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Whooping cough

That's scary to me. With my bad asthma crap like that could kill me. I flew 14 hours to get back to Massachusetts to see my brother (who is getting chemo) recently and was masked as much as possible. On a JAL flight there are many masks so I don't feel like the odd man out lol.

Take care Luki!
Whooping cough - This shit got me + it gave me pneumonia. But pneumonia itself is nothing. I've been through a lot of shit in my life, I've had various illnesses, injuries and health problems, but whooping cough is the worst thing that's happened to me so far and I say it with full responsibility.

At first I thought it was just a cold, a slight throat infection. But it started to progress until I started having sleepless nights caused by a huge choking cough. After 4 nights with practically no sleep I went to my doctor who of course ignored the problem and said that there was nothing wrong with me and he just prescribed some sore throat candies for children lol
After another 2 days there was no improvement and it got worse so I went to another doctor who said it was some kind of infection but he didn't send me for a chest X-ray or any blood tests. He gave me some medicines and told me to observe if there would be any improvement so I did the same for the next 2 days but it only got worse and it was the 6th sleepless night (I was training normally during the day because there were practically no coughing attacks during the day) and another day passed and no improvement so I went to the doctor for the third time lol this time he gave me an antibiotic. It's been a good 2 days but there was no improvement at all it just got worse and worse so I went to the doctor for the 4th time lol and this time I found the same doctor as the first time. He was scared that he ignored me the first time and I had something really serious and sent me for an X-ray and a test for whooping cough, the results of which I have to wait 7 days lol but the same day when I left him I decided to go to the emergency room where I spent a few hours and it turned out to be I found out I had pneumonia and probably whooping cough. They wanted to leave me for observation in the hospital for a few days but I didn't agree so I got 2 more antibiotics and told me to call back in 4-5 days to see if there was any improvement. Today is the 5th day since the visit to the emergency room but there is practically no improvement. In total I didn't sleep at all for 9 nights - yesterday and today it was a little better and I slept a few hours but the evenings are the worst because the coughing attacks are the worst in the evening and at night.
The attacks are so strong that I lose consciousness for a few seconds from lack of oxygen.

I'm wondering if any of you went through this damn nightmare with choking and how long it took for it to come back - I'm not talking about 100%, but at such a level that you could function quite normally in society without huge coughing attacks because from what I read on the Internet The forecasts are not good because it may last up to several weeks.
Mainly children suffer from it and that's why I don't have anyone among my friends who would have a problem with it.

After the last year which was terrible for me due to liver problems I barely managed to get over it and here comes another shit...
I had it in April I'm still coughing a bit now it was horrible I literally thought I was going to die before I knew what it was I started hyperventilating in the street on way home from work and couldn't catch my breath scared the shit out of me
Had to get antibiotics
Hope you get better soon
It wasn't helped by fact I was a massive weed smoker and have had to stopped
Keep safe
Whooping cough - This shit got me + it gave me pneumonia. But pneumonia itself is nothing. I've been through a lot of shit in my life, I've had various illnesses, injuries and health problems, but whooping cough is the worst thing that's happened to me so far and I say it with full responsibility.

At first I thought it was just a cold, a slight throat infection. But it started to progress until I started having sleepless nights caused by a huge choking cough. After 4 nights with practically no sleep I went to my doctor who of course ignored the problem and said that there was nothing wrong with me and he just prescribed some sore throat candies for children lol
After another 2 days there was no improvement and it got worse so I went to another doctor who said it was some kind of infection but he didn't send me for a chest X-ray or any blood tests. He gave me some medicines and told me to observe if there would be any improvement so I did the same for the next 2 days but it only got worse and it was the 6th sleepless night (I was training normally during the day because there were practically no coughing attacks during the day) and another day passed and no improvement so I went to the doctor for the third time lol this time he gave me an antibiotic. It's been a good 2 days but there was no improvement at all it just got worse and worse so I went to the doctor for the 4th time lol and this time I found the same doctor as the first time. He was scared that he ignored me the first time and I had something really serious and sent me for an X-ray and a test for whooping cough, the results of which I have to wait 7 days lol but the same day when I left him I decided to go to the emergency room where I spent a few hours and it turned out to be I found out I had pneumonia and probably whooping cough. They wanted to leave me for observation in the hospital for a few days but I didn't agree so I got 2 more antibiotics and told me to call back in 4-5 days to see if there was any improvement. Today is the 5th day since the visit to the emergency room but there is practically no improvement. In total I didn't sleep at all for 9 nights - yesterday and today it was a little better and I slept a few hours but the evenings are the worst because the coughing attacks are the worst in the evening and at night.
The attacks are so strong that I lose consciousness for a few seconds from lack of oxygen.

