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My Test/Tren Cruise/Cut Protocol Log

True- gear will be used more efficiently in the body the leaner you are.

False- you won't need more gear when your in single bf percent, atleast when your effectively using the right gear. Especially tren, anavar, and superdrol.

I stayed at the same dose when I landed 9% and went to 6%. I was the leanest I've ever been. A lot of it is diet but with the right Stack your muscle won't become catabolic, or atleast minimally.

This was my experience atleast

I see Your view, everyone is different...for most competitors/good sized guys doses go up as calories come down, many can bulk on maintenance doses...You look great Bro, but shouldn't take a lot of gear to maintain 170lbs at that height

I'm also not posting here anymore as this thread has since I last posted gone to shit
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The fact you write so when I bulk I can stop at 15-16% shows you don't know as much about diet as you think. There is nothing wrong with 15% if you are really big and wanting to grow to the max. But why would you ever need to get to 15-16% if you only want to put on 15-20 pounds? Do you think you have to put on loads of fat to get to how big you need? Sure if you wanted to get to 250 pounds in 1 year it would be needed but for your goal it most certainly isn't.

You tell me stop saying you don't know how to diet. Then just list out what you eat on a daily basis and please be honest. I am trying to help you here not trick you. Diet is everything so all I am asking is what are you eating now. Diet will be the difference to you achieving your goals or not (provided you keep drugs low). You will happily list your drugs you take and I am sure if asked you would list out your training split so why not your diet?

Do you realize how many guys come on here stating their goals and ask about drugs. Yet when you ask about diet they all eat "great" but won't tell us what they eat. Ok then don't list your diet and do your thing. I am merely trying to help you and make it much easier.
how would you make a diet for someone trying to gain 'only muscle'?

I find it hard to believe anyone can gain only muscle unless they are extremely genetically gifted and/or on extreme amounts of aas.
Also with op's bodyfat lvl im sure the slin sensitivity etc would be shit and would end up gaining fat.
how would you make a diet for someone trying to gain 'only muscle'?

I find it hard to believe anyone can gain only muscle unless they are extremely genetically gifted and/or on extreme amounts of aas.
Also with op's bodyfat lvl im sure the slin sensitivity etc would be shit and would end up gaining fat.

Those are older pics of him he is leaner now. If he was still that fat then sure I would recommend he lean up before bulking. But he is lean enough now to put quality muscle on. Of course you will gain fat/water with muscle but if you start at a lean base it's very simple to put on 10-15 pounds especially if you are as small as he is now. I honestly thought he was about 16-17 in his pics. He could easily put on 10 solid pounds in a few months. It's not like he is anywhere near his genetic potential to begin with so it would be easy if he ate properly.

Diet... you could do it numerous ways. A simple one would be protein for approx 6 meals per day. Balanced meals spread out through the day. Nothing complicated just the basics. Limit the carbs and fat but again balanced macros and eat throughout the day. With hard training and test and tren anyone could weigh 175 pounds and be ripped fairly easily.
Those are older pics of him he is leaner now. If he was still that fat then sure I would recommend he lean up before bulking. But he is lean enough now to put quality muscle on. Of course you will gain fat/water with muscle but if you start at a lean base it's very simple to put on 10-15 pounds especially if you are as small as he is now. I honestly thought he was about 16-17 in his pics. He could easily put on 10 solid pounds in a few months. It's not like he is anywhere near his genetic potential to begin with so it would be easy if he ate properly.

Diet... you could do it numerous ways. A simple one would be protein for approx 6 meals per day. Balanced meals spread out through the day. Nothing complicated just the basics. Limit the carbs and fat but again balanced macros and eat throughout the day. With hard training and test and tren anyone could weigh 175 pounds and be ripped fairly easily.

Just shut up man. I know ur kind. U think ur so much better than everybody cus ur diet is "clean". For the amount of gear ur on i would of thought u would look better. I dont mind hearing peoples advice but stop with the Broscience... u dont look that great.
Just shut up man. I know ur kind. U think ur so much better than everybody cus ur diet is "clean". For the amount of gear ur on i would of thought u would look better. I dont mind hearing peoples advice but stop with the Broscience... u dont look that great.


When did I say I look great. Honestly you haven't a clue. I never say I look good on here but quite frankly I looked better than you do at 30 on test and tren when I was natural at 18. When did I say my diet was clean to you.

Broscience... no it's the basic fundamentals of nutrition in bodybuilding. There is no one size fits all but if you look around nearly everyone is eating protein throughout the day. I know a few guys who do IF and look great but what you are doing is far from optimal.

I am definitely out of this thread.

When did I say I look great. Honestly you haven't a clue. I never say I look good on here but quite frankly I looked better than you do at 30 on test and tren when I was natural at 18. When did I say my diet was clean to you.

