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Who has used Upsher-Smith pharma Var?

IMO, your going to be north of 80mgs for true body building purposes. The exception to this would be an extremely low time user of steroids.

While being one of the most friendly steroids on your body it will negatively effect your HDL. I would supplement with

Bergamot 500mgs morning and night
Ubiquinol and krill oil

Mg for mg anavar probably only takes a second to super drol when it comes to strength. I don't think one phama to another will perform differently. This was the first gear I ever did and 20mg a day hit me like a nuclear bomb. The good old days...………….now I'm just old.
I think some guys think the UG brand may contain bad fillers and heavy metals and it somehow effects the absorption of the steroid itself. So you have 25mg avar but it's less pure.

Yes I haven't used pharm avar but surely my opinion can still apply as I have used a lot of pharm test, deca, dbol, adrol etc. It's pretty much the same thing it's not like pharm avar is something magical but pharm dbol is different and doesn't count.

Don't get me started on trademarked drugs and generics as well :eek:

This is me out of this thread but I think a lot of it is placebo. But again if you can get pharm grade then go for it and use as much as you can.

Are you kidding? It's no different? Anavar is one of the most expensive and widely faked product out there...in the same realm as Primobolan and Halo.

Very different than test, deca, dbol, anadrol.
Are you kidding? It's no different? Anavar is one of the most expensive and widely faked product out there...in the same realm as Primobolan and Halo.

Very different than test, deca, dbol, anadrol.

You missed my point. I don't mean a generalized view on real vs fake. I was referring to if you have real pharm avar, real ug avar, real pharm dbol, real ug dbol etc etc. I meant if I have used real pharm grade test, deca, dbol and adrol etc and it was no different to many ug brands how can real pharm avar be any different to real ug avar. I am not talking about the probability of getting real/fake products. Obviously there is more fake primo/halo/avar about than there is fake test/deca/dbol in regards to %.
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There isnt a UGL that can touch upsher Smith or par pharma both USA oxandrolone.. 80mg of alpha pharma not even close to 30mg upsher Smith.. IT IS that drastic of a difference..
Can someone send me 30 tabs of this amazing var. I will pay. I will genuinely post my honest findings. 40mg for 7 1/2 days is enough time for me to know how good it is. Or maybe I can send you a tub of 100 x 20mg avar in return and you post your honest findings.
That's a lame experiment for a subjective opinion that you could potentially not be totally umbiased on. Run a 6 weeker like a normal person would OR take it from people who have tried it. Real world experience.

Pharma Watson test isnt as good as Pfizer Depo-Test in the opinions of most who have run both..food for thought.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
That's a lame experiment for a subjective opinion that you could potentially not be totally umbiased on. Run a 6 weeker like a normal person would OR take it from people who have tried it. Real world experience.

Pharma Watson test isnt as good as Pfizer Depo-Test in the opinions of most who have run both..food for thought.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

You don't know me then. I am 100% honest. I have stated the best brands of things I have run in the past and only a few were Genotec. That's because I am sure a lot of stuff I have used in the past has been heavily overdosed. I am using 40mg geno avar now and I can tell in 3 days if it's good or not. My vascularity comes out very quick on avar and I harden up through the days/weeks. I can't really comment on pumps in the gym but I can in general with things such as taking my dog on a walk and noticing a difference (calf/shin pumps). Obviously I learn more if I am on for 6 weeks though. So sure if someone wants to send me 100 tabs I can run a better experiment.

I will tell you straight how much better it is than Geno's or Balkan's avar that I promise. I haven't used them recently but Balkan do amazing orals and were always one of my favs. I even gave their avar to my ex gf and she transformed on 5mg per day. She also used 10mg Geno avar on her 2nd cycle and the same.

I do take other peoples opinions but I also know many don't have a clue. I deal with people and aas all day. The amount of guys who read a thread and they think they have the same. The amount of guys who thought they had fake test and I urged them to get a blood test and it was sky high. I think I could give the same avar to people with different packaging and they would get different results. Packaging is known to make a difference in everything.

So I would rather take my findings as the truth for me. Everyone has a different opinion on everything so if I never tried things for myself I would never truly know. I like to experiment so I can learn. That's why I bought humatrope and genotropin. I couldn't care less about hgh but I wanted to see if there was a difference. We used to sell pharm grade injectables so I used many. I also at the start used to think they were better so would order them online. I have tried many pharm brands. I haven't tried this avar though so instead of taking some strangers opinion online as the complete truth why not try and see for myself. One of my fav things to run is LR3 and if I went on what other people wrote I probably would have never run it.

