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Estrogen and Contest Prep

😂 this utter nonsense. Also science isn’t a thing, it doesn’t have the ability to agree or disagree. It’s not a person, study, research paper or institution. There’s no such thing as an uncontested conclusion.
Science is a process.
Please show me a paper contesting that DEXA scans and Hydrostatic weighing are as you stated not "accurate". An error margin? Sure. A large one? Not really.
Please show me a paper contesting that DEXA scans and Hydrostatic weighing are as you stated not "accurate". An error margin? Sure. A large one? Not really.

DEXA = Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry

They're designed to measure bone density, they're not built to measure bodyfat accurately. They have been documented as being off by as much as 9% in terms of bodyfat.

DEXA = Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry

They're designed to measure bone density, they're not built to measure bodyfat accurately. They have been documented as being off by as much as 9% in terms of bodyfat.

They used that 4 compartment method as the baseline though, that's bioelectrical impedence. I know it has improved, but still probably not the best.
I'm also not sure that 9% means 9% bodyfat, that might mean based on reading the study 9% of the reading, so 1% or less in real terms (depending on the FM of the subject obviously). The data also shows pretty good agreement, there are a few outliers causing the ranges to get thrown off but mostly within 1 standard deviation.

so ~9 was the range between the highest overestimator outlier and the lowest underestimator outlier. Wonder why they presented that like that, on the one side of that there only 1 outlier outside the 1st standard deviation.
Science disagrees with you. Aka you're wrong. There is certainly a phenomenon where you simply add more and more water as fat loss accrues, it's documented in literature, deal with real life.
I don't care about science, I only care about what I see in the real world - 99.9% of people I met who said they "held a lot of water under their skin" actually still had a lot of fat to burn.
Tell me you don't know anything without telling me.

did I enter the fudd bodybuilding zone? I know some of you guys pretend training science doesn't exist, but this is a bridge too far.
You’ve already told me you know absolute shit so there’s that.
No dexas aren’t accurate.
In the words of Scott Stevenson, you’d have to boil yourself into goop and scoop the fat off.
Idk anyone who claims exercise doesn’t exist because it literally does
I don't care about science, I only care about what I see in the real world - 99.9% of people I met who said they "held a lot of water under their skin" actually still had a lot of fat to burn.
He’s talking about people with shit like Cushing’s syndrome 😂
I doubt he has some rare disease.
He also doesn’t understand the limitations of studies or research papers but apparently we’re all the idiots and real world data like with you and the many many clients you’ve had and worked with doesn’t matter.
He’s talking about people with shit like Cushing’s syndrome 😂
I doubt he has some rare disease.
He also doesn’t understand the limitations of studies or research papers but apparently we’re all the idiots and real world data like with you and the many many clients you’ve had and worked with doesn’t matter.
It is true, anecdotes don't matter and are obviously only reflective of the EXACT scenarios they occur within and not the whole breadth of data.
As a matter of fact I am. First you’re triathlete, crossfitter and now bodybuilder. Stay out of my DMs I’m not a coach and you have been pestering me non stop at this point.
I have never "DM"'d you, considered doing a triathlon (for any iota of a second), or done even a singular crossfit workout. Go sit tf down.

I have been a bodybuilder since far before my join date on here and probably before your arrogant (and confused) ass was born.
I have never "DM"'d you, considered doing a triathlon (for any iota of a second), or done even a singular crossfit workout. Go sit tf down.

I have been a bodybuilder since far before my join date on here and probably before your arrogant (and confused) ass was born.
Gaslighting at its finest. Seems like you’re under the impression that this is Burger King forum where you can have it all your way. I tried my best to help you but we’re done
I have never "DM"'d you, considered doing a triathlon (for any iota of a second), or done even a singular crossfit workout. Go sit tf down.

I have been a bodybuilder since far before my join date on here and probably before your arrogant (and confused) ass was born.
this guy @Testosteroni is some mentally ill dude lol - he sent me (I suspect others too) strange PMs taken completely out of context

OP is a shitty bodybuilder who won't take advantage of the help we've offered. He's never been stage-lean, never been a legit 6%, and will never ever achieve those things.
You have literally ZERO clue what I look like in ANY way dickwad. And anyone that says something like that with that information is a WORTHLESS piece of shit.

And the fact that I reported this and pesky the retard left it is reprehensible and reflects poorly on the entirety of the board. Kiss My ass
You have literally ZERO clue what I look like in ANY way dickwad. And anyone that says something like that with that information is a WORTHLESS piece of shit.

And the fact that I reported this and pesky the retard left it is reprehensible and reflects poorly on the entirety of the board. Kiss My ass
You reported me?
You have literally ZERO clue what I look like in ANY way dickwad. And anyone that says something like that with that information is a WORTHLESS piece of shit.

And the fact that I reported this and pesky the retard left it is reprehensible and reflects poorly on the entirety of the board. Kiss My ass

This crosses a line.

Let me explain why people know you're lying.

You're getting very defensive because you know you're wrong but you're in too deep now and your pride is preventing you from admitting it. So you've decided to go out in a blaze of glory by swearing at everyone including a mod.

Don't think people haven't seen this behavior before. You're likely quite young or just very immature.

You will look back at this in years to come and cringe (I hope).
You have literally ZERO clue what I look like in ANY way dickwad. And anyone that says something like that with that information is a WORTHLESS piece of shit.

And the fact that I reported this and pesky the retard left it is reprehensible and reflects poorly on the entirety of the board. Kiss My ass
Not talk to pesty like that fag

Learn some respect

You know fuck all

If you ever been legit 6% you would understand

Post a puc show me 6% hahahahaha
You have literally ZERO clue what I look like in ANY way dickwad. And anyone that says something like that with that information is a WORTHLESS piece of shit.

And the fact that I reported this and pesky the retard left it is reprehensible and reflects poorly on the entirety of the board. Kiss My ass
I been called about everything online. Retard however is new. I am willing to overlook name calling me, but when you attack this board and other members, not as much.
I don't know who might agree with this or not, but there's competitors who actually hold a decent amount of water on stage yet still look very shredded due to low BF and whatever genetic factors affecting the look of the skin. Not everyone has the saran wrapped skin look of Hadi. Even Munzer sometimes looked like the skin was floating a couple of millimeters above his muscle on the abs.


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I don't know who might agree with this or not, but there's competitors who actually hold a decent amount of water on stage yet still look very shredded due to low BF and whatever genetic factors affecting the look of the skin. Not everyone has the saran wrapped skin look of Hadi. Even Munzer sometimes looked like the skin was floating a couple of millimeters above his muscle on the abs.

A large part of Munzers look was the extreme diuretic usage which eventually lead to his downfall.

Some of his more extreme looks was when he really pushed them, equally when he didn't he looked very much like the rest of the 90s bodybuilders. While they were lean the standards for conditioning are typically higher today.

Dorian was the biggest conditioning/bodyfat outlier of that era and that's why he won.

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