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RLTWs road to recovery(daily log on injury recovery with MAO LABS)

Hey guys.
Yesterday, I could REALLY feel the growth doin it’s thang. I woke up with a full pump, on zero carbs, and my waist/lower abdominal area was noticeably more dry and tight. Throughout the entire day, I had a constant pump in my arms that just wouldn’t go away. I decided to take advantage and smash arms. My god, the pump I got from training em was insane. Towards the end, it seriously felt like my skin was about to tear. I actually made a mental note of this, mid set lol. Even after my lift, my arms stayed pump throughout the night. Vascularity was also MUCH more noticeable too throughout the day and night.

This morning, I woke up thinking my arms would be a bit depleted from the training yesterday. I was wrong. Vascularity and pump is still in effect. My mid section is also tighter and more dry. I know a few guys on here PMd me asking if Maos growth dried me out or bloated me. Well, it’s definitely drying me out. I’m going to train legs today. Can’t wait to see what my body will feel like during and post workout.
Hey guys.

These past four days have been pretty hectic. Thursday morning my soon to be wife wakes up with severe abdominal pain. Long story short, around lunch time she goes to the ER and gets diagnosed with acute appendicitis. The surgery went well however, the recovery did not. They apparently gave a bit to much of fentanyl (one of the drugs used for anesthesia). They couldn’t bring her “out” of the anesthesia/sedation. So they hit her with narcan. Well the narcan worked but in doing so, pretty much all the pain relief from the drugs went instantly away. She starts screaming and shaking. Then gets a severe case of rigors. So they quickly hit her with haldol and Demerol. Then she goes totally unresponsive. For the next 4hrs they could not wake her and she only responded to painful stimuli (sternum rub) maybe 30% of the time. Needless to say, I thought I very well may lose my soon to be wife. They asked me to call her parents. Not a call I thought I’d ever make. Thankfully, therowdyranger was on the next train out to us. Fellas, this is what you call a true brother. This guy and I have been thru hell together and we are family. Thankfully, yesterday, she started responding more and by end of day, was able to start walking around the room. So long story short, I had to be away from my logging. I did however get a great lift in last night with rowdyranger. Destroyed back and rear delts.

I can really feel, see, and notice the hgh doing its thang. My skin has turned damn near into elastic lol. My stomach has barely any pinchable skin on it. Only a lil bit next to my naval. My arms are constantly pumped, and my vascularity has shot up thru the roof! I also can feel the Npp workin in overdrive. My strength and endurance has shot thru the roof. My stamina during a set has improved to where I’m able to do 20-21 reps instead of 15. I absolutely LOVE this effect/feeling. My shoulder has drastically improved. I’m able to do more reps and more exercises with it now. The atrophy has damn near disappeared. Symmetry is almost on point. I can’t wait for our bpc157 and tb500 to arrive. I’m very glad Mao started carrying these two!! They work absolutely amazing for people like us who have many injuries to muscle and bone.
Hopefully tonight we are able to get in another lift. Gonna shoot for arms. Until next time guys!
Lat spread. I can tell the GH is workin!! I’m super leaning out!!

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The lat spread above was today. This one below was a week ago. Crazy how the GH has dried and tighened me up!!!
Write up to follow.

Should be up later tonight.
Hey guys. Sorry for the delay. Between my black cloud of luck, rowdyrangers black cloud of luck, somehow it rubbed off on my girlfriend and she wound up with acute appendicitis. Had to have surgery which didn’t go according to plan. I’ll spare the details, so let’s just say, post op from the recovery room thru two days later were straight hell. Thankfully rowdyranger was able to come to town and help out.

We had planned to sit down and really hash out our plans for the peptide only log. Well, life came and got in the way. I was finally able to throw it up last night in the log section, so please go check it out.

