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Aug 3, 2010
You go into the changing room at the department store to try on new clothes and before you realize it you have hit all of the front mandatory poses before you even tried on your first pair of jeans haha! This happened to me the other day. The damn lighting in those things is usually really good!

Any of you guys ever do this? or am i the only conceded one?! :D

LMAO!! I thought that I was the only one. I can remember shopping with the wife and kids. My daughter was trying on some clothes and I was in the mirror in the store, hitting shots and yelling at my wife " Look those veins were not in my lower abs yesterday!!!!"

As shamefull as I feel admiting it, yes! Macy's has great lighting for anyone whose going shopping anytime soon.

I wonder if the Marketing brainiacs at these places are one step ahead of us!
I have to admit that I have done this a few times when trying on clothes.
Guilty as charged. But in our defense, the lighting is superb in the fitting rooms!
How many of you guys have trouble walking past any mirror without stopping to at least check out one body part? Put yourself in front of a mirror with that kind of lighting and angles and some extra time is going to be spent, unavoidable so don't try, just enjoy it:D
i have NEVER checked myself out in the mirror


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Yes... about a month ago trying on a shirt at REI :eek: You are right, the lighting was very good :D
I was on a road trip one time with a friend and we stopped at a sporting good store to pick up some stuff for a party we were going to that night. I went into the dressing room to try something on and there were 3 mirrors positioned in such a way that you could see your entire back very well and the lighting was amazing. I was in there for 10 mins hitting poses. When I finally came out my buddy asked where the hell I was and I told him about the mirrors. He then went in there for another 10 mins LOL
How many of you guys have trouble walking past any mirror without stopping to at least check out one body part? Put yourself in front of a mirror with that kind of lighting and angles and some extra time is going to be spent, unavoidable so don't try, just enjoy it:D

i like car windows too=-) Sometimes the angle is good, especially on a sunny day!

My girl laughs because she can see my feet under the changing room doors and she says i do this little shuffle and she can tell. Occasionally she will start laughing me and call me out to hurry up=-)
also at the tanning salon amazing lighting :) why cant good light just follow us everywhere
Guys: If you look forward to teaching your daughter how to shave her legs just like daddy- you might be a bodybuilder.

If you can quote the protein content of a can of tuna fish to the second decimal point- you might be a bodybuilder.

If you ever used the words “sore” and “felt good” in the same sentence- you might be a bodybuilder

If you can identify Arnold Schwarzenegger from a picture showing only his calves- you might be a bodybuilder.

If you were ever late for work because the time flew by while you were posing in front of the mirror- you might be a bodybuilder.

If you ever took your clothes off in the restroom at work to check on your conditioning- you might be a bodybuilder.

If you can have a conversation lasting ten minutes or longer about essential amino acids- you might be a bodybuilder.

If you ever thought about flexing while standing in a police line up- you might be a bodybuilder.

If you diet down for your honey moon- you might be a bodybuilder

If you hear the name Jay Cutler and think Mr. Olympia- you might be a bodybuilder (Sorry all, the rest of America would say you were talking about a football player- I think.)

If you ever moved something really heavy, put it down and then picked it up again with your other arm to make sure your symmetry doesn’t suffer- you might be a bodybuilder

If you have conversations about how many grams of protein you’ve had for the day- you might be a bodybuilder.

If you ever brought your own food in Tupperware to a family dinner/wedding/restaurant- you might be a bodybuilder.

If you think that Tupperware is the greatest human invention after Hammer Strength Machines- you might be a bodybuilder.

If you know the exact circumference of your right bicep- you might be a bodybuilder.

If you think carrying 15% bodyfat qualifies you as a fat bastard- you might be a bodybuilder.

If you shave and drop your carbs slightly before going to the doctor’s office because you know you’ll have to take your shirt off- you might be a bodybuilder.

Ladies: If you complain to your girlfriends that you are holding water and it is blurring the definition in your abs, and they come after you with pitchforks and lighted torches- you might be a bodybuilder.

If you ever took chicken breasts to the movie theater so you wouldn’t miss a meal- you might be a bodybuilder.

If you ever got strange stares after asking for sodium free popcorn at the local movie theater- you might be a bodybuilder.

If a Foreman grill is a must for your carry on luggage- you might be a bodybuilder.

If you buy clothes at a particular department store because the lighting in the changing room makes you look ripped- you might be a bodybuilder.

If you ever worried that you were burning too many calories while standing in line- you might be a bodybuilder.

If you ever passed gas and birds started their migration early- you might be a bodybuilder.

If you don’t see anything wrong with using Ziploc bags as food containers- you might be a bodybuilder.

If your kid hits a front double biceps shot when someone points a camera and says “Pose!”- you might be a bodybuilder (Guilty on that one too.)

If ‘whey’ is not something that you only hear in nursery rhymes involving a little girl named Muppet- you might be a bodybuilder.

If anyone ever asked you if you had a degree in biochemistry after you explained to them what they should eat after a workout- you might be a bodybuilder.

If you ever felt left out at the annual office party because they didn’t have any sodium free skinless chicken breasts on the menu- you might be a bodybuilder.

If your idea of a dream vacation involves access to an on demand barbecue grill- you might be a bodybuilder.

