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Push's PSL Sponsored Log

No training today.
Calories 3693
Pro 246
Carbs 368
Fat 128
Weight 173 this morning.

Legs tomorrow.


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You looked good mate, well done. Anymore shows planned?
Keep it up
Cardio and Legs today.
5am: Bike 25 mins

10am gym:
Treadmill 15mins
SS: Machine calf raises w/ seated calf raises 1x12/15, 1x10/10, 4x8/8, 1x15/15
SS: Hack squats w/ leg press (narrow/low) 1x15/15, 1x12/12, 4x9/10, 1x15/15
SS: Leg extensions w/ seated leg curls 4x8/8 nonstop.

Calories 4401
Pro 259
Carbs 517
Fat 135
Weight 173 this a.m.

Pull session tomorrow before work.
Pull session before work today.
Pullups wide 1x12, 3x9
Barbell row 1x15, 4x10
DB low row 1x15, 1x10/9/8/8/8 back & forth nonstop
SS: DB shrugs w/ rear delt flyes 3x12/15
SS: Alt DB Curls w/ seated hammer curls 1x18/10, 3x10/8

Had to work late tonight so got a quick but effective pull session in early.

Calories 3680
Pro 285
Carbs 372
Fat 103
Weight 174 this a.m.

No training the next two days, gotta work all day tomorrow then field trip with my kid's school on Wednesday.
Back at it Thursday.
Push Session after work tonight.

Slight incline DB flyes 2x20, 3x15
Incline DB press 1x15, 4x10
Wide grip bench press 1x15, 4x10
SS: Close grip press w/ BW dips 4x10/8
SS: Seated Heavy partial laterals w/ side lateral raises 4x8/8
Seated Arnold press 3x8

Standing calf raises after every set.

Calories 4216
Pro 257
Carbs 457
Fat 139
Weight 174 this a.m.

Gotta work late tomorrow, so i'm gonna try to work a little something in. Maybe just some cardio, or abs, or maybe biceps...we'll see.
Had to work late but still got something in...

EZ bar curls wide 2x15, 2x10, 4x8
Seated Alt DB Curls 2x12, 4x8, dropset 1x9/12
AB Work after every set.
Then..Bike 15 mins

Calories 3995
Pro 270
Carbs 422
Fat 117

Leg Day tomorrow.
Leg Day.
Treadmill 15 mins
SS: Machine calf raises w/ seated calf raises 1x15/15, 5x10/10
Hack squat 1x15, 1x12, 1x10, 4x8, dropset 1x8/8
Leg press 1x20, 1x15, 3x10, dropset 1x15/15
SS: Seated leg curls w/ leg extensions 4x12/12 nonstop

Calories 4432
Pro 217
Carbs 550
Fat 138
Weight 173 this a.m.

Tomorrow work first, then Pull session.
Wife and my oldest will be working all day, so when they get home we'll do dessert and gifts for the wife/mom.
Contest was 2 weeks ago,weight seems to have leveled off.
Somewhere around 4k cals a day, running only test for now, and will stay with that til june.
I'll start a new log in the next couple days, going to try to get to 190+lbs by the end of the year.
Pull day after work.
SS: BW pullups wide w/ Seated rear flyes 4x10/12
SS: Barbell rows w/ DB shrugs 4x10/12
DB low rows 1x12/10/7/7/7/6 back and forth nonstop
Rear delt flyes 3x12
SS: EZ bar curls wide w/ seated hammer curls 1x15/12, 3x10/8

Calories 4228
Pro 250
Carbs 449
Fat 146

These are the macros so far today, without Dessert.
Still waiting on the wife and my oldest to get home from work so we can celebrate Mother's Day.
(I will get some dessert pics and post some food porn)

Tomorrow is probably going to be either cardio, or abs, or calves, or some combination of those...


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No training yesterday.
Calories 4590
Pro 272
Carbs 548
Fat 132

Weight 174 yesterday a.m.

Push session tonight after work.
Slight incline DB flyes (up-sets) 1x15/10/10, 1x12/10, 1x10/8
Wide grip bench press 1x20, 1x15, 1x12, 5x6, dropset 1x6/8/10
Incline DB press 3x9
SS: Close grip press w/ BW dips 3x12/8
Standing DB side lateral dropsets 1x15/10, 3x10/8/8
Seated Arnold press 3x10

Calories 4433
Pro 232
Carbs 505
Fat 150
Weight 173 this a.m.

Leg Day tomorrow.
Leg Day.

