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Before first cycle photo's


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Kilo Klub Member
Mar 3, 2012
Me after chest and shoulders session.

Im 15'4 at the moment. 6'2, 18 years old, and natural... for now ;)

still trying to bring up my arms, but there not growing very much lately. Have considered hiring somebody to help me out during my time off competition, but im very short on cash 24/7, so will have to see how much people charge.

Starting my first cycle soon. so im posting these as a before picture.


  • most musc 30th july 2012.jpg
    most musc 30th july 2012.jpg
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  • 30th july 2012 mm2.jpg
    30th july 2012 mm2.jpg
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FOOD Lots of it.
I agree too young and A LOT more potential to get much bigger w/o the juice. A LOT!

Listen to AJ, eat some food and continue to train like a madman. I bet in 2 years you could easy be the same bf at 200lbs, if not bigger. Even though puberty is over for you, you will continue to grow and develop until 21 maybe even grow another 1 or 2 in height. Don't waste this natural potential for a cycle you don't even need yet.
Me after chest and shoulders session.

Im 15'4 at the moment. 6'2, 18 years old, and natural... for now ;)

still trying to bring up my arms, but there not growing very much lately. Have considered hiring somebody to help me out during my time off competition, but im very short on cash 24/7, so will have to see how much people charge.

Starting my first cycle soon. so im posting these as a before picture.

It looks like you are on the right track bro. Nice leg development and a good foundation overall, BUT you are still in somewhat of a teenagers body. As others have said give it just a little more time..... doesn't need to be a long time..... just wait a lil closer to the time when your natural development is over.
I agree too young and A LOT more potential to get much bigger w/o the juice. A LOT!

Listen to AJ, eat some food and continue to train like a madman. I bet in 2 years you could easy be the same bf at 200lbs, if not bigger. Even though puberty is over for you, you will continue to grow and develop until 21 maybe even grow another 1 or 2 in height. Don't waste this natural potential for a cycle you don't even need yet.


Wait atleast 2 years... you will thank us for it in the long run. Looking good matey... keep it up :)
Not trying to be a dick here but how long have you been lifting ? If I saw a person like that walkin down the street or at the gym I would guess maybe 3 months of lifting I mean thats an average body for a teenager that participates in a sport or two in high school . If you dont have enough money to hire a trainer especially someone like Phil who is relatively cheap how do you plan on eating enough for a cycle ? Putting money towards gear first instead of into food, and a proper regime just doesn't sound too smart.
Listen to AJ, eat some food and continue to train like a madman.
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**broken link removed**
been lifting 3 years, first year was not serious at all with a horrible diet.

last two years have been quite consistant with training.

and to Sebacco2011 who is not "trying to be a dick". You have successfully been a dick to me. im 18 years old, i have always been skinny ever since a kid. my appetite is shit, i cant afford 8000 calories a day and 400g of protein. i wish i could, but being a college student i cant. i do not look like a kid who has done a few sports at school. thats just bullshit.

Wait atleast 2 years... you will thank us for it in the long run. Looking good matey... keep it up :)

thanks! i will probably wait 10-14 months, because i am planning on competing in the NABBA Midlands show in 2014 and would like to start gaining some serious mass before i diet for the show. i am eating as much as my budget will allow me, and force feeding myself tubs of peanut butter. kuz i hate the fuckign taste.
I agree too young and A LOT more potential to get much bigger w/o the juice. A LOT!

Listen to AJ, eat some food and continue to train like a madman. I bet in 2 years you could easy be the same bf at 200lbs, if not bigger. Even though puberty is over for you, you will continue to grow and develop until 21 maybe even grow another 1 or 2 in height. Don't waste this natural potential for a cycle you don't even need yet.

Im around 214lbs now :D 15 stone 4.
like everybody else has said , you are a bit to you you still can easily add another 20+pounds NATURALY , not matter your age wait untill you hit a solid platue , one where a change in diet and training doesn't yield much gains this way you know you have just about tapped out what your natty hormones can grow , that may be 2 years and it may be 5 years either way hold off on the super sups till your BODY needs them!!

take that money you want to invest in juice and hire Shelby Starns or John Medows who are know for adding big size to their clients , at the very least pay for John's training and look for advice here for your nutrition needs
thanks! i will probably wait 10-14 months, because i am planning on competing in the NABBA Midlands show in 2014 and would like to start gaining some serious mass before i diet for the show. i am eating as much as my budget will allow me, and force feeding myself tubs of peanut butter. kuz i hate the fuckign taste.