Over the past 7days, I have really noticed the hgh working in overdrive. I’m leaning out way more than I’m bulking lol. The first few weeks with the Npp, man I thought I was gonna be on a roll, a nice roll to 215-220. But then the growth happened lol. Like running into a wall of bricks, my bulk came crashing down lol. Oh don’t get me wrong, I’m still putting on nice lean muscle, but any and all bloat/water/sugar/sodium retention is next to nothin courtesy of this gh.
My strength gains still climb, as well as my endurance each set. The pumps I notice much more since going into week 3-4 with the gh. The pumps are damned painful! My vascularity has also dramatically improved, as has the tightening and drying of my skin. I think it’s most noticeable in the two rear lat spread pics I posted. The one that is thick and dense was 1week prior to the garage shot of the lat spread where im much more dry and tight.
My shoulder has continued to heal and regain quite a bit of its old strength. Although, 5lb side lateral raises still smoke the hell out of it hahah.
Overall tho, I am absolutely impressed with Maos product line.
Super potent and smooth T400
EQ that I can definitely feel the appetite increase and RBCs
The NPP that is by far the best NPP I have ever ran. The pumps, the strength, the lubricated joints, man I could go on and on lol.
And finally, Maos Bluetop HGH. My god, it’s the best growth I have ever run. I scored a 28.7 on the serum test. And I do NOT test high. His growth is of pharm quality and potency. I recommend his products to any and everyone I come across. Especially his GH and his peptides.
Well, I’ll let rowdyranger talk about the peptides since he’s running more peptides than me.
Until next time fellas!!
Hey guys! Sorry for the delay. Here are some pics from this past weekend! We were out of town on a lil vacation in the Ozarks.
I can DEFINITELY tell the hgh is working strong. Skin is straight up tight and dry and leathery. Fking love it!!! Weighed in at 208!!! Will post written log shortly.



Hey guys. So it’s been a hectic past week for me. Despite the hectic week, I was able to get 4 solid lifts in. As you can see in the photos posted above, I believe the effects of the growth are starting to really show. My skin is incredibly tight and dry. Keep in mind I’m runnin T400 at 600 a week, eq at 750 a week and NPP at 100mg eod. So nothing really meant to dry me out lol. Also, I added 20mg Dbol for my pre workout. Dear god, this dbol is insane. I’m on day 5 I believe? I take it 45-60min prior to my lift and man o man, the pumps are insanely painfully awesome lol. I’ve ran this for preworkout in the past, and I have to say, this is by far the most potent Dbol I’ve ran. I gave rowdyranger 25 of em from my pack so he could try it for pre workout and his results are the same as mine lol. Incredibly painful haha. I’m also noticing much more vascularity. Pretty sure that’s the growth doin it’s thang. Another sign is I’m damn near pumped 24/7. Even several hours post workout, my muscles feel very full and solid. The atrophy from shoulder surgery is almost non existent. Symmetry is coming back very nicely. Not that I really care about that, but I will say it’s a nice added bonus.
My body overall feels much better. Joints feel lubricated and less achy. I believe that’s the effects from the Npp. I notice it most in my knees and back. Both have some pretty crappy injuries to them. Strength is also shooting thru the roof. I’m still pacing myself so that I don’t re injure anything. As the saying goes, “slow is smooth, smooth is fast.” I will be adding MGF and CJC to my peptide regiment here shortly. I will be logging those in the joint thread rowdyranger and I have posted. Once again, these are NOT for aesthetic purposes but for our multiple injuries we’ve sustained over the course of our careers in the army.
Well hope y’all have a good one.
Till the next post,
Bro, your results are nothing short of impressive as hell. Looking good man. Night and day difference. You've gotten fuller and thicker while dropping BF and some vascularity is coming out. Very nice job. You and the Rowdy Ranger are motivational as hell!
Hey guys. Here are two pics from Friday. Big difference in a week! The growth really is tightening me up! I’ll post a write up shortly. Just wanted to get these up.


Bro, your results are nothing short of impressive as hell. Looking good man. Night and day difference. You've gotten fuller and thicker while dropping BF and some vascularity is coming out. Very nice job. You and the Rowdy Ranger are motivational as hell!

Thanks brotha! I really appreciate the kind words! My back seems to REALLY be responding to the growth. I figure this is a combo of growth and the NPP.
Appreciate the log Bro.

I'm running Mao's gear and have been on his GH since January 6th. What dose are you running the NPP?

I'm running:
TestP at 65mg ED (Mao's)
NPP at 65mg ED (Mao's)
TrenE at 30mg ED (another PM Sponsor)
EQ at 100mg ED (another PM sponsor)

Like you, I love NPP and just a touch of Tren helps me dry out. I have caber on hand and will run about .5mg E3D.

Keep up the great work bro.
Appreciate the log Bro.

I'm running Mao's gear and have been on his GH since January 6th. What dose are you running the NPP?

I'm running:
TestP at 65mg ED (Mao's)
NPP at 65mg ED (Mao's)
TrenE at 30mg ED (another PM Sponsor)
EQ at 100mg ED (another PM sponsor)

Like you, I love NPP and just a touch of Tren helps me dry out. I have caber on hand and will run about .5mg E3D.

Keep up the great work bro.

Hey bro! Appreciate ya “stopping by” to check out my log.
His blue tops are top notch!!! I scored 28.7 on the serum test. I run the growth at 3iu a day. 1iu morning then 2iu at bedtime.
For the NPP I do 100mg eod. I absolutely love his NPP and t400. Both are hella potent man. The Npp is straight tits. Never ran any as good as his.
Took these last night! Holy hell my vascularity jumped thru the fucking roof!!!!

