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You want to bash Anthony Roberts? Go ahead!

Big A

IFBB PRO/NPC JUDGE/Administrator
Staff member
Jun 4, 2002
I have had it with him. He has stepped over the line one last time with me.
We used to erase all the negative threads about him - not anymore.

You have any grievances with him, let them loose.
If he made fun of this pic, I'll beat him up!


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He's burnt his bridge with me too.
All I can say is anyone who had ACTUALLY accumulated the knowledge he pretends to have would not be such a braggart. The guy does nothing but dodge questions, he's absolutely full of poo.
Personally, I never lent any credence to anything he said more than I would any other person's writing off the street. I never understood why he was given so much latitude in the first place. He's not a scientist. He is not published in the academic community. He has no research facilities nor has he been awarded any grant towards research by any reputable institution that I'm aware of. So then, I ask, where is this information truly coming from?

I'm not saying a person requires everything listed above to deserve credit for hard work but if you don't have the credentials to back your writing, than at least show enough professionalism to be taken seriously. When I read these little he-said, she-said pissing matches, it just serves to bring down any credibility that a person has built over time. It's sad really. Now you're combining a lack of credentials with a lack of professionalism. Add once again the fact that we are dealing with what can potentially be very dangerous chemicals and practices and you know what do you have? You have an imminent disaster just waiting to happen. And who foots the bill? You do.

So given the lack of academic credentials combined with the apparent lack of any type of professionalism, a person should be very guarded about how much weight one puts on anything an individual or institution has written and sold. It's a "buyer-beware" scenario at best and a complete scam at worst. Be careful. You can find most of the answers to your questions for free at any public or campus library. It’s a completely unnecessary risk to spend money on OPINIONS of extremely questionably origin.

It’s likely you’ll just feel the momentary sting of getting ripped off but dollars can be replaced. Your health cannot be replaced. If you ARE going to place your health in someone else’s hands, just make certain you know exactly whose hands you are placing your health in.
He just doesn't know when to leave well enough alone!!! As Kais said, he has burnt too many bridges!!!
lynx said:
If he made fun of this pic, I'll beat him up!

My beautiful bodyguard :)

Stop showing that pic around, or people will think that I am that young. That's more than a decade old. Or are you showing it because your imagination is running wild about what's under those candy striped tights?? ;) :p
Big A said:
I have had it with him. He has stepped over the line one last time with me.
We used to erase all the negative threads about him - not anymore.

You have any grievances with him, let them loose.

The guy is a complete snake and opportunist. How else can I put it. He loves to hang out on a couple of other boards and play the "expert." He's a complete hack, joke and disgrace who just tries to speak the language of the boards. He needs to be exposed for the phony he is.

Believe me, I could go on.
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I'd like to thank you Big A for providing this outlet. I take great pleasure in seeing the truth surface here.
I am sorry it has come to this. He could have had it all but his ego got in the way. I have always been able to discredit his writings simply because I have a real education in science from a real university but I knew better to leave well enough alone because his time would come, and now it has.
I enjoy it when liars and sammers are exposed.

People who claim to be something they are NOT really have problems. :mad:
People who claim to be something they are NOT really have problems. :mad:
I think the thing that bothered me most is that he claimed to be an expert. Be humble and people will respect you so much more. The last straw for me was when he made referrence to being the second coming of my good friend Dan. No way in hell could he hold a candle to Dan, no one can. Many good guys out there writing now, with some good science and not one of them will ever like to be called a guru. Anyone wanting to be called that is asking for trouble.

AR started with the right intent, in fact he is a good author, he just needed more science to back up his theories. I have no problem with someone not being a fully accredited scientist by trade, Dan never had a formal science degree, but as you stated Jethro, don't claim to be something you are not.

Humility would have gotten him so much further and he could have had a long and prosperous career.
Who the hell is he? The motivational speaker?

Gavin Kane said:
Humility would have gotten him so much further and he could have had a long and prosperous career.

It sounds like a eulogy is in order here.
The guy is simply a cut and paster with a big mouth.... I knew this was coming...
Thats to Bad. I always Liked Hooker but it seems He has a problem with us here at promuscle Im hearing.
I personaly erased COUNTLESS threads about him from here that I felt didnt belong.

Im with BIGA on this. If he wants to run us or our board here down I no longer have any use for the guy. Ill wish him the best and Just stay clear of any threads or anything that has to do with him.
2Sick said:
The guy is simply a cut and paster with a big mouth.... I knew this was coming...

I have to agree here, this is exactly what my take is on him. He is well spoken, and writes well but thats about all hes got going for him in this realm. His attitude is terrible, and his integrity is questionable. He seems to revel in debating and starting arguements. I have witnessed his behavior over at AR. I hope others see through his smoke screen.
Big A said:
My beautiful bodyguard :)

Stop showing that pic around, or people will think that I am that young. That's more than a decade old. Or are you showing it because your imagination is running wild about what's under those candy striped tights?? ;) :p
There is a mexican guy at a gym that still wears those. Gay.
People who claim to be something they are NOT really have problems. :mad:
Yeah, you're right. Here's a good one for ya; there is a fucked up girl at my work and she's got a little poster that says "IT'S NOT HOW OTHER PEOPLE SEE YOU, BUT IT'S HOW YOU SEE YOURSELF".

Anyone who lives by this quote... got problems :)
Uh oh....

Anthony Roberts is a joke - he was never in the same league as Dan Duchaine.

R.I.P. Dan...


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