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Security Clearance


New member
Apr 11, 2010
Anyone have one? Probably will have to get one, secret, for potential job prospects soon. Just wondering about forms, test, etc. Any input is appreciated.
Anyone have one? Probably will have to get one, secret, for potential job prospects soon. Just wondering about forms, test, etc. Any input is appreciated.

I started the paperwork to go work at a federal building, its insane the amount of info they required. Took my father over 8 hours to fill his out, I said forget it and took a different job offer.

In my business you bounce around alot, so that aspect wasnt a big deal
I started the paperwork to go work at a federal building, its insane the amount of info they required. Took my father over 8 hours to fill his out, I said forget it and took a different job offer.

In my business you bounce around alot, so that aspect wasnt a big deal

Company is contracted and most are with area I will be involved with and most all require at least secret. I have been off for 2-3 months now and by the time I go through everything I will have been off 5-6 months. I didn't want to chance anything during the process. But saw they have questions asking about steroids in the past, etc. And I would want to start back once the process is over.
It will take them awhile to run your background, in the mean time they will issue you a interm clearance. Just be honest with them, I had some black marks on my record, and they gave me a clearance. They just want you to be up front. Most of it will hinge on your character references.

Just my one cent
It will take them awhile to run your background, in the mean time they will issue you a interm clearance. Just be honest with them, I had some black marks on my record, and they gave me a clearance. They just want you to be up front. Most of it will hinge on your character references.

Just my one cent

This right here. You can have a felony and get a clearance. They base it on a case by case and they are mostly looking for honesty.
So if someone is convicted with a felony, I highly doubt you will get a clearance. I have a guy working on contract position at Fort Hood. It took weeks to get his entire background check complete and he wasn't trying to obtain a Secret or Top Secret Clearance.

We had to have him do the following before we extended him an offer:

7 yr felony/misdemeanor check....performed by MBI.
Check his driving record, since he will be using a company vehicle.
10 panel drug test.
Education verification
3 references from any companies he worked for in the last ten years. The crazy thing was he had been with the same company for four years, but they would only accept one.

Well, he got the job and is working.
Certain things you need to lie about, certain things you definetly shouldnt. Use your head. I forgot to report a arrest for unopened alcohol from 6 years prior, very minor thing. Just simply forgot about it. They banned me for a year from nuclear facilities.

Edit: ANd this was after I passed all their psychological and safety exams. They still had to pay me for those classes, but sucked to sit through that and then get banned
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So if someone is convicted with a felony, I highly doubt you will get a clearance. I have a guy working on contract position at Fort Hood. It took weeks to get his entire background check complete and he wasn't trying to obtain a Secret or Top Secret Clearance

it's a case by case deal , your not gonna get the same background check if you are working for Boeing on space craft parts as you do for close protection of high rank dignitaries!!
I held "Top Secret" clearance as a security contractor for the state department and that background check was very extensive , the people I out as references were personally interviewed not just called.

where I work now I had to have , "secret" clearance to work on prototype space craft parts , thinking that I had held a TopSecret clearance before I figured it was just a simple check of , not so much a full interview session and huge application was involved.

I know two men that were both convicted of felonies that hold a secret clearance
So if someone is convicted with a felony, I highly doubt you will get a clearance. I have a guy working on contract position at Fort Hood. It took weeks to get his entire background check complete and he wasn't trying to obtain a Secret or Top Secret Clearance.

Your not experienced in what they are looking for then :naughty:. Its not about having a conviction. Its about being truthful and honest :eek:. I have a conviction, and a secret clearance.
I held a TS/SCI for 6 years but never got it readjudicated. I remember the paper work to get it. Took forever...
well someone mentioned space,defense, etc. That will be type of area that is a possibility. Like the 'big' places that are in that area. I have no arrests/ misdemeanors/etc on my record. Only have 1 speeding ticket. Never done drugs, except steroids. Thinking about just marking that I have and put down last time I did was in 2008 or something. Was just wondering opinions on the paperwork, etc for a secret when dealing with this topic. Everything else is fine.
Your not experienced in what they are looking for then :naughty:. Its not about having a conviction. Its about being truthful and honest :eek:. I have a conviction, and a secret clearance.


It's gonna depend on the client. I'm not going to get into a whole debate about background checks, bc honestly I don't know everything when it comes to obtaining various clearance.

However Rory,

I have placed many guys at Boeing and various Aerospace company's in Huntsville. This being said, I'm not going to go-on about where I have placed people around the country.

I do agree that you must be truthful and honest. It goes to show that I learn something everyday.

Rory33, please don't think I'm trying to rude to you...that's truly not my intention.

Gunsmith, thanks for your input.
well someone mentioned space,defense, etc. That will be type of area that is a possibility. Like the 'big' places that are in that area. I have no arrests/ misdemeanors/etc on my record. Only have 1 speeding ticket. Never done drugs, except steroids. Thinking about just marking that I have and put down last time I did was in 2008 or something. Was just wondering opinions on the paperwork, etc for a secret when dealing with this topic. Everything else is fine.

Just some advice DO NOT admit to steroid use or anything with a needle for that matter that's pretty much an automatic disqualification.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Just some advice DO NOT admit to steroid use or anything with a needle for that matter that's pretty much an automatic disqualification.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

Ok, now hearing to do not admit and admit. Will be possibly working for company that is contracted and will just be a secret clearance. I am unsure at this point. On one hand I want to admit, but say like 2008 was last use, because if they somehow find out and I didn't tell them I am gone then. If they know beforehand and it was a one time use then I might be fine. I don't think secret will go into emails, computer use, etc...or at least hope not.
When I did my clearance for homeland security they didn't do any checks if you do admit just admit to orals not injection
I had a Secret clearance in the Marines. You basically have to do a LONG LONG online forum. It asks you your past address for 10 years, known associates that can confirm your identity, jobs in the past 10 years, birth place, country, etc... More annoying and tedious.
So if someone is convicted with a felony, I highly doubt you will get a clearance. I have a guy working on contract position at Fort Hood. It took weeks to get his entire background check complete and he wasn't trying to obtain a Secret or Top Secret Clearance.


Alot of misinformation in the posts on this thread guys, not just here (no offense man)....

A large majority of individuals I work with (TS/SCI required) have had felony charges.

Just be honest and clearance won't be an issue. Now if you tried party drugs a few times or less leave that out... Other than that complete honesty.

Most employers will do the paperwork etc. for you actually. All I have ever had to do is show up for my polygraph.
Alot of misinformation in the posts on this thread guys, not just here (no offense man)....

A large majority of individuals I work with (TS/SCI required) have had felony charges.

Just be honest and clearance won't be an issue. Now if you tried party drugs a few times or less leave that out... Other than that complete honesty.

Most employers will do the paperwork etc. for you actually. All I have ever had to do is show up for my polygraph.

I received DoD secret level clearance within the last 24 months due to areas I work at on a US military installation and a defense contractor. Be up front with them. When they walk thru the door they already know way more about you then you probably give them credit for. Ever sent money to china for gear and used your real name? That will come up over the course of the interview. They won't ask a direct question about it but a vague question to test if you are being truthful. Don't think the nature of questioning is a coincidence. There are no coincidences. If they are asking you something it is a concern. And in some cases they are asking because they already have you on the radar and seek clarification on the matter. I told the guy honestly what the transfer was for and he didn't bat an eye, nor ask another question pertaining to the subject. I'm now legally on hrt. I'm sure he already knew this though. That interview process can be stressful and intimidating. And I'm not easily intimidated.

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