There is nothing worst on the forums than guys who have a solid opinion on something and they haven't even used it. Guys do it all the time with dnp, slin, lr3, mk677 etc. Granted I haven't used pharm grade avar but I commented here for obvious reasons which I have already explained. I couldn't care less but if someone wants to sell me some but I am curious so I will buy it or trade for it. I want to be wrong. I would love to blow up on 30mg avar :D
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There isnt a UGL that can touch upsher Smith or par pharma both USA oxandrolone.. 80mg of alpha pharma not even close to 30mg upsher Smith.. IT IS that drastic of a difference..

Like so many others have said, real Anavar is real Anavar, so if UGL Anavar raws are tested by a legitimate lab and it comes back at 98%, it is going to be just as good as any pharm brand.

Of course, there is a greater preponderance of fake and/or under-dosed UGL Anavar products on the market than there is testosterone, but testing obliterates those concerns.

Anyone who uses a legitimate testing facility is going to know--for certain--where their Anavar stands. If anyone says they had UGL Anavar tested at 98% and the pharm brand blew it away (in terms of user results), then something is going on with the testing.

It's not like there is some special way to synthesize Anavar that only pharmaceutical companies are aware of. Anavar isn't that hard to make and untold numbers of labs all over the world are more than capable of doing so. There is not a single steroid in the world today that cannot be sourced from numerous overseas manufacurers. In fact, the majority of drugs sold in U.S. pharamcies today are actually produced in the same countrues that UGL's buy their raws from! The truth of the matter is that China is SMAHISNG the U.S from an industrial production standpoint. They do it better than anyone else in the world and they are no NO MEANS technologically behind in this regard. China leads the world in many advanced sciences/technologies, such as artificial brain technology, which is one of the most cutting edge technologies in the world today. This idea that China is somehow scientifically inferior, producing their products on subpar equipment in run down facilities with subpar employees, is completely FALSE!

If anyone wants to know the quality of a particular compound, have it tested. This can be done at a relatively low cost.
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Like so many others have said, real Anavar is real Anavar, so if UGL Anavar raws are tested by a legitimate lab and it comes back at 98%, it is going to be just as good as any pharm brand.

Of course, there is a greater preponderance of fake and/or under-dosed UGL Anavar products on the market than there is testosterone, but testing obliterates those concerns.

Anyone who uses a legitimate testing facility is going to know--for certain--where their Anavar stands. If anyone says they had UGL Anavar tested at 98% and the pharm brand blew it away (in terms of user results), then something is going on with the testing.

It's not like there is some special way to synthesize Anavar that only pharmaceutical companies are aware of. Anavar isn't that hard to make and untold numbers of labs all over the world are more than capable of doing so. There is not a single steroid in the world today that cannot be sourced from numerous overseas manufacurers. In fact, the majority of drugs sold in U.S. pharamcies today are actually produced in the same countrues that UGL's buy their raws from! The truth of the matter is that China is SMAHISNG the U.S from an industrial production standpoint. They do it better than anyone else in the world and they are no NO MEANS technologically behind in this regard. China leads the world in many advanced sciences/technologies, such as artificial brain technology, which is one of the most cutting edge technologies in the world today. This idea that China is somehow scientifically inferior, producing their products on subpar equipment in run down facilities with subpar employees, is completely FALSE!

If anyone wants to know the quality of a particular compound, have it tested. This can be done at a relatively low cost.

Mike... makes total sense but these guys will never believe you. These pharm grade orals are different and made with special raws that UG suppliers simply don't have access to. Just like the steroids in the 90's were. If guys didn't get the same results their UG avar was simply not dosed correctly or something else. It's as simple as that. The order you use something can also be very important as well. Meaning someone taking a drug in their 2nd cycle at 180 may likely get better results that the same dose 10 cycles later weighing 270 pounds. Although there are exceptions to that last statement (improved knowledge, training, diet etc).
Mike... makes total sense but these guys will never believe you. These pharm grade orals are different and made with special raws that UG suppliers simply don't have access to. Just like the steroids in the 90's were. If guys didn't get the same results their UG avar was simply not dosed correctly or something else. It's as simple as that. The order you use something can also be very important as well. Meaning someone taking a drug in their 2nd cycle at 180 may likely get better results that the same dose 10 cycles later weighing 270 pounds. Although there are exceptions to that last statement (improved knowledge, training, diet etc).

