not really that worried about staying lean. ive never really worried about it. last year i got up to 235 and ill only be competing as a middleweight, im only 5'6. the thing is, i know that right after the show, im gonna gain a shitload of weight, everybody does, but i want that weight to be good weight. and i want to keep gaining good weight for the rest of the year. im just wondering if the copmetition vets on here think its a good idea to take a break from the juice right after the contest, or take advantage of the sponge affect and stay on.
Don't waste your post cycle rebound!
As soon as the comp is over, switch over to bulk gear for at least 6 weeks. You will explode like you have never before, all the while gaining very little bodyfat. Then, worry about coming off.
Big A knows what he is talking about, he setup my last precontest cycle and I decided to bulk after my diet, I put on weight faster than ever, granted alot of it was water, but I made some great gains too, I stayed on DNP and T3 for most of the 12 weeks of my diet and had my blood test 2 weeks after I stopped the T3 and the DNP and my T3 levels were high, they had rebounded higher than before I started my cycle, I winded up going from 214 to 263 with very little visible bodyfat increase in 8 weeks. Bulk!!
Glad I read this post - Great Info!!!!

Great info big A.

Do you think that taking a week off from the gym totally after a show to rest is a good idea or just jump on some bulking gear and keep your momentum going??? i mean, i've been thrashing my body for 16 weeks. should i think about a recovery week or hit the dbol hard the next week???
Big A said:
Don't waste your post cycle rebound!
As soon as the comp is over, switch over to bulk gear for at least 6 weeks. You will explode like you have never before, all the while gaining very little bodyfat. Then, worry about coming off.

thank you VERY much. that is EXACTLY what i was looking for.
w8's said:
Great info big A.

Do you think that taking a week off from the gym totally after a show to rest is a good idea or just jump on some bulking gear and keep your momentum going??? i mean, i've been thrashing my body for 16 weeks. should i think about a recovery week or hit the dbol hard the next week???

Take a week off from training after the comp. Only use the bulk injectibles for that week. Add the d-bol the week after when you hit the gym again.
Thanks bro, your extremely helpful.

MY woman is gonna be really excited about this now. hehehe
This is some great info. If you look around there is a thread about helping maintain your gains, check it out it is very interesting.

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