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My First Cycle


New member
Dec 20, 2012
Everyone keeps telling me "you only get one first" so I've done tons of research and am posting here well before I start.

I recently had two blood tests and it looks like I have low-T, so should be starting TRT in the next few weeks (waiting for followup with endo). Then I can start a cycle.

I am ~210 pounds, 18% bf. My bf has always been on the high side, I suspect partly b/c of low test. I've done low carb and yes I can lose some fat but my muscles also deflate, strength and energy tank, and I end up looking worse. Because of this I'm mostly a powerlifter, though I care about how I look.

My plan is to do a very simple cycle of 25 mgs dbol/day plus 200 mg test/week (plus TRT). Dbol for the first 6 weeks. I have liver and BP supps. I also have nolvadex on hand if my nipples start to itch. I obtained my dbol from a bodybuilder at my gym who has been getting his test/winny/AI's from a source. I am pretty sure it's an UGL. The dbol just looks like little white discs, slightly beveled, with a score down the middle on one side. Purported to be 50 mg/pill, so I will break them in half.

If everything goes well I will probably add in an injectable like equipoise for my next cycle. The detection time on Deca is too long and I'd like to have the option of going to a tested event without waiting 18 months.

After that, who knows. There are lots of other orals to experiment with. Anavar, anadrol, superdrol, or maybe just stepping it up to 50 mg dbol/day. Higher test dosages of course. Other injectables like Primo. But that's a long ways off.
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Bro you should wait and get trt dialed in first. Your dr is goig to need to run labs often to get things worked out and you need the numbers to be accurate so you get the best care. Cycles can happen later
Bro...first cycle?

Up the Test dosage to 600mg and run that for 10-16 weeks with an AI.

What is 200mg? Yeah ull see results, but you will blow shit out of the water with 400 more mg.
Bro...first cycle?

Up the Test dosage to 600mg and run that for 10-16 weeks with an AI.

What is 200mg? Yeah ull see results, but you will blow shit out of the water with 400 more mg.

He has low testosterone and hasn't started trt yet. Starting a cycle while his dr is sorting trt? Not a good idea
Can't edit anymore, but wanted to state that I'm 5'8". Arms about 17.5", chest about 46", waist (around belly button) about 36".

Thanks Jim. I guess you're right, I'm being impatient.
Can't edit anymore, but wanted to state that I'm 5'8". Arms about 17.5", chest about 46", waist (around belly button) about 36".

Thanks Jim. I guess you're right, I'm being impatient.

No problem bro just remember its not a race. You feel great after starting trt and once it's dialed in you can cycle if you still want. :)
Bro you should wait and get trt dialed in first. Your dr is goig to need to run labs often to get things worked out and you need the numbers to be accurate so you get the best care. Cycles can happen later

bro am i reading your post count correct? you have 600 posts and you joined this month? you need a job bro:D
One aspect I was considering. If I start out on dbol only I can suppress what little natty test I have, which may result in the endo prescribing a higher dosage for TRT. Ofc I want the highest possible dose covered by insurance.
One aspect I was considering. If I start out on dbol only I can suppress what little natty test I have, which may result in the endo prescribing a higher dosage for TRT. Ofc I want the highest possible dose covered by insurance.

Honestly bro of your t is already low I would suggest you get accurate readings do that you truly know what your baseline numbers are. A good endo us going to be running more labs than just T levels so Gaian you want tgem to be as accurate as possible
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Honestly bro of your t is already low I would suggest you get accurate readings do that you truly know what your baseline numbers are. A good endo us going to be running more labs than just T levels so Gaian you want tgem to be as accurate as possible


And also one thing i'd like to add. First cycle I did about 650/test a week and blew up like a marshmellow. I would not do over 250ml a week to start out with on first cycle. Being your first, you will see great results on lower test. The more test, the more bloat. Especially with your body fat that high. The leaner you are, the better test will work for you. If you run 250 you will see awesome results and burn som fat. Any higher than that you will get crazy bloat and you won't like it. I learned this all the hard way. Think of it this way. 250 test is about 2 - 2.5 timesthe amount of test that a teenager has at top test production. Add the dbol and you aare gonna get lots of gains.
bro am i reading your post count correct? you have 600 posts and you joined this month? you need a job bro:D

Tell me were I sign up. This is a great board with a lot of members. It's hard not to post when there o many people on here posting!

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