I have been taking the ECA stack for quite awhile now and it has seemed to have lost its energy boost.The energy boost is the main reason i use it in the morning's and a couple times throughout the day.I was thinking of getting some albuterol and rotating it every 2 weeks with the ECA stack until i read this:
So according to this quote albuterol rotation would not help.I am planning to use Diphenhydramine at 50mg nightly before bed to upregulate the beta receptors and was wondering if this will bring back the energy boost as experienced previously or does this only make its fat-burning effects work again?
Also,if there are any experienced users, is the combo of albuterol 4mg x 3 day with 1mg a night ketotifen much more effective than the ECA stack with 25mg ephedra & 200mg caffeine x 3 day with 50mg Diphenhydramine nightly before bed?
The ECA stack is legal and easily obtainable for me as opposed to ordering RX meds such as albuterol and ketotifen and may not be worth the extra hassle?
Since we’re speaking about beta-receptors and upregulation, here, let me address the claim that you can use ephedrine (or the ECA stack), alternating with clen, in order to avoid receptor downgrade. I’m not sure where this rumor came from, but it is totally incorrect.
To dispel this myth, lets examine ephedrine for a second. Remember when I said that using clenbuterol to stimulate the beta-2 receptors is like hitting a tack with a hammer? Well, Ephedrine is like a sledge-hammer, it hits the beta-2's and everything around them. Thats because it's not selective, but rather it stimulates other receptors to a great degree as well.
So according to this quote albuterol rotation would not help.I am planning to use Diphenhydramine at 50mg nightly before bed to upregulate the beta receptors and was wondering if this will bring back the energy boost as experienced previously or does this only make its fat-burning effects work again?
Also,if there are any experienced users, is the combo of albuterol 4mg x 3 day with 1mg a night ketotifen much more effective than the ECA stack with 25mg ephedra & 200mg caffeine x 3 day with 50mg Diphenhydramine nightly before bed?
The ECA stack is legal and easily obtainable for me as opposed to ordering RX meds such as albuterol and ketotifen and may not be worth the extra hassle?