When your chest is bigger than your girlfriends – you might be a bodybuilder.

When you refuse a slice of your own birthday cake – you might be a bodybuilder.

When you take more pills than your grandmother- you might be a bodybuilder.

When you schedule your college classes around your workout – you might be a bodybuilder.

When you leave a party to eat meal 6- you might be a bodybuilder.

When you pump up because you know you will have to take your shirt off at the doctor’s office- you might be a bodybuilder.

When you switch hands while brushing your teeth, just so your left arm gets the same workout as your right arm for purposes of maintaining symmetry – you might be a bodybuilder.

When you spend more time in a fitting room looking at yourself without clothes than you do while wearing the clothes that you went in to try on in the first place – you might be a bodybuilder.

You don’t want to marry a petite woman because your afraid of her “bad” genetics- you might be a bodybuilder.
So ! That wasn't enought Huh ?

You cut the collars out of all of your workout shirts.

You wear shorts that are tighter than most womens shorts.

All of your workout clothes resemble a zebra for some reason.

You drink more water than a camel in the middle of a drought.

You wear some kind of big utility work boot when you lift.

You know where the best mirror is in the gym that shows your definition.

You tend to do most of your workouts in front of the mirror.

You literally read Bodybuilding magazines cover to cover.

You have face wrinkles from intense grunting and straining that normal people don't have.

You have no idea what supplements to take.

Your monthly supplement bill is more than your monthly mortgage.

If you happen to wake up at 3:00 a.m., you make yourself a protein shake.

You start lifting earlier than the U.S. military even gets out of bed.

You take 30 minutes loading 45 pound plates on the leg press machine when you do legs.

You tend to run instead of sprint, jog instead of run, speed walk instead of jog, walk instead of speed walk, sit instead of walk, lay down instead of sit, nap instead of lay down and sleep instead of nap just to give yourself more rest and recuperation time to grow.

You have more bikini's than your wife or girlfriend.

You can't stop yourself from squeezing a front abdominal shot in the mirror when you are the only one in a public restroom.

You do the above even with people in the restroom and ask them what they think.

Your wife or girlfriend has more body hair than you do.

Your abdominals are super ripped, but for some reason this area is so bloated that it bulges out further than your chest.

You hate 13 page magazine information articles on new supplements.

Eight of your buddies have to sit on top of the leg press machine when you do legs.

Donkey calf raises don't embarrass you anymore.

You prefer black and white photos of yourself instead of color.

You appear in 4 out of 8 major Bodybuilding magazines each month.

You camp out in front of the book store waiting for the new Bodybuilding magazines to hit the shelf.

You know that watching T.V. and eating protein powder won't make your muscles grow.

You own part of a major supplement company or nutrition franchise.

You endorse supplements that you wouldn't even use yourself.

When you were in the military and had to deploy over seas, you packed tons of tuna in your luggage.

Your workout now takes 1 hour or less compared to when you use to lift for 3 hours a day every day.

You know where the best corner of the gym is where the light above you shows off all of your serration's the best.

People stop working out and watch you as you do your dead lifts.

You need 2 spotters when you do squats.

You pose more than 20 times a day in any mirror available.

You boil eggs 3 dozen at a time.

You eat tuna and rice for breakfast.

You have to tan year around.

You listen to punk music on your walkman during your leg and dead lift days.

You have realized and accepted that your "partying" days are now over.
You eat 6 to 9 meals a day.

You know the gram count of every known protein food source on the planet.

A rice cake contains more water in it than you do on the day of your competition.

Even your butt has serration's on it.

Your veins look like a road atlas of the U.S.

Your wife/husband or girlfriend/boyfriend just up and left you one day.

You have thrown up after doing heavy legs.

You dry heave after doing heavy legs.

You REALLY can't straighten out your elbows.

Your triceps sit out at 45 degree angles from resting on your huge lats.

When you hear six-pack, you think of abs instead of beer.

You always have a cooler of food riding shottie in you car.

You have ever missed an event because it would have interferred with your workout schedule.
You instinctively push a shopping cart with a thumbless grip.
You're a bodybuilder when you're in the hotel room and a girl you just met just took her clothes off and is naked on the bed and after you stripped as well you catch a glimpse of yourself in the bathroom mirror and the light/mirror is sooo good, you start posing, ignoring the girl, and then turn to the girl and start showing her how good you look while she's looking at you really strange.

Yeah, I did that... :eek:
You're a bodybuilder when you're in the hotel room and a girl you just met just took her clothes off and is naked on the bed and after you stripped as well you catch a glimpse of yourself in the bathroom mirror and the light/mirror is sooo good, you start posing, ignoring the girl, and then turn to the girl and start showing her how good you look while she's looking at you really strange.

Yeah, I did that... :eek:


Or even better after you have sex, and you are all vascular on your way to the bathroom you get stuck in the same mirror=-)
My biggest bitch. Nothing fits off the shelf. There's no such thing as a collar you can button off the shelf. Go to men's warehouse and try to buy a shirt, you'll end up in a tent sized shirt that has enough extra material that when tucked in looks like you have a diaper on under your belt.
T-Shirts are fine. Dress shirts cost a bunch but I'm proud to pay it:star-:ars

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