Why don't you post up your diet bro? Maybe you could get some good tips? Or your training? It is likely that you don't know what your doing, and that's OKAY, nobody did at 18 and I still don't and probly never will lol. It's also likely that you don't know how much you don't know, and this will be revealed as you grow through experience. Take the advice and don't be a hardass teenager like I was

Why don't you post up your diet bro? Maybe you could get some good tips? Or your training? It is likely that you don't know what your doing, and that's OKAY, nobody did at 18 and I still don't and probly never will lol. It's also likely that you don't know how much you don't know, and this will be revealed as you grow through experience. Take the advice and don't be a hardass teenager like I was


fair enough. and thankyou for not being an asshole

Training is focused on going beyond failure and using heavy weight (heavy to me). I use the same principle for each of my exercises, good form, no cheating. etc. i do more sets for larger body parts and lagging body parts and less sets for smaller muscle so usually: legs 12-14 sets , chest 8-10 sets, back 14-20 sets, shoulders and arms 5-6 sets(roughly)

i do a lot of weighted pullups, barbell rows and deadlifts for back, a lot of incline press and incline flys for chest, lots of leg press and squats for legs (no extensions) and mainly side and front raises for shoulders, i dont like pressing it makes my shoulders click and ache. Im struggling to grow my arms at the moment, so im taking a bit of time off them and coming back to destroy them in 3-4 weeks.

Diet is not strict at all, and i miss meals sometimes because i have no acess to food because of work or other reasons.I eat around 5 meals per day, sometimes 6 sometimes 8-9. if its a good day.

Im short on cash so i drink 3 protein shakes a day. and have my meals on top of that. i dont count the shakes as meals. I try to eat at least half a tub of peanut butter a day. and eat a lot of junk food like mcdonalds, pizza, kebabs if i have enoguh moneys

on average i consume 200g protein per day. but obviously i try for as high as i can get. soemtimes 260g perhaps. sometimes 190... it varies. depending on hunger and whats in the fridge.
fair enough. and thankyou for not being an asshole

Training is focused on going beyond failure and using heavy weight (heavy to me). I use the same principle for each of my exercises, good form, no cheating. etc. i do more sets for larger body parts and lagging body parts and less sets for smaller muscle so usually: legs 12-14 sets , chest 8-10 sets, back 14-20 sets, shoulders and arms 5-6 sets(roughly)

i do a lot of weighted pullups, barbell rows and deadlifts for back, a lot of incline press and incline flys for chest, lots of leg press and squats for legs (no extensions) and mainly side and front raises for shoulders, i dont like pressing it makes my shoulders click and ache. Im struggling to grow my arms at the moment, so im taking a bit of time off them and coming back to destroy them in 3-4 weeks.

Diet is not strict at all, and i miss meals sometimes because i have no acess to food because of work or other reasons.I eat around 5 meals per day, sometimes 6 sometimes 8-9. if its a good day.

Im short on cash so i drink 3 protein shakes a day. and have my meals on top of that. i dont count the shakes as meals. I try to eat at least half a tub of peanut butter a day. and eat a lot of junk food like mcdonalds, pizza, kebabs if i have enoguh moneys

on average i consume 200g protein per day. but obviously i try for as high as i can get. soemtimes 260g perhaps. sometimes 190... it varies. depending on hunger and whats in the fridge.

In my opinion(which means nothing) I like your exercise choices. Training seems reasonable from what details you gave. However, there's no reason to go "beyond failure". Just "fail" and the fiber has been worked sufficiently. Again just my opinion.

Diet on the other you think it would help to develop a little consistency? Doesn't mean you have to be rigid with meal timing and make your life miserable. Just the opposite, makes life easier. Pick some macros and stick to them each meal. Nothing wrong with cheating either, but take that into account when assessing progress.

Most of all Enjoy your time as a broke kid!
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Diet is not strict at all, and i miss meals sometimes because i have no acess to food because of work or other reasons.I eat around 5 meals per day, sometimes 6 sometimes 8-9. if its a good day.

Im short on cash so i drink 3 protein shakes a day. and have my meals on top of that. i dont count the shakes as meals. I try to eat at least half a tub of peanut butter a day. and eat a lot of junk food like mcdonalds, pizza, kebabs if i have enoguh moneys

on average i consume 200g protein per day. but obviously i try for as high as i can get. soemtimes 260g perhaps. sometimes 190... it varies. depending on hunger and whats in the fridge.

Add some fats and carbs to your shakes to make them a complete meal , a half a cup instant oat and a couple tablespoons of peanut better would make it a meals worth of calories , also eat all the whole eggs you can get , each egg is 70-80 calories of muscle building protein and fat.
I had a buddy that added alot of size in college by simply eating 6 whole eggs and a cup or white rice several times a day along with whatever else he could manage that 36g-Protein , 50g-Carbs and 24g-Fat comming from two of the cheapest food sources on the planet
Add some fats and carbs to your shakes to make them a complete meal , a half a cup instant oat and a couple tablespoons of peanut better would make it a meals worth of calories , also eat all the whole eggs you can get , each egg is 70-80 calories of muscle building protein and fat.
I had a buddy that added alot of size in college by simply eating 6 whole eggs and a cup or white rice several times a day along with whatever else he could manage that 36g-Protein , 50g-Carbs and 24g-Fat comming from two of the cheapest food sources on the planet

i can easily afford 6 eggs a day. i will have to try this out. and start putting them in my shakes. just ordered some more whey from Bodybuilding Supplements | Sports Supplements
150 servings for £40 :D
You have money for a cycle, but not for food? :rolleyes:
If you do do a cycle, you're just going to waste your money because you are not utilizing it to it's full potential if you don't eat right when on your cycle. :banghead:
Get consistent with eating, save some money and hire someone for your diet and training like Shelby or John Meadows, it will be much better use of your funds than a cycle.

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