Damnit man...its so many things. It's impure product...or it's incorrectly dosed...and or cut with something else. Someone wants more margins or is being sloppy about it...so much can happen.
It is a crapshoot getting a pure raw that is dosed correctly and that's pretty much a fact. The fact that you cannot in confidence-say that you can go buy 5 or 8 or 10 batches of Var from different places and be very confident you are going to get actual pure var that is dosed correctly shows this.

This is the entire point. Some don't want to waste the time or effort if they can secure the real thing without worry.:banghead:
Damnit man...its so many things. It's impure product...or it's incorrectly dosed...and or cut with something else. Someone wants more margins or is being sloppy about it...so much can happen.
It is a crapshoot getting a pure raw that is dosed correctly and that's pretty much a fact. The fact that you cannot in confidence-say that you can go buy 5 or 8 or 10 batches of Var from different places and be very confident you are going to get actual pure var that is dosed correctly shows this.

This is the entire point. Some don't want to waste the time or effort if they can secure the real thing without worry.:banghead:

Very very true. But do you realize most who want pharm grade don't go out to their local pharmacy and buy it. Most buy it online and that's a bigger crapshoot than UG gear. Now if you can get this avar locally and you are happy with the price go for it. It should produce great results. The same for guys who can get pharm grade hgh from whoever wants to sell it. Although for guys who don't have access to it there are a few UG brands that I feel are safe bets in getting quality avar. You don't need 10 different places to buy and 1 will do but there are definitely 5 or 6 solid ones that I know of. Pharmacom is one source I would bet against receiving fake or even underdosed avar although they aren't cheap. There are a few others but I will leave it at that. I am not here to pimp sponsors merely stating it's definitely out there and most importantly it's consistent. There is a misconception with China but pretty much every powder result I see these days is high purity. I imagine if a sponsor is putting out bad product it's probably their own doing either purposely or by accident and not due to bad powders (which they should be testing anyway).
l be running Test at 350mg/ week and prescription oxandrolone @ 50mg/day for 12 weeks then ill reduce my test to my TRT dose. Purchased on https://steroids-evolution.com
My doctor was willing to prescribe me oxandrolone so i took advantage of the opportunity. What do you think? and what might i expect in terms of gains for a cut?
l be running Test at 350mg/ week and prescription oxandrolone @ 50mg/day for 12 weeks then ill reduce my test to my TRT dose. Purchased on https://steroids-evolution.com
My doctor was willing to prescribe me oxandrolone so i took advantage of the opportunity. What do you think? and what might i expect in terms of gains for a cut?

He is prescribing you anavar but you are buying it from a website?
Pharma Watson test isnt as good as Pfizer Depo-Test in the opinions of most who have run both

Well then I'm in the minority on that too I guess. Used both PLENTY of times for long periods and my blood work has always been consistent. Always close to the same. MOST who have run both?? I would imagine that most who have used both, or used Pfizer and Watson and Paddock and compounding pharmacies and on and on..are guys on trt who aren't bb'ers and never used any other steroids. And I would imagine that most of them say they are all indistinguishable. In fact, many of them probably didn't notice they were suddenly given Paddock instead of Watson. I'd imagine you're talking about word of mouth from other bodybuilders/competitors who "feel" differently or you would point to all of the labs that prove this to be a fact.

And again, same as my experience with anavar, the only time I've noticed any test feeling stronger is when I've switched to a ugl's cyp and known in a few days that it was OVERdosed.
the idea that "pharma" gear is superior is great but, its an idea at best. lol

i dont know why ppl put so much faith in these fuckers as they have been caught doing any number of fucked up things just like any ug can, to boot they are some of the most profitable business on the planet... did they really get there due to customer care?:confused: lol

i have used aas for more then 15 years and got my first rx in like 2005 or 06 .

there is no magic, drugs are drugs.
understand the drug and find someone that treats it with respect and usually problem solved.

for my uses and reasons i put a shit load of work into things like carrier oils. things like this show in the final product. i have used amps from the pharmacy back to back with my own gear. zero difference sometimes mine is better, and i have had this comment from a bunch of scripted trt users who get blood work done. these are things that big pharma doesnt do.

UG for life! lol :headbang:
That's a lame experiment for a subjective opinion that you could potentially not be totally umbiased on. Run a 6 weeker like a normal person would OR take it from people who have tried it. Real world experience.