I'm wondering if any of you went through this damn nightmare with choking and how long it took for it to come back - I'm not talking about 100%, but at such a level that you could function quite normally in society without huge coughing attacks because from what I read on the Internet The forecasts are not good because it may last up to several weeks.
Mainly children suffer from it and that's why I don't have anyone among my friends who would have a problem with it.

After the last year which was terrible for me due to liver problems I barely managed to get over it and here comes another shit...

True whooping cough caused by a bacteria I believe bordatella pertussis is rare in adults and in USA would be considered an outbreak that would get the department of healths attention.

More common is post viral bronchitis and the likes. If ER did blood work what did it show? What did your Xray show. (Official read) not “you have pneumonia”

Most likely you need some steroids (not your favorite kind lol) to get the inflammation down.

In Poland if they have a viral panel of respiratory infections it would be worth getting one.

Message me if you like.
The other thing, could be a lot of thing, but common things being common since it’s happening at night most likely all your mucus is draining back when you sleep.

Use neti pot rinse like it’s your job many times a day and get that nasal sinus mucus out.

I like the neilmed sinus rinse. I don’t know if you have it in Poland, I can ship you if you want.
Whooping cough - This shit got me + it gave me pneumonia. But pneumonia itself is nothing. I've been through a lot of shit in my life, I've had various illnesses, injuries and health problems, but whooping cough is the worst thing that's happened to me so far and I say it with full responsibility.

At first I thought it was just a cold, a slight throat infection. But it started to progress until I started having sleepless nights caused by a huge choking cough. After 4 nights with practically no sleep I went to my doctor who of course ignored the problem and said that there was nothing wrong with me and he just prescribed some sore throat candies for children lol
After another 2 days there was no improvement and it got worse so I went to another doctor who said it was some kind of infection but he didn't send me for a chest X-ray or any blood tests. He gave me some medicines and told me to observe if there would be any improvement so I did the same for the next 2 days but it only got worse and it was the 6th sleepless night (I was training normally during the day because there were practically no coughing attacks during the day) and another day passed and no improvement so I went to the doctor for the third time lol this time he gave me an antibiotic. It's been a good 2 days but there was no improvement at all it just got worse and worse so I went to the doctor for the 4th time lol and this time I found the same doctor as the first time. He was scared that he ignored me the first time and I had something really serious and sent me for an X-ray and a test for whooping cough, the results of which I have to wait 7 days lol but the same day when I left him I decided to go to the emergency room where I spent a few hours and it turned out to be I found out I had pneumonia and probably whooping cough. They wanted to leave me for observation in the hospital for a few days but I didn't agree so I got 2 more antibiotics and told me to call back in 4-5 days to see if there was any improvement. Today is the 5th day since the visit to the emergency room but there is practically no improvement. In total I didn't sleep at all for 9 nights - yesterday and today it was a little better and I slept a few hours but the evenings are the worst because the coughing attacks are the worst in the evening and at night.
The attacks are so strong that I lose consciousness for a few seconds from lack of oxygen.

I'm wondering if any of you went through this damn nightmare with choking and how long it took for it to come back - I'm not talking about 100%, but at such a level that you could function quite normally in society without huge coughing attacks because from what I read on the Internet The forecasts are not good because it may last up to several weeks.
Mainly children suffer from it and that's why I don't have anyone among my friends who w

It's wild you posted this. About 7 weeks ago
ould have a problem with it.

After the last year which was terrible for me due to liver problems I barely managed to get over it and here comes another shit...

