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Winner of Queefer T-shirt contest - Phidias!!!


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Kilo Klub Member
Mar 6, 2009
Phidias, I love your t-shirt idea. Queefer always made me laugh. He loved to joke around and turn stress into a good joke.

PM me your choice of kratom: Red vein Thai, Green Malaysian, Maeng Da, JJB1's ZEN BLEND.
You get 1Lb of kratom.

PM me your shipping address and info and Q's bro, Brent, will ship it out to you tomorrow.

Thank you to everyone for participating. We will have our graphic artist make the tshirt and when they are complete we will sell them at cost, or give them away with kratom orders over a certain amount.


"On the same trend, a beautiful landscape in Malaysia where Queefer and a massive silver back gorilla would be climbing a Kratom tree together, one on each side, both hoping to outstrip their opponent in his quest for that last and so precious Kratom leave at the summit... who's gonna win?!?!"
I'm kinda new to theses forums. I've bought from queefer before and I will continue to. Great guy! ! Great products! !! For his family I'll buy 1 t shirt when they are ready and donate $100. God bless the quieter family!

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where is it? i want to see it
Queefer always made me laugh. He loved to joke around and turn stress into a good joke.

HE WAS INDEED FUNNY AS HELL, I can certainly vouch for that!!! :p

Before we tragically lost him, Q and I used to exchange pm's on a daily basis, and trust me, JJ, I was really looking forward to this moment when each morning I'd open ProMuscle and read his messages, eager to see what he'd be coming along with this time around!! :)

His death definitely made my morning routine much less enjoyable... :(

I'm glad you, Bert's bro and Miss Q like my t-shirt idea... hopefully (but I'm almost certain it would have been the case ;)), it would have put a huge smile on Q's face too! :love:

PLEASE JJ, whenever the T-SHIRT has been manufactured, I wanna be one of the first to wear it... so keep us all updated on how fast things are going in that regard. And you know what? It'd be good to keep this thread alive to allow members to post pics of themselves with our Gorilla vs Bert T-shirt on... Queefer's spirit will never die as long as his good friends here keep the flame alight. :)
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HE WAS INDEED FUNNY AS HELL, I can certainly vouch for that!!! :p

Before we tragically lost him, Q and I used to exchange pm's on a daily basis, and trust me, JJ, I was really looking forward to this moment when each morning I'd open ProMuscle and read his messages, eager to see what he'd be coming along with this time around!! :)

His death definitely made my morning routine much less enjoyable... :(

I'm glad you, Bert's bro and Miss Q like my t-shirt idea... hopefully (but I'm almost certain it would have been the case ;)), it would have put a huge smile on Q's face too! :love:

PLEASE JJ, whenever the T-SHIRT has been manufactured, I wanna be one of the first to wear it... so keep us all updated on how fast things are going in that regard. And you know what? It'd be good to keep this thread alive to allow members to post pics of themselves with our Gorilla vs Bert T-shirt on... Queefer's spirit will never die as long as his good friends here keep the flame alight. :)
I think this is a great idea!
PLEASE JJ, whenever the T-SHIRT has been manufactured, I wanna be one of the first to wear it... so keep us all updated on how fast things are going in that regard. And you know what? It'd be good to keep this thread alive to allow members to post pics of themselves with our Gorilla vs Bert T-shirt on... Queefer's spirit will never die as long as his good friends here keep the flame alight. :)
This is a great idea, I'd certainly post up a picture wearing it.

Also, with it being manufactured in the US, pretty sure shipping time will allow us to wear it first :cool:;):D
I think this is a great idea!

Me too. Are you getting this done on a white/black t-shirt or something abit colourful? I know Q would have loved a pink one but that might be a bit ghey for the rest of us :D :)()
Also, with it being manufactured in the US, pretty sure shipping time will allow us to wear it first :cool:;):D

I will have it Fedex'ed to me in less than 24h... can USPS say better? :D:p;)

Me too. Are you getting this done on a white/black t-shirt or something abit colourful? I know Q would have loved a pink one but that might be a bit ghey for the rest of us :D :)()

I'm in for the pink one, most definitely!!! :love:

Orange would look great too IMO! :)
I will have it Fedex'ed to me in less than 24h... can USPS say better? :D:p;)

I'm in for the pink one, most definitely!!! :love:

Orange would look great too IMO! :)

My fav colour is dark purple and I think that would look good too. USPS can be quite good but you have to pay big money to get it in 1 day. It would be cool to get a picture together with our shirts on :)
Me too. Are you getting this done on a white/black t-shirt or something abit colourful? I know Q would have loved a pink one but that might be a bit ghey for the rest of us :D :)()

I'm hoping his bro makes stringer tank tops. :D
That is GREAT!!

It makes me happy to see things like this.
I think Phidias is a cool person, so I am happy to see him win!
I believe the graphic artist still has to design it. Right now it's just Phidias' idea.

Congrats Phidias! :cool:

oh shit! that's me then ha
How is this going? Will they be available soon?

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