Pharma Watson test isnt as good as Pfizer Depo-Test in the opinions of most who have run both..food for thought.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

I can't answer your original question, as I've never had the pleasure of using Pharm Grade Anavar, let alone USA prescribed Var....so i'll refrain from a comparison comment. I think it really come down to a cost to quality benefit. I think everybody here would use USA, or pharm grade Anavar if they had access to it, and at a reasonable cost. That unfortunately isn't the case, and it's usually unavailable and the costs are outrageous. I feel in the case of some pharm grade products, the delivery systems could be superior, but some of this isn't rocket science either, so I do not hold that to all products. Maybe that is the difference in the "feel," between products, I don't know? I've seen this debate over the many years, and I think that as long as you got legit products from either route, you are going to get close to the same benefit.

I just also wanted to point out the bolded above...

One of the reasons for arguing for Pharm Grade is that you know that it is real, and that it is better than UGL gear....I know you were making a point in one argumentative direction, but it kind of opened you up in another. One could also argue why they would want to use any Pharm grade gear, if there are differences in "feel" between them too. So, unless you favor a specific brand, which many people don't always have a choice, then it is pretty narrow even in that route. One should not feel a difference in pharm grade if both are legit (and I know there is also still a fraction of different in final product dosing). Unfortunately, I think there is under-dosing even in pharm grade products...as evident by prior guys using specific brands...ie Matt Porter's experience. That said, I would hope though, that a large operation like Pfizer would have it down better than anybody.

In addition, if I am going to spend a fraction, and I do mean a fraction of the cost, between legit UGL gear to that of a specific legit USA Pharm grade product, with only fraction of difference in dosing strength, i'm going to go UGL and take my family on vacation for a few months.

Again, if there is a route for pharm grade USA (or any country) Anavar, and it is fairly priced, I think we all would go that route...it's a no brainer. So I do see that aspect...but man, i'm not going to break my account for some 1% difference...especially for an oral. I don't have this route in the first place, and i'm not going to request it from a physician, for reasons explained by GotGame.

I know your question went off course, so I wanted to answer that off the bat in my own response. The rest can be skipped if it is just jibberish.

Knight, what I would say is that if you have access to this 'Var that you are asking on, and if you can get it affordable. or if you do not mind spending money on it, then go for it and let us know. Heck, maybe you have a hook up on it, and if you do, take advantage of it brother, I would. ****(not asking for a source...in case needed)***

Good luck man.
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...and just so I don't sound one-sided, which hopefully I didn't, because I wasn't trying to persuade one way over the other if costs and availability are a non-issue, but I have tried Dbol in the 90's that I thought was superior. I used Syntex Dbol produced in Indonesia in the 90's and I always thought it was the best I used. That said, I went through also a shit-ton of cheap reforvit from Mexico, as it was also good, and a fraction of the price....mainly because my twin could go down and get it on his own and bypass the middle man....but that is another story in it's own:cool:

Man, i'm not going to lie though, sometimes I wonder if I the Syntex was better because I was so excited to use...SYNTEX, lol. Placebo? I don't know. Superior delivery system? I don't know.

This has always been an ongoing debate since these forums were created in the 90's.
Ive read that pharma var uses space age polymers to enhance bioavailability making it 4-6x as powerful as ugl. :)

Only kidding. As long as it tests 100% oxandrolone, its the same active ingredient. I don't believe fillers could cause an appreciable difference - assuming lactose isnt used, which could affect those with lactose intolerance. When in doubt, buy Pharmacom.
That's a lame experiment for a subjective opinion that you could potentially not be totally umbiased on. Run a 6 weeker like a normal person would OR take it from people who have tried it. Real world experience.

Pharma Watson test isnt as good as Pfizer Depo-Test in the opinions of most who have run both..food for thought.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

I've used both Watson and Pfizer. I have both right now in fact. Watson is no longer made, they were bought out and the label and vials changed. I can never tell any difference myself, I've been using them for years bought from the pharmacy with my prescription. Watson has a special place in my heart because it was the first thing I ever used and got great results at one ml a week. A friend of mine thinks that the perrigo is no longer any good since manufacturing left Portugal, again I can't tell any difference besides the vial and label changes. The Watson and perrigo sold by Portuguese sources is counterfeit but very good in my opinion. They really need to update their vials and labels though. And somebody needs to let them know about Watson being no more.

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