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Which antibiotic for infection?


New member
Jun 2, 2003
Hey guys,

I did two delt injections the about four days ago. One is fine and the other has grown more swollen and red every day since. They were both in the rear delt so since its a small muscle I just thought maybe I didn't hit right in the muscle belly. But now its red and hot so I know its infected. My question is I have a lot of Amoxicillan and am wondering if that will work for the infection or do I need to go and get something else?

Thanks guys
I know its not the most interesting topic but I really need some help
I did search and read that post before I posted the my question. In the post you recommended cipro and told a lot of information about the other antibiotics but I didn't see it mention if the amoxicillin was very effective for injection site infections. I just wanted to ask and make sure before trusted it to treat the infection.
Cephalexin 500 (Keflex)
I got lucky and found a friend with about 40 500mg keflex so I am going to start on that. Wish I had the Cipro, and I will be sure to order some and keep it on hand in case this happens again. Thanks for all the help.
sneeki_x said:
I did search and read that post before I posted the my question. In the post you recommended cipro and told a lot of information about the other antibiotics but I didn't see it mention if the amoxicillin was very effective for injection site infections. I just wanted to ask and make sure before trusted it to treat the infection.

AMOXIL is indicated in the treatment of infections due to susceptible (ONLY β-lactamase– negative) strains of the designated microorganisms in the conditions listed below:
Infections of the ear, nose, and throat – due to Streptococcus spp. (α- and β-hemolytic strains only), S. pneumoniae, Staphylococcus spp., or H. influenzae.
Infections of the genitourinary tract – due to E. coli, P. mirabilis, or E. faecalis.
Infections of the skin and skin structure – due to Streptococcus spp. (α- and β-hemolytic strains only), Staphylococcus spp., or E. coli.
Infections of the lower respiratory tract – due to Streptococcus spp. (α- and β-hemolytic strains only), S. pneumoniae, Staphylococcus spp., or H. influenzae.
Gonorrhea, acute uncomplicated (ano-genital and urethral infections) – due to N. gonorrhoeae (males and females).
H. pylori eradication to reduce the risk of duodenal ulcer recurrence


500-875mg q12h for at least 48-72 hours after symptoms resolve. Most therapy should past at least 10 days.

what would be the reccomended dose for Cipro?

You sure its an infection? I've been using Prop for the first time. Decided to try delts since it causes too much soreness to do a leg day the couple days after if I pin the quads like normal. First two went ok, painful but no big problem. The Third I feel like I missed the muscle and put it SQ. That area has been red and tight for 3 days now but I was thinking it was just a reaction to the Test P I was seeing more than usual since it wasn't trapped in a muscle.

It just seems weird to me that gear that is sterile and fine when injected in a quad could cause an injection in the delt. I'm pretty anal about my injection cleanliness so I'm fairly sure I didn't introduce any infection that way either.

Wondering if maybe your in a the same boat? Or if I have an infection and should get my ass to a doctor and get some antibiotics...
Just a thought, but there is a difference between an infection and a reaction. From time to time I will get a reaction from a site injection, where I get redness and swelling, but its not infected as far as I can tell. When that happens I take Benadryl 2-3 times a day for 2-3 days and it goes away. Dont know why this happens, or why it only happens occasionally.

whatever your doctor suggests. we are not qualified to prescribe medications nor can we really tell from a post on the forum what it is you are exactly dealing with. your health is way too important to take chances with.
Thats what I'm asking. How does one decide whats a reaction and what is an infection and when to seek medical help? My arm seems to be getting better not worse but it has been a while since injection...
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Perhaps. It was only 1.5ml but my delts aren't huge. (I'm 185lbs, 6' tall)

I really don't think its an infection. Its either a sterile abscess or a inflamed muscle. The one head of the delt is swollen and hard. Its a little sore but not overly painful. It is a little warmer than the surrounding area and slightly red. But it has gotten better over the last two days not worse. If it was infected it should be getting worse quickly correct?

I'm going to pick up some Benadryl after the gym today and give that a try for a couple days and see what happens.
Just a thought, but there is a difference between an infection and a reaction. From time to time I will get a reaction from a site injection, where I get redness and swelling, but its not infected as far as I can tell. When that happens I take Benadryl 2-3 times a day for 2-3 days and it goes away. Dont know why this happens, or why it only happens occasionally.

Just wanted to say thanks for the Benadryl tip. Its still hard and tight but I can hardly feel it at all. Hopefully it goes away in the next couple days.
which antibiotic?

whatever your doctor suggests. we are not qualified to prescribe medications nor can we really tell from a post on the forum what it is you are exactly dealing with. your health is way too important to take chances with.

how about whichever your doctor recommends?
dont try and self diagnose. its stupid. why use antibiotics if you dont have to, or the wrong ones.

im glad tom mentioned it.
whatever your doctor suggests. we are not qualified to prescribe medications nor can we really tell from a post on the forum what it is you are exactly dealing with. your health is way too important to take chances with.
YES for GOD sake...
if it is indeed infected and not just very irritated there is a big difference in the two...go to your MD...don't simply rely on this board for your medical problems...then you will have a problem.
You see... if it is a pocket of infection, it will need to be cut (incised) and let drained...then it will have to be left open and heal from the inside out...very long process...taking anti biotic will probably not help for a full blown infection..but
So look at it this way a normal course for an infection would take about 7-10 days to develop...what you describe is an immediate irritation and that to me says you used a high BA oil and its just very irritated but watch it and use very warm wet compresses to help increase the blood flow to the area..take some Motrin for pain, then if its not better around a week latter go to your MD. OR go now...only you know how you feel or not.
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