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Hey guys!
Well, do I have some updates to share! Both injury recovery and aesthetics. So it’s been about a week of running the BPC157 and I just have to say that my shoulder feels 99% fine. I’ve had some complications and set backs with this surgery but overall, it’s been a decent road. The last 3days have been a fluke tho: each morning waking up with radiating pain from the AC joint area down to my wrist. First thing I do is pin the bpc right to the AC joint. By the time it’s mid morning, the pain is gone and my shoulder feels on point. This BPC I have from Mao is potent. Way more responsive to this than from another peptide site.

Ok moving on. The Bluetops…. HOT DAYUM!!!
My vascularity has suddenly shot thru the freakin roof! I uploaded a couple pics of the vascularity. Shits insane! My skin is super tight, I’m not bloating nearly at all. First few weeks of the cycle I was bloated but soon the growth kicked in and whew, zero bloat and super tight skin! Im not even at the 8wk mark and this growth is reacting great with my body.

Lastly, it’s been about a week now that I’ve added dbol to my cycle. I was using only 20mg for pre workout but now, im adding a second pill to the mix to make it 40mg ED. This dbol, holy hell do the pumps swell and hurt. I’ve ever ran dbol higher than 20mg a day, so this is my first run with it so to speak. I definitely can tell it’s working though. My quads have seriously blown up these past 7-8days and god bless, the combo of the hgh pump mixed with this dbol, yeh it’s outta this world. Not sure if dbol makes ya more vascular or what, but between the growth and this, I’m constantly tight, pumped and full and so are my veins.

I will upload some more pics later on tonight or tomrw. Hope y’all have a great one and thanks for stopping by.
Beast on bro. :headbang:

How's the DBol and lethargy? Stuff knocks me the hell out.

Keep up the hard work brother.
Beast on bro. :headbang:

How's the DBol and lethargy? Stuff knocks me the hell out.

Keep up the hard work brother.

Thanks man!!
I haven’t noticed any lethargy from it. Just crazy pumps and fullness. Granted I’m only running 40mg a day.
Dude, I LOVE the GH pump. When I first started GH, mind you 10+ years ago, there were several things for me that I noted as changing the game:

> Insane workout pumps.
> Constant full or pumped feeling to the muscle.
> Drier look to the muscle
> All adding up to what I always refer to as the 3D effect - fuller drier, pumped
muscle that "pops".

Interesting enough, I've experimented with running GH alone, and the effects are nowhere near similar. It really seems to be a symbiotic relationship with the gear. But that's me. I have a friend that has competed several times at the USA, and he says he can cycle off and still grow off of clomid and GH alone. F'ing genetics!

Not uncommon, as you know, to experience more bloat on straight ester test such as enanthate and cypionate compared to sust. I remember the good old days of running legit HG sust and the results. Amazing!
Dude, I LOVE the GH pump. When I first started GH, mind you 10+ years ago, there were several things for me that I noted as changing the game:

> Insane workout pumps.
> Constant full or pumped feeling to the muscle.
> Drier look to the muscle
> All adding up to what I always refer to as the 3D effect - fuller drier, pumped
muscle that "pops".

Interesting enough, I've experimented with running GH alone, and the effects are nowhere near similar. It really seems to be a symbiotic relationship with the gear. But that's me. I have a friend that has competed several times at the USA, and he says he can cycle off and still grow off of clomid and GH alone. F'ing genetics!

Not uncommon, as you know, to experience more bloat on straight ester test such as enanthate and cypionate compared to sust. I remember the good old days of running legit HG sust and the results. Amazing!
Hey bro!
Yesssir, that 3D effect is on point for me now! The vascularity is insane!
Ya know, I think I may just switch to sust for the rest of this cycle to compare. I will say, before the gh kicked in, oh yeh, I was bloating rather badly haha. Now the growth is taking the bloat away (even more so than my ai). Soooo, with that being said, I’ll be hella curious when I switch to sust, just how much more dry I will be!!!!
I mean, I already got the lab results on Maos t400. It’s straight FIREEEE. So I’m not worried in that regard. I KNOW his sust will be just as good!
Beast on bro. :headbang:

How's the DBol and lethargy? Stuff knocks me the hell out.

Keep up the hard work brother.

Ok so maybe I’m starting to mayyyyybe notice this effect lmao.
Just slightly tho ;)

For real tho man, it does seem to knock me back outta the blue. What’s up with that? How’d you combat it?

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