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Dieting for vanity

I don't have anything recent but you are definitely leaner than me , my lower abs are pretty blurry. I'm pretty sure and a good bit taller as well at 6'2" , 6'3" if the moon is right LOL.

With how I've been eating and training the last couple years I'll be happy to get contest lean at 240 with under 2g gear.

Ideally I'd like to run 400mg test , 400mg primo a week and 6iu HGH a day for a year with a solid nutrition and training plan just to see what happens

Bro... Just post a pic. We all know you take half a dozen mirror shots every time you hit the weights
Bro... Just post a pic. We all know you take half a dozen mirror shots every time you hit the weights

I've actually only taken maybe 4 pics in the gym my whole life , I give everyone in my gym shit for doing , they take several a day for their Facebook or Instagram to "track progress":rolleyes:

I'm gonna run the clippers over my fuzzy ass today and have the wife or kid take a couple pics , I wanted to get any opinion on my fucked up bicep anyway
I've actually only taken maybe 4 pics in the gym my whole life , I give everyone in my gym shit for doing , they take several a day for their Facebook or Instagram to "track progress":rolleyes:

I'm gonna run the clippers over my fuzzy ass today and have the wife or kid take a couple pics , I wanted to get any opinion on my fucked up bicep anyway

Where u at?

are you using insulin? (just curious from your intra workout shake)

im in the same boat as you right now, this year is looking to hectic to plan out a show so im just keeping my shit tight just in case

good luck man all the best

are you using insulin? (just curious from your intra workout shake)

im in the same boat as you right now, this year is looking to hectic to plan out a show so im just keeping my shit tight just in case

good luck man all the best

No , no insulin right now.
I've actually decided to not use any carbs in this original plan at all just to help get the fat off a little faster.

After this summer when i decide to "bulk" again I'll add in some insulin pre workout with a bit of HGH to try to bring a little more muscle into starting a prep next year. I haven't been on anything more than just my prescription TRT for a few years now.
My schedule is to hectic to try to do a show anytime soon , maybe August but we have a week long trip to Florida coming up so I'm gonna diet for that hopefully it'll make starting a prep easier

Meal 1) 3 whole eggs , 2 cups egg whites , 1 tablespoon coconut oil

Meal2) 10oz grilled chicken chicken breast , 3 cups diced cucumber & tomato with 2 tablespoons EVOO and seasonings

Meal 3) 4oz chicken breast , 6oz flank steak , heaping hand full of chopped kale , spinach , romaine , 1 tablespoon EVOO , 2 tablespoon vinegar

Meal 4) 10oz Mahi Mahi , 8 oz fresh pineapple , 1 tablespoon coconut oil

Intra workout) 20g EAA , 20g HBCD , 10g Glutamine , 10g Creatine , 5g Lucine , 5g Citrulline Malate.

Meal 5) 10oz Flank steak , 6oz sweet potato

Meal 6) 25 casine , 25g egg white shake 1 tablespoon walnut butter.

Gonna bump my test from 150mg a week to 400 and add in 200mg masteron a week and 40mg anavar a day. (Crazy doses huh)

Currently hitting every body part on its own day kinda , Legs , arms , back & rear delts , chest & side delts. Using one working weight I can rep 15 time on the first set then do another 2 sets ripped to failure , 60 seconds between sets. I'm gonna add an additional set to ever exercise then cut the rest time to 45 seconds , after a few weeks add another set and cut the rest time to 30 seconds

I do have some extra time in the morning so I'm going to do 20 fasted cardio in the am

Hopefully I can get down around 260 in the 9% be range by late May and if possible I'll step up and prep for an August show

Currently 278 feels like 25% body fat (probably closer to 15%)

That's a real good looking diet!!! All that meat and fish would get expensive! I'd love to diet that way but money is an issue so I substitute a lot of meals with shakes.
Dieting for vanity is the way to go. 😄
hell ya brother, get after it :headbang:

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