Broscience... no it's the basic fundamentals of nutrition in bodybuilding. There is no one size fits all but if you look around nearly everyone is eating protein throughout the day. I know a few guys who do IF and look great but what you are doing is far from optimal.

I am definitely out of this thread.

Im not on Tren and ur not aesthetic.
Im not on Tren and ur not aesthetic.

Ok I will bite. Who said I want to be aesthetic. Not everyone puts Jeff Seid as their ideal physique like you did:D I am nearly 100 pounds heavier than you. I think I weighed 160 when I was about 13 but I am 6ft 2.

I would never post my pics in someone elses thread but I feel like I need to prove a point to you. I never say I look great because I don't but maybe you will shut up as you act like I look shit which I know I don't. Here are 2 old pics of me.


1) Elvia has tried to HELP you so keep your attitude in check. The reason you're getting responses like his - and others - is because you honestly do not have a good nutritional strategy FOR A BODYBUILDING FORUM

Compared to the general public, yeah you're probably more knowledgeable than 99% of them

2) I wont comment on the pissing contest here but if you want help now or in the future, cut the shit man

3) I'm like you when it comes to appetite. Add in broccoli and green veggies like brussel sprouts.... Salt, pepper, garlic, olive oil and theyre great.

4) 150g of protein? Increase to 1.5g per lb of body weight minimum IMO. Its more filling than fat and will help with fat loss subbing out fats for protein
1) Elvia has tried to HELP you so keep your attitude in check. The reason you're getting responses like his - and others - is because you honestly do not have a good nutritional strategy FOR A BODYBUILDING FORUM

Compared to the general public, yeah you're probably more knowledgeable than 99% of them

2) I wont comment on the pissing contest here but if you want help now or in the future, cut the shit man

3) I'm like you when it comes to appetite. Add in broccoli and green veggies like brussel sprouts.... Salt, pepper, garlic, olive oil and theyre great.

4) 150g of protein? Increase to 1.5g per lb of body weight minimum IMO. Its more filling than fat and will help with fat loss subbing out fats for protein

Dont worry about my diet. If i wanted help with diet i would of made a thread on that. I had questions about the gear and u guys keep bringing up diet. U wont know better than me of what works "for me".
Dont worry about my diet. If i wanted help with diet i would of made a thread on that. I had questions about the gear and u guys keep bringing up diet. U wont know better than me of what works "for me".

Maybe there is a reason a dozen different people (who have been doing this much longer than you) keep bringing up your diet.... May e
Leaving this alone for now as well,

But you have got to understand ,


It's 3 parts of 1 puzzle.

How can anyone give you advice on gear when we don't know how your eating??
Especially on tren! Shit man you could be eating one meal a day of 40 eggs blasting tren and guess what's going to happen to yor lipid profile....
While you can change t up and possibly grow AND get shredded when the nutrition is right.

People harp on the diet because ITS NECESSARY!!
So give me some advice on how to eat on tren. That would be useful. I hear protein isnt that important on it and that carbs are better. Also im goin to be using such a low dose that i dont think it really matters.
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Leaving this alone for now as well,

But you have got to understand ,


It's 3 parts of 1 puzzle.

How can anyone give you advice on gear when we don't know how your eating??
Especially on tren! Shit man you could be eating one meal a day of 40 eggs blasting tren and guess what's going to happen to yor lipid profile....
While you can change t up and possibly grow AND get shredded when the nutrition is right.

People harp on the diet because ITS NECESSARY!!

How do you suggest i can grow and get leaner at the same time? Im not following this...
Ive been on ec stack for over a month now. Would it be safe to continue using with the test/tren combo?
Wow, man you are being a dick. People are trying to help you.. Elvia doesn't claim to know everything, he's a guinea pig the same as the rest of us, but has more experience so it would be wise to listen at least.

I can tell you right now that the 1 meal a day thing might have worked when you had a higher percentage of body fat but good luck getting results even on gear with that approach.

At the least spread it out to 3 meals, mostly protein and go from there.

You don't see the logic behind it? Sincere question.

I'm aware you didn't ask for diet advice, but why not save some time and money and start with what has been proven to work for hundreds of other people?
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Eating one meal per day is dangerous to your health, many studies on this:

Eating one meal per day will lead to higher blood pressure and higher fasting blood sugar and impaired glucose tolerance when compared to spreading out the same calories/macros across 3+ meals.
Eating one meal per day is dangerous to your health, many studies on this:

Eating one meal per day will lead to higher blood pressure and higher fasting blood sugar and impaired glucose tolerance when compared to spreading out the same calories/macros across 3+ meals.

Theres a couple million Asians who eat one meal per day who regularly love to over 100 years old who would disagree

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