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My up coming Cycle


Jun 23, 2011
Hey guys I hardly ever post anything. I kind of just sit back and read.
I'm 5'6" 165 so a pretty small guy.
Single dad with two kids so hard to keep everything together and on a schedule and meals. but Im doing this Cycle. Soon
I've used quiet a bit in the past but was mainly just big and bloated now i'm smaller and shaped up.
Test E 400 mg EW motorboat brand
EQ 750 mg EW motorboat brand
Halo 25mg ED for first 4 weeks
Arimidex 1mg ed
HGH 4 IU ED for 50 days. Optimum Brand

I am trying to make about 10-15 pounds of hard solid gains no bloat and fat gain.I attached current pics of me
I know halo is Harsh. but I am wanting these Solid Gains and ! Need more Strength.
I am 32


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Your AI might be over kill! Maybe start eod at 1mg but change dose based on feel or bloods... And hgh should be ran a lot longer then 50 days.. Seems like a waste to me
thanks. I figured ED because i used to get sensitive and itchy nips back inthe day. but EOD I will probably try that. Thank You. I've never tried HGH I've always heard "bro science" that is, that with gear is seems to work so much better.
do you have all of these drugs in your inventory already? or do you have yet to acquire them?
Wouldn't even waste your money on 50 days of growth. Buy some more gear and you will make twice the amount of gains.
little slice. hgh not on hand wanted to get opinions first before that $ was spent
I wouldn't run the GH unless you can atleast double the length of time.
HGH needs to be ran longer. I would start HGH as a primer for 6-8 weeks and jump on cycle and keep going with the growth for a another 12-16 weeks.

Too much arimidex for the amount of test, why not 0.5 eod or e3d ?

I personally would save the halo for the last 4 weeks or run something like dbol, tbol or drol to kickstart your cycle.

Hope this helps.
I agree with everyone, you need to run the GH much longer and the Arimidex is overkill. I have had gyno and had the surgery so i am sensitive to estrogen, but you will never need more than .5 every other day with that cycle. Honestly you could do it e3d or M/W/F will work.

Dont bother with the GH unless you can run it much longer, and make sure you have quality product if you are gonna shell out the cash. Like Theone said, you will get much more gains with gear so you might want to put the money towards that.

Also I always do what Nabz said and run my hardening drug at the end. I have never done Halo but I usually throw Var or Winnie at the end of my cycle, I just think it works better at the end when you have already gained some mass. It just tightens it all up...

Other than that I have always liked Test and Eq, that used to be my go to cycle. A couple years ago I switched to test and primo, but I often tell people to take Test and Eq if they want some solid gains so good luck with your cycle bro !!!
HGH needs to be ran longer. I would start HGH as a primer for 6-8 weeks and jump on cycle and keep going with the growth for a another 12-16 weeks.

Too much arimidex for the amount of test, why not 0.5 eod or e3d ?

I personally would save the halo for the last 4 weeks or run something like dbol, tbol or drol to kickstart your cycle.

Hope this helps.

Thanks I was thinking about that but in the Past Dbol and DRol both made me very bloated. big fat face. I'm wanting to keep water to a minimum and make a chisled look not ripped but lean and chisled. thats the reason i picked. EQ. I like test prop. but with my situation the frequency of pinining may cause a problem so going with Test E. I'm gonna leave the Hgh out. untill I know i can get at least 4 kits. Thanks everyone I been around a while but hard to decide when planning for yourself. Its also been yrs since Ive eaten drol or dbol and If really iffy about it coming from an UGL. I want it to be real and do its job.
I agree with everyone, you need to run the GH much longer and the Arimidex is overkill. I have had gyno and had the surgery so i am sensitive to estrogen, but you will never need more than .5 every other day with that cycle. Honestly you could do it e3d or M/W/F will work.

Dont bother with the GH unless you can run it much longer, and make sure you have quality product if you are gonna shell out the cash. Like Theone said, you will get much more gains with gear so you might want to put the money towards that.