Whooping cough - This shit got me + it gave me pneumonia. But pneumonia itself is nothing. I've been through a lot of shit in my life, I've had various illnesses, injuries and health problems, but whooping cough is the worst thing that's happened to me so far and I say it with full responsibility.

At first I thought it was just a cold, a slight throat infection. But it started to progress until I started having sleepless nights caused by a huge choking cough. After 4 nights with practically no sleep I went to my doctor who of course ignored the problem and said that there was nothing wrong with me and he just prescribed some sore throat candies for children lol
After another 2 days there was no improvement and it got worse so I went to another doctor who said it was some kind of infection but he didn't send me for a chest X-ray or any blood tests. He gave me some medicines and told me to observe if there would be any improvement so I did the same for the next 2 days but it only got worse and it was the 6th sleepless night (I was training normally during the day because there were practically no coughing attacks during the day) and another day passed and no improvement so I went to the doctor for the third time lol this time he gave me an antibiotic. It's been a good 2 days but there was no improvement at all it just got worse and worse so I went to the doctor for the 4th time lol and this time I found the same doctor as the first time. He was scared that he ignored me the first time and I had something really serious and sent me for an X-ray and a test for whooping cough, the results of which I have to wait 7 days lol but the same day when I left him I decided to go to the emergency room where I spent a few hours and it turned out to be I found out I had pneumonia and probably whooping cough. They wanted to leave me for observation in the hospital for a few days but I didn't agree so I got 2 more antibiotics and told me to call back in 4-5 days to see if there was any improvement. Today is the 5th day since the visit to the emergency room but there is practically no improvement. In total I didn't sleep at all for 9 nights - yesterday and today it was a little better and I slept a few hours but the evenings are the worst because the coughing attacks are the worst in the evening and at night.
The attacks are so strong that I lose consciousness for a few seconds from lack of oxygen.

I'm wondering if any of you went through this damn nightmare with choking and how long it took for it to come back - I'm not talking about 100%, but at such a level that you could function quite normally in society without huge coughing attacks because from what I read on the Internet The forecasts are not good because it may last up to several weeks.
Mainly children suffer from it and that's why I don't have anyone among my friends who would have a problem with it.

After the last year which was terrible for me due to liver problems I barely managed to get over it and here comes another shit...

This is pretty wild. First....hope you are on the upswing and feeling 100% soon. I've known a couple people, including people that had a similar issue...

  • I won't up with a mild cough about 6 weeks ago
  • Quickly escalated to a brutal, "aggressive" cough.
  • At times felt like I was having trouble breathing (I almost went to the hospital twice)
  • I missed three days of work for being sick...more than I missed the last decade combined
  • Took 4 full weeks to 100% shake it; two weeks felt like total crap an two weeks of crappy but functional
The coughing attacks were so bad at night sometimes I actual threw up multiple times. I sounded like an 80 year old smoker with lung cancer and COPD. I literally had two weeks straight I felt horrific and two weeks where I felt "bad"...so for full weeks total and even week 5 I had a cough still.
They are not ideal but sounds like you could benefit from some solumedrol or decadron to bring down the overall inflammation.
Sorry I don't know why my post got all jacked up like I was coked up when I typed it lmao
I already have the test results - it's not whooping cough

Dr. Ashim and Dr.Kanishka claim that it is some kind of allergic reaction of my body - today I received some recommendations from them and within literally a few hours I feel a huge improvement but for now I don't want to jinx it and say that it is improving let's wait for the night
I already have the test results - it's not whooping cough

Dr. Ashim and Dr.Kanishka claim that it is some kind of allergic reaction of my body - today I received some recommendations from them and within literally a few hours I feel a huge improvement but for now I don't want to jinx it and say that it is improving let's wait for the night

Man that's awesome hear
I already have the test results - it's not whooping cough

Dr. Ashim and Dr.Kanishka claim that it is some kind of allergic reaction of my body - today I received some recommendations from them and within literally a few hours I feel a huge improvement but for now I don't want to jinx it and say that it is improving let's wait for the night
What about RSV? Did they not test for the general 4 main culprits? Influenza, Covid, RSV, or Strep? Man, if anyone walks into an Urgent Care facility where I’m at and complains about cold/flu symptoms those tests are immediately performed. Then your given a steroid injection, and prescribed a x-pack, and antibiotics if it’s anything bacterial.