Treadmill 10 mins
Leg extensions 1x20, 1x15, 3x10, dropset 1x10/8
Lying leg curls 1x20, 1x15, 3x8, rest pause 1x10/6
SS: Leg press w/ hack squat 1x20/10, 1x15/10, 4x10/10, 1x20/10
SS: Machine calf raises w/ seated calf raises 1x15/15, 4x10/8, 1x12/12

Calories 4376
Pro 255
Carbs 537
Fat 122

Pull Day tomorrow after work.
Yesterday was pull session after work.
SS: BW Pullups wide w/ seated rear delt flyes 1x12/12, 2x10/10, 3x8/8
SS: Barbell rows w/ DB shrugs 1x15/15, 4x8/10, 1x15/15
DB low row 1x15/12/9/9
SS: Rear delt flyes w/ DB high row 3x8/8
SS: Seated alt DB curls w/ EZ bar curls wide 1x15/12, 1x12/10, 3x9/10

Calories 4455
Pro 228
Carbs 534
Fat 142

No training next two days.
Leg day.

Treadmill 20 mins
SS: Machine calf raises w/ seated calf raises 1x15/15, 4x10/10, 1x15/15
Hack squats rest pause 1x15/8, 1x12/7, 1x10/6, 1x9/5, 1x7/4, 1x9/5, 1x10/6, 1x12/7, 1x15/8
Leg press 4x15
SS: Seated leg curls w/ leg extensions 1x15/15, 1x12/12, 1x8/8, 1x12/12, 1x12/12

Calories 4358
Pro 253
Carbs 535
Fat 131

Weight 175 this morning.
Push day tomorrow
Push day.

Treadmill 20 mins
Standing cable crossover 2x15, 4x10
HS iso wide chest 1x15, 5x10, 1x15
HS iso incline rest pause 1x15/10, 1x10/6, 1x10/5, 1x9/4, 1x12/8
SS: Machine side laterals w/ Machine Shoulder Press 1x20/15, 4x15/10
Pushdowns vbar 1x30, 1x20, 1x15, 3x10, 1x12, 1x15, 1x20

Calories 4316
Pro 264
Carbs 489
Fat 140
Weight 175.

Pull session after work tomorrow.
Pull day after work.

SS: BW pullups wide w/ seated rear delt flyes 1x13/15, 4x8/8
Barbell row 1x12, 1x10, 6x8
DB low row 1x10/8/8/7 nonstop
SS: DB shrugs w/ rear delt flyes 3x12/12
SS: Seated alt db curls w/ EZ bar curls wide 1x20/8, 1x15/8, 1x12/8, 1x11/8, 1x10/8, 1x15/8, 1x20/8

Calories 4693
Pro 270
Pro 525
Fat 162
Weight 175

Legs tomorrow.
Leg day.
Legs were still sore from the 9 sets of rest pause hack squats on Sunday.
So I decided to only hit the leg press today and threw in a little variation, and that was plenty effective.

Treadmill 10 mins
Bike 10 mins
SS: Machine calf raises w/ seated calf raises 1x15/15, 1x15/10, 1x12/10, 3x10/10, 1x15/10
Leg press high wide/low narrow 2x20/10, 3x15/8, 1x20/12
Leg extensions 5x10
Seated leg curls 5x10

Calories 4770
Pro 278
Carbs 604
Fat 135

Weight 177 this a.m.
Push session before work tomorrow.
Push session before work today.
Slight incline DB flyes 1x20, 3x15
Wide grip bench press 1x20, 1x15, 4x10
Incline DB press 3x10
SS: BW dips w/ DB skullcrushers 3x12/10
SS: Standing side laterals w/ Arnold Press 3x12/8

Calories 4084
Pro 279
Carbs 429
Fat 125
Weight 177
Pull session tomorrow.
Back and rear delts today.
SS: Pulldowns wide w/ face pulls 4x12/10
Smith bent row 2x15, 3x10, dropset 1x10/8
Cable low row UH 4x12
Pulldowns Neutral 3x12
DB rear delt flyes 3x15

Trained with buddy at Planet Fitness.

Calories 3984
Pro 269
Carbs 437
Fat 115
Had a bunch of running around to do so I only got 3 real food meals in.
Other than that it was shakes, bars, and snacks.

Just Cardio tomorrow after work.
Just Cardio today: Bike 45 mins

Calories 4572
Pro 280
Carbs 489
Fat 155 (Pizza for dinner)

Not sure what kind of training will happen tomorrow, it just depends on how late I have to work.
But I do plan to get something in.
Had to make up some bicep work that I didn't do on Pull day, and threw in some calf work.
Standing hammer curls 4x15, 4x8
SS: Seated alt DB curls w/ EZ bar curls wide 1x15/8, 5x12/8
Seated calf raises 4x20

Standing calf raises after every set.

Calories 3730
Pro 267
Carbs 402
Fat 100

Weight 177 this a.m.

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