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How big is the gym you go to?

About a 15 x 20 ft space on my patio.....:(

Since 2020. I actually like it, although my legs have gone down quite a bit considering I don't have everything like I did years prior at my old gyms.
This is exactly what I've been talking about doing. How much do you charge for memberships?
It ranges between $45-$60 depending on the option. We hover around 680-700 members. About 35-40% of gross revenue comes from personal training. It's rarely packed to the point of needing to wait long periods for an item but this is a very laid back, slow roll community. I also built this gym for a living and not so much around my ideal place to train. I catered to the demographic and it has done very well for me. Definitely not hard core and goes for an older, professional crowd.
It ranges between $45-$60 depending on the option. We hover around 680-700 members. About 35-40% of gross revenue comes from personal training. It's rarely packed to the point of needing to wait long periods for an item but this is a very laid back, slow roll community. I also built this gym for a living and not so much around my ideal place to train. I catered to the demographic and it has done very well for me. Definitely not hard core and goes for an older, professional crowd.

I think the sad truth is: Pure hardcore bodybuilders or powerlifters are just not the crowd that will be profitable. We wear down the equipment (because we actually use it lol), we are expensive because we come daily and take showers etc, and are intimidating to the "normal" gen pop crowd.

Catering to the crowd that big gym chains cater seems to be the safest bet when it comes to money. And especially trying to get a lot of personal training set up, that is the real money maker.
It ranges between $45-$60 depending on the option. We hover around 680-700 members. About 35-40% of gross revenue comes from personal training. It's rarely packed to the point of needing to wait long periods for an item but this is a very laid back, slow roll community. I also built this gym for a living and not so much around my ideal place to train. I catered to the demographic and it has done very well for me. Definitely not hard core and goes for an older, professional crowd.
Thank you for this information. If you don’t mind, can I pick your brain a bit through pm?
Thank you for this information. If you don’t mind, can I pick your brain a bit through pm?
You bet. I head out on a small vacay tomorrow morning so might have delays in some replies.
I own 9k sq feet near Nashville's airport. We have 1000 members, and I am currently expanding. I am finding real estate to be the biggest hurdle to overcome when it comes to expansion, as I am currently working to expand to 14,100 sq feet in Q4 2026. I believe you can easily compete with any big box gym if you have a member culture that makes it that way.

I also believe more people who have money will train somewhere "local" over corporate gyms if the equipment is clean and up to date/usable.

With that said, we grew at 4k sq feet and expanded to 9k in the first 3 years, and it took me another 6 years to get to where I can expand again. My company stays debt-free as I live off my training income and allow the gym to do its thing as I am looking at it more of a 20-year play (10 years next April).

I believe you have to find what you want to run and enjoy running daily. The model for me started with trainers driving the culture to moving to where the members drive the culture and it's for the better of everyone as a whole when that happens.

I hope this helps, and regardless, I'm rooting for you in business and hope you kick some ass!
This is exactly what I've been talking about doing. How much do you charge for memberships?
50/month plus a one time fee of 50 for key fob. Training is a whole different ballgame, our personal training ranges from 180-500/month
No idea the square footage but it's small. What I like about it, all top of the line equipment, 3 minute drive, open 24/7 and it's a little expensive monthly which keeps some of the BS away.
I don’t know the square footage but Reds is easily the size of 2-3 Lifetimes/Equinoxs lol
And might just be the largest gym in the world, no? If the gym keeps growing at the rate it is.growing it soon will be. And if not than maybe the parking lot qualifies for the biggest gym parking lot 😉
I go to a relatively large commercial gym (unfortunately)

Been debating changing to a smaller, more hardcore gym recently though. I think a change of crowd would be a nice. Maybe start hanging around more people with a similar mindset

I like my commercial gym, but the amount of fuckery and clueless people baffles me. Everyone likes to do their sets right in front of the weight racks
Hey guys. Just wondering the size of the gym is that you attend in relation to the size of the region? Wife and I are looking into opening a gym in a smaller community of roughly 5000. There’s a 3500sq ft spot up for lease right now but unsure if it’s big enough. I’ve been out of a commercial gym since covid now just training in the home gym we built, but before then, any gym I’ve ever been to was a big box gym so around 10,000sq ft and up. The plan is for the gym to be your typical gym with free weights, machines and cardio. Not really interested in classes since for 1) smaller space and 2) never been interested in running classes. Just looking to gain some information into what some of you guys prefer.
I live in a small town (10k pop in the incorporated area and probably another 40k in the unincorporated). We had a Golds, have a Planet Fitness, a few Cross-fit gyms, Anytime Fitness and a few locally owned gyms.
I used to work out in a 3500-4000 sq ft hardcore gym in a commercial storage facility.....loved it! Membership was low, could work out when I wanted, blast music as loud as I wanted at any time. It's all about positioning the equipment to maximize space, they did great. BUT, it was a meathead gym. They held and still hold power lifting comps. There was nothing fancy about it
It all depends on the type of client you want. Cardio machines will eat up space. If you're looking to start & stay small membership wise for a while, you won't need much cardio equipment.
That said, are you looking to make this your family's primary source of income? If so, how long until you want that to be the case?
Any other gyms in your area? If so, what's their set up like and how many members?
As said before, PT is going to be your money maker.
I think you need to find out who you're targeting for clients and assess from there.
I go to a relatively large commercial gym (unfortunately)

Been debating changing to a smaller, more hardcore gym recently though. I think a change of crowd would be a nice. Maybe start hanging around more people with a similar mindset

I like my commercial gym, but the amount of fuckery and clueless people baffles me. Everyone likes to do their sets right in front of the weight racks
Dude, it makes a huge difference. I just started training at Destination Dallas and it's a million times better than the shitty commercial gyms I was training at in Arizona. Completely different energy
Dude, it makes a huge difference. I just started training at Destination Dallas and it's a million times better than the shitty commercial gyms I was training at in Arizona. Completely different energy
Hmm i think you inspired me to try a new place tommorow. There's a few powerhouse gyms near me (not sure if it's a hardcore gym or not, but it seems to be a lot better than the esporta/la fitness I'm currently training at)

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