I don't know if you would call it flexed, but generally I like to have to muscle e.g. tricep at the point where my arm is straight down, but not fully relaxed. The same for quads, just lie my leg out straight.
just keep it a rule of thumb to flex before u poke to see proper location on where to stab, and then maintain a somewhat 80% or so flexed state while injecting...
I was always under the impression that you want to be relaxed. Now granted, that doesn't necessarily mean "limp" but certainly does not mean flexed or tensed. I've actually bent needles from flexing during a poke!
I was always under the impression that you want to be relaxed. Now granted, that doesn't necessarily mean "limp" but certainly does not mean flexed or tensed. I've actually bent needles from flexing during a poke!