What about RSV? Did they not test for the general 4 main culprits? Influenza, Covid, RSV, or Strep? Man, if anyone walks into an Urgent Care facility where I’m at and complains about cold/flu symptoms those tests are immediately performed. Then your given a steroid injection, and prescribed a x-pack, and antibiotics if it’s anything bacterial.

I also have to check RSV, they checked my convid and I have flu and it's not that - in Poland the health service can be strange
I also have to check RSV, they checked my convid and I have flu and it's not that - in Poland the health service can be strange
I’m obviously stateside, so question; does Poland have urgent care facilities? For reference they’re for emergencies but not quite hospital/death emergencies. Plus they’re literally on every corner where I live!

- Covid tested Negative
- Influenza tested Positive
- RSV to be determined
- Currently have Pneumonia

Man, if you have pneumonia plus the flu, and RSV combined this literally will make you feel like absolute dog shit!!!!

I’m obviously stateside, so question; does Poland have urgent care facilities? For reference they’re for emergencies but not quite hospital/death emergencies. Plus they’re literally on every corner where I live!

- Covid tested Negative
- Influenza tested Positive
- RSV to be determined
- Currently have Pneumonia

Man, if you have pneumonia plus the flu, and RSV combined this literally will make you feel like absolute dog shit!!!!

they exist - in fact, in the first post I wrote exactly what everything looked like

but you can see the same thing again, i.e. doctors from India who are thousands of kilometers away from me are better able to estimate my health condition and make better recommendations than the doctors I have in my country... when I had problems with my liver and gallbladder, they also threw up their hands and they didn't know what to do
I’m obviously stateside, so question; does Poland have urgent care facilities? For reference they’re for emergencies but not quite hospital/death emergencies. Plus they’re literally on every corner where I live!

- Covid tested Negative
- Influenza tested Positive
- RSV to be determined
- Currently have Pneumonia

Man, if you have pneumonia plus the flu, and RSV combined this literally will make you feel like absolute dog shit!!!!

I couldn't imagine how shitty you would feel.
I already have the test results - it's not whooping cough

Dr. Ashim and Dr.Kanishka claim that it is some kind of allergic reaction of my body - today I received some recommendations from them and within literally a few hours I feel a huge improvement but for now I don't want to jinx it and say that it is improving let's wait for the night
Glad you are feeling better. Would not wish what you have gone through on anybody. You are one tough hombre.
Hello @luki7788 I had almost the same thing as you, 2 weeks without sleeping, the cough was horrible at night. I was coughing so much that my chest hurt and I had a headache and my throat was completely torn. Just like you, I was given throat lozenges, then ventolin, only to be told after the 3rd visit that I had a lung infection. With a medication that is taken like ventolin (sorry I don't know its name anymore) my cough calmed down in 2 days, it was incredible, I was happy!!!!
Hello @luki7788 I had almost the same thing as you, 2 weeks without sleeping, the cough was horrible at night. I was coughing so much that my chest hurt and I had a headache and my throat was completely torn. Just like you, I was given throat lozenges, then ventolin, only to be told after the 3rd visit that I had a lung infection. With a medication that is taken like ventolin (sorry I don't know its name anymore) my cough calmed down in 2 days, it was incredible, I was happy!!!!
I'm glad brother that it helped you, unfortunately no medications help for me
Do yourself a favor and get Albuterol inhaler for times like this. If you lack oxygen, this will make you feel much better. I had bronchitis since I was a kid. Only acts up now with flus and colds. Sometimes hard to breathe. The inhaler is a lifesaver.
Do yourself a favor and get Albuterol inhaler for times like this. If you lack oxygen, this will make you feel much better. I had bronchitis since I was a kid. Only acts up now with flus and colds. Sometimes hard to breathe. The inhaler is a lifesaver.
I have already written that I have an inhaler and it does not help because in my case it is not a problem of the bronchi but of the lungs

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