Also I always do what Nabz said and run my hardening drug at the end. I have never done Halo but I usually throw Var or Winnie at the end of my cycle, I just think it works better at the end when you have already gained some mass. It just tightens it all up...

Other than that I have always liked Test and Eq, that used to be my go to cycle. A couple years ago I switched to test and primo, but I often tell people to take Test and Eq if they want some solid gains so good luck with your cycle bro !!!

Thanks leaving out the HGH....
Keeping the dosages the same, or changing them now that your dropping the GH?
i would just use Test E and letro to be honest.. you'd get better gains

test > EQ
test > halotestin

plus, i wouldn't want to use something like halotestin if i had two little rascals running around. im a very mild guy when it comes to temperament, but this little boy punched me in the balls once and i nearly lost my shit.
i would just use Test E and letro to be honest.. you'd get better gains

test > EQ
test > halotestin

plus, i wouldn't want to use something like halotestin if i had two little rascals running around. im a very mild guy when it comes to temperament, but this little boy punched me in the balls once and i nearly lost my shit.

X2. No need for Halo unless you are a few weeks out of a show.
i would just use Test E and letro to be honest.. you'd get better gains

test > EQ
test > halotestin

plus, i wouldn't want to use something like halotestin if i had two little rascals running around. im a very mild guy when it comes to temperament, but this little boy punched me in the balls once and i nearly lost my shit.

I agree. I have never used halo but i have heard it makes you crazy and its hard on the body. I guess its a must for pre contest, but i dont compete so i never bothered with it.

I dont know why i assumed you already had all this stuff, but if you dont I would definitely drop the halo. If you absolutely must run an oral run Anavar, you will get the hardening effect and some strength but its not nearly as hard on the body.

Maybe take some of slice's advice and some of mine. Run more test and some anavar. Maybe use aromasin as your AI. Thats the one i prefer, it doesnt dry me out like letro. Just a thought... If your heart is set on EQ then go ahead and do it but Halo is too much IMO
Last edited:
Hey guys I hardly ever post anything. I kind of just sit back and read.
I'm 5'6" 165 so a pretty small guy.
Single dad with two kids so hard to keep everything together and on a schedule and meals. but Im doing this Cycle. Soon
I've used quiet a bit in the past but was mainly just big and bloated now i'm smaller and shaped up.
Test E 400 mg EW motorboat brand
EQ 750 mg EW motorboat brand
Halo 25mg ED for first 4 weeks
Arimidex 1mg ed
HGH 4 IU ED for 50 days. Optimum Brand

I am trying to make about 10-15 pounds of hard solid gains no bloat and fat gain.I attached current pics of me
I know halo is Harsh. but I am wanting these Solid Gains and ! Need more Strength.
I am 32

You gating some very ridiculos advices, you have 2 kids, be smart.
At your height and weight all you need is a solid diet and training program... Day in, day out, no breaking from the plan.
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You gating some very ridiculos advices, you have 2 kids, be smart.

What advice do you think is ridiculous? I am only asking because I respect your opinion. When someone on here posts a cycle that they want to take I assume that there mind is made up about doing AAS, so i never say to not take anything because its none of my business.

However I will suggest they take lighter compounds if they are not competing. So i was just wondering what you thought was ridiculous. I just told the guy not to take halo. I personally only run test and primo these days...
I agree. I have never used halo but i have heard it makes you crazy and its hard on the body. I guess its a must for pre contest, but i dont compete so i never bothered with it.

I dont know why i assumed you already had all this stuff, but if you dont I would definitely drop the halo. If you absolutely must run an oral run Anavar, you will get the hardening effect and some strength but its not nearly as hard on the body.

Maybe take some of slice's advice and some of mine. Run more test and some anavar. Maybe use aromasin as your AI. Thats the one i prefer, it doesnt dry me out like letro. Just a thought... If your heart is set on EQ then go ahead and do it but Halo is too much IMO

Growman only thing not in inventory is the HGH.
At your height and weight all you need is a solid diet and training program... Day in, day out, no breaking from the plan.

I used to be 198 but i was not a good looking 198 i was to bloated and soft looking. Diet is hard for me. I get lost in the numbers man.

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